Resurrection and Eternal Life
Everyday consciousness development
These exercises will help you to develop health, consciousness, wealthy events in life, and harmonize your life with pulse of Universe.
I suggest accomplish these exercises everyday. For everyday of month, we provide three exercises for management the events. Basis of exercises is concentration on the goal, which will be achieving. You can choice a goal of concentration, for example, healing of illness, world understanding, etc. Mainly, you must regulate the information for everybody’s salvation and harmonic development. You accomplish world salvation job, and; therefore, this regulation can realize the information war against disaster.
Practically, concentration will accomplish in following actions.
1. You define goal of concentration in some geometric shape, for example, sphere. That sphere manifests the goal of concentration.
2. You spiritually prepare to build the necessary events as God realizes that.
3. You control sphere location during the concentration on the objects, and move that sphere in most enlightened area of perception via will effort.
That is only one of possible variants of concentration. You can find many other. Very effective concentrations based on genuine world understanding.
In first exercise, you will concentrate on element of outer or inner reality; in second exercise, on sequence of digits; and in third, on word form of concentration.
The item 4.8 is essential important for second and third exercises.
Efficiency of concentration depends of your relation to it. Try to use creative approach, and hear your inner voice suggestions.
You can write digital series on sheet, and then concentrate on it. Another way of concentration is following.
Concentrating on nine digits series, you can imagine that you and goal of concentration as some ball locate in sphere center, and the digits had been writing on inner surface of sphere. You must find the most enlightened digit, and; after getting the thoughts about it, you must connect that digit with inner ball.
Concentrating on seven digits series, you can imagine the digits on some facet of cube, and you can move these digits according to your feeling for succeed maximum effectiveness.
Let describe another way of concentration. You can connect each digit with some element of inner or outer reality. For example, you can connect one digit with some feeling; and another, with some tree. That is up to you. Thus, you manifest the digits with reality elements or your consciousness elements.
These examples give you some management possibilities. You can change the concentration structure, mood of it, and symbolic manifestation of digits. As result, you will achieve more efficiency, and better time management, which is very important in everyday life. When requires fast salvation, your concentration will provide it.
If your goal is harmonic development, then time is not so important. Base factor is here harmony (in any circumstances), which will be providing by your concentration.
We assume individual character of these exercises. Choice of your development system cannot accomplish based on logistic level. Surely, you form your goal, you intent to realize it, but goal already existed in your soul, and that goal formed earlier. Therefore, concentrating on some goal, firstly, will realize goals of your soul, which are goals not only of your development, but also the development of society.
Accomplishing these goals, you will feel (on the soul level, on the level of Creator) that this is exactly what your must realize in first step.
Thus, when we are talking about concentration, we, firstly, are discussing the world harmony. Need to understand, the harmony always contains as necessary element the salvation, if a situation requires it.
Main goal of harmonic development is creation such conditions, in which never appear the dangers. We must care about eternal harmonic development.
Created and approbated concentrations in each day of the month, I dedicated for that goal. Accomplishing these concentrations, you will develop your path of development as continual and joyful, you will salvage yourself and other, and you will live eternally.
Based on these concentrations, you can actively influent on any situation. Your understanding of concentrations action as world salvation and harmonic development will open freedom, which Creator had given to you. That forms creative development of everybody and your happiness.
We provide concentrations for 31 days. If you accomplish concentrations in February, which contains 28 days, then after concentrations for 28th day, you must follow to concentrations for March 1. That means day must always correspond with day number in concentrations. Any time of day and night is acceptable to concentrations. For each day, you will define number and duration of concentrations. We suggest concentrations before important event and systematically.
If first exercise is too complicate for you, then you can remove it, and accomplish other two. In any case, you will get the results. Along the exercises, you will understand the first exercise deeply. Thus, you can accomplish the concentrations, which you like and understand.
1 day of month
1. You concentrate of right foot. That is basic point connected you with outer world. You are basing in thoughts on Earth. In your consciousness, Earth is basis. Your basic point of foot is simultaneously the point of maintenance and point of creation. You can develop your consciousness based on point as point of creation. You recognize the principle of development the plants and your physical body. According to that principle, you are able to create any outer reality. That understanding is basis of concentration.
Nevertheless, you not need to think about that deep mechanism. You can only concentrate on your right foot, and imagine event, which meets your goal of concentration. Mechanism of concentration will work automatically, and you will get the event in harmonic way, because that concentration provides harmonic development.
You can execute that concentration many times in the day.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1845421.
Nine digits for concentration are following 845132489.
3. You concentrate on world, on all objects of world. You feel any object of world is part of your. Perceiving that, you will feel slight wind from every object, which gives you the solution. When you will get that every object has your consciousness particle, you will watch Creator’s harmony.
2 day of month
You concentrate on little finger of right hand, and simultaneously hold in consciousness the desirable event. You can concentrate many times in day with different duration. You must relay on your intuition and inner voice as in other concentrations.
During this concentration, you can do something and touch some subject with little finger. It not interferes.
Important is concentration on little finger, not on the other. Management will stay harmonic.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1853125.
Nine digits for concentration are following 849995120.
3. You must consider world harmony in connection with you, and you must create that world as God creates. Watch on the world and you will see the picture from past. Watch on the world and you will see the picture from present. Watch on the world and you will see who you are. That world is forever.
3 day of month
1. You can concentrate on the real existing plant, and you can watch it along the concentration. Another approach, you imagine some plant, and then you concentrate on its imagination.
Concentrating on plant, you form necessary event in light, which reflected from the plant. You construct that event and really see it. That method called method of reflection. Event, which constructed in that concentration, will be harmonizing, because the plant exists in harmony of world.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 5142587.
Nine digits for concentration are following 421954321.
3. Watch the reality and you will see many worlds. Watch your world, come to it, and expand it. Watch world as witness. Near to world, and put your hands on it. You will feel warm of your world. Move it to your and watch Creator. Hear what He says and what He suggests. Compare your knowledge with that and get the eternal world.
4 day of month
1. You concentrate on crystals or stones. Concentrating, for example, on stone, you imagine around it some sphere of information. You watch in sphere all necessary events, and; therefore, you place those in sphere. In such manner, you control the events.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 5194726.
Nine digits for concentration are following 715043769.
3. Watch the reality from perspective, which induce harmonic methods. One method continues another. When you are going via street, you are feeling current step is appearing from previous. If you are sitting, then you can stand up. Every move is different. Move roots in previous move, and create next. Consider world as continual, as world in which every move touch you only. Monolithic world gives you the concrete methods of management. Come to that world, take it in your hands, and your hands will be the world, which hold your world. You will see that you touch the eternal world – world of all worlds. That world will be unique for everybody; world, which you choose and everybody choose. Create world, which is ideal for you and everybody. Ideal world is monolithic. You must watch everybody’s perfection and your perfection in your monolithic world, which is monolithic for everybody.
5 day of month
1. You concentrate on reality elements, which appear from your interactions with other reality elements. Let us explain what that means.
Considering some subject, you concentrate your consciousness on that subject. Therefore, that subject got some part of your consciousness and knowledge, and transferred those to other reality elements. Similarly, sun light falls on subject and then reflected light falls on other subjects.
Thus, if you concentrate on some subject, you interact with it, and then that subject sends somewhat to surroundings. Your goal is to think and illuminate what was being sending by subject. You can concentrate on that, and then imagine the necessary event. In this method, you accomplish concentration on manifested secondary element, which created the subject of your concentration.
Well, based on direct vision, or logical considerations, you find what subject has transferred to surroundings (after interaction with you). Concentrating on that corollary – secondary element of concentration – you imagine desirable event, and realize it.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1084321.
Nine digits for concentration are following 194321054.
3. When you watch sky, you know that Earth existed. When you watch Earth, you can think about sky. If you locate under ground, then sky exists above it. This truth must be a source of eternal world. Connect Earth with sky, and you will see that everything what existed under Earth can be above it. Go to your spirit, and find resurrected people where they are. Move the infinity to world truth and you will see the eternity of world, and genuine Creator. Because Creator gives to you what you have. Because you creates as Creator do. He is close to you. He is your friend. He loves you. You give Him your hands, and create as He has created. You are His creation, and you are creator. Only Creator is able to create the creators. You must be in harmony with Creator. You must be open for Him, and must be eternal in every manifestation and appearance. Everything, which you want to correct, can be correct ever. Everything, which you want to create, you can create in your location in any time. Eternity exists for perfection. Creator’s actions fill the Eternity. You are the one who watched by Creator. You are the one who want Creator realization in Eternity. You watch yourself in Eternity. Creator, which presented in you, acts with you in every your actions. Call to Him, and you will have a harmony.
6 day of month
1. You change density of consciousness structure via perception the remote objects. That method is convenient for realization the desirable event in proper place. You need to concentrate your consciousness in that place.
In contrary, your can use that method to prevent some non-wealthy event or situation in proper place. You must dissolve the negative information through disperse consciousness in that place. Dispersion of negative information leads to event dispersion.
Realization of desirable event accomplishes via consciousness concentration, which based on remote elements of your consciousness. We already discussed that method. Here you will use consciousness elements, which responsible of perception the remote objects. You can watch real physical remote objects, or objects in your imagination. In both cases, you will use the remote elements of your consciousness. If you simultaneously imagine the desirable event in proper place, then this event will realize.
Well, more remote area of your consciousness with information of event provides faster and more complete realization of event in proper place.
In relation to destructive forces, you can use dispersion method, which disperses negative information and prevents the undesirable event.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1954837.
Nine digits for concentration are following 194321099.
3. If you watch upended world, you must realize that upended, compressed, or dispersed world is always world of harmony, wealthy, and unity. Creator’s wealth lays in basis of such states of world. You can get that harmony from knowledge about your eternity, and any structure and information will not be able to change that God’s Will.
7 day of month
1. You concentrate on super-remote consciousness areas. In practice, we deal with it when we watch the remote clouds, or far objects as trees of those leaves. You must process lots of information for materialization some object or realization some event. Super-remote areas of consciousness provide super-fast processing of information. More remote area provides faster processing.
Knowing that, you watch a cloud with physical vision, or in thoughts, and simultaneously you build desirable event on that cloud (you can use any remote object for that practice). The desirable event will realize in fastest way.
Event realization will accomplish in harmonic way, because cloud cannot destroy and damage somebody.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1485321.
Nine digits for concentration are following 991843288.
3. You see, that world develops in image and status of your actions, which accomplish in correspondence with God’s will. You see that everybody recognizes world. If you are going to change it, then keep up a correspondence of your actions with everybody’s wealth. Consequently, your action will realize, your health will improve, and everybody’s wealth will come. Everybody’s wealth is deal of world, which leads to God’s Realm, to eternal life for everybody.
8 day of month
1. This day you learn to manage based on corollaries of event.
Imagine, you are sitting near to some lake, and watching a moving launch. Water is still, but behind the launch appear waves. Waves are corollaries of launch move.
Watch a leave on tree. We can consider the leave as corollary of tree existence.
Clouds cover the sky. Shower begins. Each drop we can consider as corollary of cloud existence.
Many such examples exist around us. You take some event and concentrate on one of corollaries of it. Simultaneously, you keep in mind desirable event. That event will realize.
This method is very effective. Based on it, you can change the events from the past.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1543218.
Nine digits for concentration are following 984301267.
3. Infinity of digit contour of number 8 connected the worlds, which already considered in previous seven days. When your world will connect with all worlds, you will see that your soul is joyful, as worlds count. Perceiving each particle of world as everybody’s joy, you will see that joy is eternal as eternal is wealth. In that status of joy, you will rise your hand up, and will see impulse of God’s wealth, which calls to Eternity. Watch Eternity in place where it exists. Watch Eternity in place where it not exists. Watch Eternity in place where it exists ever, and you will stay Eternity creator in place, where it missing from another person viewpoint. When you will watch and create Eternity, you will stay eternal forever, and in any world. You are creator by image, and Eternity creates you by image. Creating eternal, you will create yourself. Creating yourself, you will create eternal in same manner as Eternity creates another Eternity, and in same manner as Creator created all of us simultaneously.
9 day of month
1. Concentrating, you transfer maximum remote areas of consciousness in nearest areas of consciousness. Your perception of remote and nearest areas of consciousness must remain the same for both types of areas. In that case, you can get united impulse for creation any world element. When you will succeed that, you will stay a specialist in management, which can keep everything in good conditions based only on desire and stayed in some spiritual state.
United impulse develops some spiritual state. This state not connects with mind, because thoughts in that state can miss. That state can have simple mood on good, creation, and harmony.
That mood creates wealth development of events. Based on that method of concentration, you illuminate especial form of perception. Perception locates in your consciousness, presents part of your consciousness, and you intentionally structure it for management.
Method involves deep knowledge of management, which based on consciousness.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1843210.
Nine digits for concentration are following 918921452.
3. Watching the world as core of world structure, you will see that everything (plant, human being, animal, molecule, etc.) has one God’s basis. God showed mechanism of everything creation. Watching how God created, you will create too. Understanding that via beginning and deepness of your ego, you will see the ego development, and ego transformation in world. You are that world. You are the reality. Watch on that via world eyes, via eyes of everyone, via your eyes and you will see that your soul is your eyes. Watch world via soul and you will see world as it is. You can correct it, if that is necessary. You will see world as world of Eternity. You will know your path always when you watch world from inside and outside.
10 day of month
1. You concentrate on the objects, which you perceive in one impulse of perception. First, you prepare for perception all objects in one impulse. Then, you must recognize all these objects in one impulse.
In the beginning of that practice, you will get partial perception of objects. Do not worry about that. Your target is maximum full perception of the objects. You will get this perception after some time of practice.
However, even in the beginning you will get some information about each object. For example, you will get the information about objects existence.
Getting the information about object, you must find point of concentration and prepare to impulse. Then, you can consider any object. You can get access to all management spheres. If you will perceive many objects simultaneously, then you will manage big information area.
As concrete example, I give you some result of that practice. Assume you watch a computer. One glance only will enough for you to understand how manage that computer, and what you can get from that computer.
That concentration helps to get information from any object, because you learn to manage information objects. Access to information accomplishes on logical or direct spiritual basis.
Well, I had given to you concentrations for first ten days of month. The other concentrations you can find based on cause-effect connections in information area. What you already know, you can develop further based on fundamental management position. However, I will continue my description, but in brief topics.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1854312.
Nine digits for concentration are following 894153210.
3. Union of two digits, one and zero, gives you an ability to watch world from the beginning, when zero presents in one. You act when you increase one with zero in ten. You action must be harmonic. You must understand that every your action can qualitative and quantitative increase your manifestation. You are world manifestation. Harmonize it with what you are watching. Watch yourself and your thoughts. You must be in place where you are presenting. You must be in place where you are not presenting. Your harmony must lead to Eternity. Resurrection is Eternity element. Immortality is also Eternity element. You must find for yourself genuine Eternity, in which immortality and resurrection are just particular cases of Eternity. You must be creator of everything. You must clear imagine and recognize what is follow up after resurrection and genuine immortality. Genuine immortality creates next Eternity status, next world status, and next person status. You must recognize that other problems, problems of Eternity, which you consider, create new worlds, which you build in consciousness. That world you will get when you succeed the Eternity. You eternity includes in you (like one and zero gives ten). You just need to understand that. Transfer to that level via logical action (as union action of one and zero), and you will get the Eternity in every your action, in every your manifestation, and in every your step.
11 day of month
1. You concentrate on interaction between animals and human being. For example, in your home live dog, cat, or parrot. Think about your interaction with them on deep level. What is sense of these contacts and interactions from your and they perspectives?
Understanding the processes of thinking and perception of all participants of interaction will give the possibility to enter in structure of reality management.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1852348.
Nine digits for concentration are following 561432001.
3. Number 11 is world manifestation (you add one to one), which is inside of you and which everybody can see. You are a being, which everybody can see and can get your harmonic experience of development. Share your experience with other and you will get Eternity.
12 day of month
1. You concentrate on events, in which assembled some object. For example, a goose lost his feather. In that case, you concentrate on action of restoration that feather. How you can restore that subject? You try to understand how to restore the subject.
Another example, a leave fails from some tree. How get back that leave on its place on tree?
That is concentration on assembly the separates objects in one, providing their normal state. Practice in that concentration develops management.
In this concentration, as in many others, you can consider yourself as object of concentration. You can restore any of your organs. Some women asked me once to restore her womb, which removed in surgery. Using this concentration, I had restored her womb (see document in Appendix B).
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1854321.
Nine digits for concentration are following 485321489.
3. Unite with world in its covering. Unite with world, which you perceive it in your actions. You will see that your actions are core of world, which harmonizes with you everywhere and in any time. You will see, that Creator send to you His wealth, and want to join with you. You must have union in place of God’s development. Union with Creator exists in development. In divine, genuine, and constructive development will be accomplishing that union. You develop in direction to Eternity, and that will be joining with Creator. Life eternity is genuine union with Creator.
13 day of month
1. You concentrate on discrete separated elements of some object of reality. Let assume, you watch some object. That can be truck, palm tree, or stone. No matter what the object is. You consciously consider parts of object. For example, you can imagine truck, which assembled from many parts.
You can consider in such manner any object, excluding a human being. We must consider a human being as one object. This is law. Any other object you can consider separately. Your goal of consideration is detection existing connections between parts. You are finding these connections and simultaneously keeping in consciousness a desirable event, for example, healing somebody or getting the ability of direct vision. On this way, you will realize the management of that event, and will improve your management ability.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1538448.
Nine digits for concentration are following 154321915.
3. You will watch the faces, which created world before you. You will watch the mechanisms, which created world before you. You will watch world, which was before you. You will feel that you exist ever. Transfer that feeling to these faces, to these mechanisms. You will see that everything around you (created artificially or naturally) is Creator. He manifested you in what you are watching. Your manifestation is world, which will create. In such manner, you can detect any constructive technology of intellectual, spiritual, or technological development. Consider the development as equal development of any reality element and any information object, then you will see core of your soul, personality, and Creator. Individuality of Creator and everybody creation is base of world harmony, which existed always, in everything, and understand everybody. Creator creates everybody individually, and in one moment. Thus, you can create world individually and simultaneously for everybody, for any space-time.
14 day of month
1. You concentrate on moving objects. You are watching those and asking the questions. “Why the cloud moves?” “Why is raining?” “Why the birds fly?” “Why happens something?” You try to find information sense of each event.
If you are concentrating in such manner, and simultaneously keeping in consciousness the necessary event, then you will realize it. Correspondently, you will improve your skills in management.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 5831421.
Nine digits for concentration are following 999888776.
3. You must watch your hands as hands reflected the life light. You must watch your fingers as fingers reflected light of hands. Watch your body as body enlightened with clear light of Creator – light of love, good, and health for everybody, and light of my doctrine about the eternal life. In that day, you can perceive that Doctrine of Eternal Life, my doctrine, and you can ask me in thought about your problem. You can ask me also in any another day and ask me about help in development eternal life and creation for everybody. Ask me and you will get help. You can ask yourself, and can recognize what you got from me. You can recognize that knowledge, and share it with others. In that day, you can harmonize with me (as in any other day). You can ask me also when the time will be not measuring with space-time. You can ask me about help, conversation, some event, and just to attention. You are free as you was ever. Take that rule, and expand it for everybody, then you will get eternal life in place where I am. You will get eternal life in place where you are. You will get eternal life in place, where everything exists. That principle will be genuine and true, as it is now. You are a person, who exists in Eternity, and you are Eternity.
15 day of month
1. In second day, you concentrated on little finger of right hand. Today you can use for concentration any another part of body (another finger, or nail, or any another part). Then concentration accomplishes similarly to concentration in second day.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 7788001.
Nine digits for concentration are following 532145891.
3. In fifteenth day, you can feel Wealth of God, which sent from Universe Mind created by God. That Mind thanks God for His creation and status, which provides Him an ability to reproduce Universe. You can feel wealth of plant or animal in relation to you, wealth and love from another human being. You will see that you love them. Creation, Wealth, and Understanding are in Love. Love of everybody to everyone is Creator, which manifests world in your appearance. You are appearance of Creator’s Love, because He is love related to you. You got present of God from the beginning, and you are creator, because Creator creates you. Go to Him. He is everywhere. Go to His call. His call is everywhere. He is where you are. He is everywhere, where you are. You are in God’s moving, and you are His Eternity manifestation. Go to care of Creator. He created eternal world in everybody’s development. You will see that world is eternal, and manifests your Eternity. You are creator, which creates eternal. Creator created you as eternal when He created world.
16 day of month
1. You concentrate on elements of outer reality, which contact with your body. Are you remember sentence, “Sun, air, and water are our best friends”? You need to recognize contact with such “best friends.”
You feel the warm and touching of sunlight.
You feel wind, sometimes quite power, sometimes very week. You can feel the non-moving air, or hot and humidity of weather.
You can feel the freshness of water when you swim, or take shower.
You can accomplish these concentrations in any season and you will recognize the interaction with nature forces.
You can practice these concentration everyday. If you will keep the necessary event during the practice, then that event will realize.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1843212.
Nine digits for concentration are following 123567091.
3. Feel harmony in everywhere. Harmony belongs to Creator. Feel the harmony, where it is and where it will be, where it was, and where it was not. That is harmony of transformation in eternal life. Go to yourself, and feel the harmony everywhere. You will see the waves of joy and happiness, which harmony creates. You will see that you create world as stabile and harmonic forever. You are warrior for eternal life and eternal belief in God’s Divine.
17 day of month
1. You concentrate of the elements of outer reality, which surround you always. There are surrounding space, Sun, Moon, star constellations etc. You concentrate on some such element and simultaneously keep in consciousness necessary event for realization.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1045421.
Nine digits for concentration are following 891000111.
3. Watch the resurrection of everybody. You will see that world restoration is reality in which you live. You will feel that you locate in eternal world. Move forward along the path, and you will see Creator, which is eternal. You will enjoy your eternity. That joy is eternity of life and Creator. That is Creator, which created you. His Love is infinite. His simplicity is credential. He is simple and clear as you imagine. He is creative and kind as you had thought. He is Creator of you and He shows your path. Go on that path. That path is your path.
18 day of month
1. You concentrate on static objects (building, table, tree, etc.). Choose somewhat of those. You need to detect individual core and sense of selected object. Sense of object is sense for you. You must understand what means that object for you. During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1844212.
Nine digits for concentration are following 185321945.
3. You move in direction to people. You move in direction to events. You work in direction with resistance. When you watch that, the resistance will decrease, power of it will be weaker, and you will watch world of Eternity, even the resistance still there. Go and present everywhere. You are able to be everywhere. You can embrace the world of Wealth. Thus, fight the resistance for eternal life wealth, and the resistance will destroy. Then, you will see and accept the light of eternal life, and that will realize for all the time forever.
19 day of month
1. You concentrate on set of separated elements of outer reality, which appeared as result of one element transformation. Let give some examples. Cloud transforms in the raindrops, or leaves separated from tree. During the concentration, you try to find the laws, which prevent such process development. Core of that concentration is search of such laws. During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1254312.
Nine digits for concentration are following 158431985.
3. Spirit fighting for your place in world, as fighting of your soul for manifesting Creator, leads to your control about intellect and mind. Your consciousness will stay universal. You will stay what you are. Your Eternity manifests in your considerations and your considerations stay Eternity. Your thoughts make world eternal. You will be there, where you are locating, and you will be there, where you are not locating. You will be eternal, even world constructed from time intervals. Interval of world will stay world if you will be there. Space will unit with eternity, if you will be there. Time will disappear, and you will be in move, in eternal time. You will feel eternal time, and that time will come to you. Every moment of your time is eternal. Feel Eternity in every moment, and you will see that you already got Eternity.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
20 day of month
1. You concentrate on remote areas of consciousness. Your goal is help for other people. Imagine you need to explain something to some person. You will explain something, which that person does not know and understand. We already know that every person have full knowledge in his/her soul. Thus, you must help that person to recognize information, which he/she already owns. By the way, genuine understanding is recognition the information from soul.
Arousal of person to recognition information from soul we will realize via remote areas of consciousness.
Realizing that concentration, you involve in world salvation program. Principal thing of your concentration is management for everybody wealth, and positive development of events for everybody. No matter, is a person far or close to you, your management will help everybody.
We can call that management as concentration of everybody’s success. We imply that according to your work, the events development will be positive for everybody.
You can add additional exercise in practice beginning.
You concentrate on remote objects such as Sun, planets, star constellations, etc. You not need to watch those via physical vision. Your goal is recognition the objects as objects of information.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1538416.
Nine digits for concentration are following 891543219.
3. Consider world from highest point of your consciousness, from deepest position of your soul, and with spiritual desire to everybody’s wealth. Consider world as world, which created now, and create it as it is now. However, try to create world and change it state. Change and decrease the defects of world in direction to eternal life and positive development. You will see that the defects are not defects, those are non-correct world understanding. Recognize world correctly, as Creator gave it to you. You will see that creator is everywhere, and truth is everywhere. Just need to step in. Just need to not neglect, and come to truth forever. You will see that world changed. You will see that Universe is your, and Creator welcomes you. You will see that you are creator, and you can create everywhere forever. You are Creator’s assistant and assistant for everybody. You create creator and you come to point of union for everybody. That union pint is your soul. Watch it and you will see life light. Your soul creates that light. Light of your soul calls you to development. Light of your soul is world. You watch world because your soul watches. You watch soul, because you have soul eyes. Watch yourself, and you will see your union with world, which existed always. Your consideration is consideration of world. Your knowledge is knowledge of world. Disseminate your life knowledge and spread up your soul light and you will see eternal life in such state, in which you are. You will see that eternal life is long time with you. Eternal life is always existed. It exists. It will exist forever. Eternal life is you.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
21 day of month
1. You concentrate on digital series in reverse order. Let give an example: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, and 10. Numbers in series must be between 1 and 31. Thus, you have 31 numbers. Relay on your intuition when you create the series.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 8153517.
Nine digits for concentration are following 589148542.
3. Watch on mountain brook. Watch snow melting. Imagine these pictures, if you watch those. You will see that your thoughts not distinct from your eyes. You will see that your consciousness not distinct from your body. You will see how your soul builds your body. Do not forget that knowledge. Transferring those from second to second, from you to another person, and creating from moment the Eternity, you will always build yourself as you live earlier without efforts. That eternal creation is eternal life. Build around you other objects, based on the same principle. Build the worlds. Create joy, seed the wheat, create bread, and construct the tool and machine. Do the machine non-destructive. You will see that in machine manifested God and consciousness. Stop the machine if it is danger. Build the body if it is seek. Realize resurrection, if somebody has gone. Prevent death of somebody. You are creator then act with harmony of world. Act with harmony of everything, which created. Act with harmony of everything, which will create in infinity and manifestation of world. Act with harmony of yourself.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
22 day of month
1. You concentrate on reality elements, which infinitely reproduce. For example, you can concentrate on Eternity conception, or infinite space conception.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 8153485.
Nine digits for concentration are following 198516789.
3. God creates your soul structure. God restores your soul structure. Watch how God creates and restores your soul. Your soul is in action of restoration. Open your world and watch where God restored. Watch mechanism of restoration and your will see Love. Love brings the light for world. Love is basis of world. Love exists forever and from beginning. Who created Love? Watch and you will see yourself. Your Love is you belonged to Love. Create with love, wealth, and great joy of eternal life and everybody’s happiness, then you will see everybody’s joy of your surroundings. Watch joy of everybody and happiness fills your heart. Be in happiness, be in harmony and that happiness brings to you Eternity. Watch via your eyes, watch via your eternal body, watch via eternal glance on your relatives, and give them Eternity. Watch via your Eternity on world, on your surroundings and give them Eternity. World will bloom and flower appears, which bloom eternally. That flower will be your world, which is world for everybody. You will live and your happiness will be infinite.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
23 day of month
1. You concentrate on development all elements of reality in direction of God’s goal realization.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 18154574.
Nine digits for concentration are following 581974321.
3. Watch on world. Watch on business, which must done. Watch your feelings. Watch the connections of those with events. Why you watch forward? Why you feel? Why your business develops in such manner? Word “else” cannot be presenting in world because world in unitary and different in its unitary. Why word “unique” means diversity? Feel nature of events in your concrete business. Watch your business from all perspectives. Watch your organism and restore it in conscious moment. Watch your consciousness and make it for solution of all your problems. Watch your soul and see that everything already is there.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
24 day of month
1. You concentrate on shape of human being and transform it in some another object (for example, videocassette, pen, or plant). You must see an element of human being, which can transform in videocassette, for example. That means - we need to consider a human being for transform his/her shape in videocassette.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 5184325.
Nine digits for concentration are following 189543210.
3. You watch your reality. You come to reality, which is you. Consider all days from first until 24th, and you will see that your love is infinite. Watch world with love. Watch how you construct your feeling. Consider the feeling as eternal creation and you will come to love as to Eternity. You come to it always and will stay with it forever. Creator is your God. Creator creates you as loved. You are God’s creation and you love. Love is life, and life is Love. Manifest your love everywhere you will appear. Manifest your love in places, which define and predefine you. You cannot express love in words, and you cannot express love in feelings. Your actions are love on the place, where you create.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
25 day of month
1. You concentrate on set of objects, which you choose. You classify objects in groups based on some property. For example, you can set in one group tape and audiocassette, because those accomplish one function. Tape and radio-device you can put in one group because those created on electronic base. In one group, you can put objects of one kind, for example, two different books. If you consider the book content, then you can put these books in different groups. You are free to choose classification property.
Staying in your home, you can use the surrounding objects for concentration.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1890000.
Nine digits for concentration are following 012459999.
3. Come to the thought about you. Catch the thought about you as your reflection. Watch yourself as you are watching the others. Watch yourself as you are watching everybody. Watch yourself as you are watching a tree branch, plant leave, and dew on grass or show on sill. You will see eternal things. You will see you are eternal.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
26 day of month
1. You concentrate simultaneously on part of object and on whole object. Consider an example. You watch the cowherd and simultaneously some of cows. You concentrate on some cow and imagine cow’s further development. Same way you can consider the ants and some ant separately.
Your goal is to embrace in one glance the whole and part simultaneously. Concentrating in such manner, you will get such ability to see whole and its part simultaneously.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1584321.
Nine digits for concentration are following 485617891.
3. Understand that you will develop eternally. Watch that your development is permanent. Involve in process, which develop eternally. Every move is eternal, and every thing is reflection of Eternity. Every individual is Eternity. Every soul is many eternities. Go to multiform eternities from one unitary Eternity. You will see that Eternity is one only for everybody. Come via that to your soul understanding, and you will see that you are creator of what you need. Apply that to creation of anything, and you will see that you created everything. Apply that to your organism creation, and you will see that you can restore organism in any time. Apply that to health of the others, and you will get the experience if you healed somebody. Everything restoration is always an experience for you. Create more kindness, joy, and happiness and you will get the Eternity as technological instrument of your consciousness. Expand consciousness on firm conditions of Eternity. Outrun the Eternity in infinity, and consider yourself as Creator’s manifestation. You create on place, where the Eternity expanded. You are creator of Eternity, you control the Eternity, and you compel the Eternity.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
27 day of month
1. Your concentration repeats concentration of ninth day. Just add to it infinite development of every element of concentration.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1854342.
Nine digits for concentration are following 185431201.
3. Help to those, who need help. Help to those, who not need help. Help yourself if you need help. Help yourself if you not need help. Consider the word “help” is expanded sense. Consider kindness as help manifestation. You are kind and you help. You are creator and you have help. Every action of your creator brings help to you. Everything, which you created, is help for you. You have an infinite number of assistants as you help to infinite number of the others. Lead society in common connections and help one to another to the wealth. Give happiness to everybody, and you will see yourself in harmony of world. World in which God-Creator is everything created around you and created by you. World is manifestation of God in surroundings of you. Manifestation of God as your creator will express in your soul as genuine world understanding, which self developed after accepting infinite life. Infinity of life is infinity of Creator. Being infinite living you must be infinite creating and co-creating. We not need to do something for being infinite creating. We created forever for being co-creating. You are able to do that every your thought, every your move, and every your action will create Eternity.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
28 day of month
1. Your concentration repeats concentration of eighth day with one important addition.
You, probably, remarked, we summarized the numbers of previous day 2 and 7: 2+7=9. In current day situation is different; we must multiply numbers 2 and 8. Thus, eight will double, and program of eighth day will repeat. You not need to repeat that concentration exactly; you need change it. For example, you can change somewhat in yourself, or in concentration conception. Using old schema of concentration, you can discover new aspect of it.
Your understanding and perception of that concentration must permanently expand and recess. Concentration is a creative process, which maintains your development.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1844512.
Nine digits for concentration are following 195814210.
3. Watch yourself as you are watching on world. Watch Creator, as Creator is watching you and get from that an understanding about Creator’s expectation of you. Watch His look, and you will see it. You will see that Creator’s look directed to far events of world too. Thus, your goal is management of these events of world. You must transform any event in harmonic event. That is your genuine goal from beginning. Creator already created and realized and your goal is follow that path, because you are “image of God.” Creator had self-created, and created you too. Create yourself and the others. Create the others and give them wealth, then you will get world, which created for you, for others, and for Creator. Create for Creator, because He created you. Create for Creator, because He created everything. Thus, everything created by you, you always created for Creator.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
29 day of month
1. You accomplish generalized concentration. Revise all concentrations from first day until 28th. You must accept those in one impulse; all concentrations you perceive in one moment of perception.
Analyze your work and create new platform for next month.
You can imagine all concentrations as some sphere and place it on some infinite line, in which you include next month as beginning interval. You will create new platform for your infinite development.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1852142.
Nine digits for concentration are following 512942180.
3. Watch world via your eyes. Watch world via your feelings. Watch world via all your cells. Watch world via your organism and via all your manifestations. Watch world, watch yourself, and watch inside of you. Watch world with understanding of it surroundings of you. Watch reality, which gives you life. Watch reality, which gives Eternity. You will see that any perspective gives one reality, which creates life and Eternity. Creator created that reality, and eternal life. He sees you as you see. He sees you as you not see. He created you. He is God.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
30 day of month
1. You accomplish first concentration on created platform. That concentration is basis for next month.
Concentrate on world harmony. You must find, enjoy, and wondering about it. You are amazing about its perfection. You are amazing of world harmony as corollary of Creator perfection.
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1852143.
Nine digits for concentration are following 185219351.
3. Principle of your concentration of previous days in that day can be basic. In February, number of days is 28 or 29. Thus, on thirtieth day, you will concentrate on first or second day of March. That transition shows eternal life cycle. Find the Eternity in all your previous harmonies. Find harmony in that simple example, because only after February we have joining between numbers 30, 1, and 2. Joining of the numbers, which are distinct in nature, says us about universal nature of anything. Find universal nature in everything, in any information element. Find universal nature in hidden and visible manifestations. You will see, you will feel, you will recognize, and you will inspire.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
31 day of month
1. You concentrate on separated areas of manifestation. For example, you watch some tree, ground under it, air above and around it. All that components are the manifestations, which joined in your consciousness. You watch in those an eternal life reproduction. Life is eternal. Recognize that. Remember that when you are watching and feeling the surrounded world, and when you are dissolving in it. You will get the understanding of Truth: LIFE IS ETERNAL!
2. Seven digits for concentration are following 1532106.
Nine digits for concentration are following 185214321.
3. Concentrate in that day on yourself. You are healthy and everybody around you is healthy too. World is eternal. The events are creative. You see everything in positive light only. Everything around you is always positive.
During the concentration, you must keep in consciousness the necessary event, which will realize.
Notice to concentration
You must define number and duration of concentration by yourself. You define the most important result of your concentrations. If you aim the result for some date, then add that date to concentration.
Remember, these exercises are creative, and develop you. Basing on that concentration, you will develop spiritually. Thus, level of concentration will increase permanently and infinitely. You will detect that your life will begin to improve (that is result of your development). You will take your life management in your hands.
These exercises develop your consciousness, provide health, and harmonize your progress with Universe Pulse.
Vladimir Sudakov, the "BW" observer
From time to time foreign mass media sources publish information on mysterious people protecting Russian leaders from any unexpected events, dangers and illnesses. It is likely that the time has come for us to tell the world about the man who "sees through" the government planes, and in case some defects are discovered, he is vested with the power to prohibit the flight; about the extrasensor granted with the talent to diagnose illnesses and cure people a long way off, find the disappeared people, foresee the fall and growth of the exchange rates and many other things. The magician's name is Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi.
Between Alpha AND Omega
By force of the understandable reasons his name remains unknown to the majority of the Russians, although specialists in paranormal phenomena of the human psychology refer to him with great honours, and the world "stars" in extrasencorics have recognised him as "one of theirs". As the Bulgarian fore-teller baba Vanga says it is because he has the "immense force", and his unusual capabilities indeed range from "alpha" to "omega".
As far as we had to mention the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet, I will also mention the 23rd one, i.e. "psi". This is the abbreviation used by the para-psychologists of the planet to indicate the subject of their speciality: spirit, spiritual world existing outside the time and space, and the soul uniting the spirit and the physical body. Those who have the stronger spiritual impulse are granted to create what we got used to call miracles: to cure, to see the invisible, to penetrate with the extra-sound velocity the obstacles and distances by his will and thought.
In sort, these are the premises of extrasensory perception and influence. Some receive this quality with the genes of their remote ancestors; many bushmen from the Kalahari desert are telepaths as they have preserved the relic parts of the cerebral subcortex responsible for the intuitive liaison with nature since the humanity origin. Others acquire this gift as resulting from the trauma: Sai Baba, the great Indian magician, had discovered his capability to revive the dead after he had hardly died himself being bit by the scorpion.
Let's recollect apostle Paul who being yet Sail, on the way to Damascus had got blind and after that he was gifted with the holy force.
But we are left to guess where Grigory Grabovoi is "rooted". As far as I know there were no clairvoyant in his kin; the fate was keeping him away from any shock.
Grigory Petrovich is only 32 years old but looks even much younger. He remembers himself from the cradle: yet unable to speak he understood what the adults were talking about (even now he understands foreigners at the level of thoughts). Since the age of five he could foresee the events - his mother sends him to the bazaar on a bicycle to fetch some home-made cheese but he refuses to go saying, "There is no cheese there". Soon the neighbour rushes in; the police turned out to have dispersed the traders in the morning, and the cheese was indeed missing ....
He, himself, never paid great attention to the capability of his direct vision thinking it to be vitally natural for all the people; moreover, the idea that they had such a phenomenon among their friends had never come to any of his contemporaries from the Kazakh village of Bagara. And yet by the age of 12 Grigory started to understand that he is not like others. Otherwise how could he perceive his ability to change the sequence of events? Being aware of the unpleasant meeting he started thinking the man waiting for him could be distracted by other, more important matters, i.e. was changing the layer of thinking, fixing his attention to alternative details. Everything used to be as he liked in the end.
I must say that when a child and then a teenager Grisha had never been offended by action or words, not because he was going in for karate but sooner for his some "peaceloving" energetic membrane covering him. Maybe because being already a teenager and discovering the unknown mightiness he put the objective for himself to foresee the coming troubles and put the obstacles for them.
This is his credo until present. Both the extrasensory force, as he admits himself, has not reduced but increased since then; simply with the age he turned out to make thrifty use of his inner treasure, not to fritter away his energy, but apply it only in the cases of emergency, e.g. when it is necessary to rescue (save) a man. For some time past Grigory often thinks of protecting against the catastrophe not single men but the whole at large.
Grigory came to the awareness of his suitability to fulfil such a mission working at the Tashkent Machine-building Designing Bureau after graduating from the university. The cosmic machinery was designed there, and Grigory apart from this was studying the theory of catastrophes. His own concept of barring those catastrophes was maturing in him.
... When a student, getting ready for the exams, he was reading a book. Suddenly he felt the unexplainable vibration in his body. In his mind he saw the nuclear power station, smoke, fire and people dashing around. It happened a month before Chernobyl. And three days before the catastrophe the vision came again: graphite pivots were on fire. The visual picture of Shredinger's equation regarding laws of microcosm: tunnel passage (notion of quantum mechanics) and the silvery speck of dust, electron's energy endeavouring to change one level for another. This made Grigory's flesh creep: the blast is inevitable very soon, the content of the graphitis in the pivots has considerably exceeded the norm!
All this came to Grigory at the clairvoyance level. And I asked him why he had not given all up, why he had not rushed to where it was necessary, had not striken all the bells...
- But who would have believed me, obscure (unknown) student? - he objected to me sadly. - If they had hidden their heads ostrich-like there in the Kremlin, and then for a long time had been continuously drawing a soft and pleasing picture of the "situation under control"...
The mankind will have to deal with the conscequences of the Chernobyl's explosion, "I have seen the heaviest streams of neutrino to rush along the globe perpendicular in four sides with a 5 degree deviation. Their impact on human genetics can be waived 120 years"...
Time was passing. Grabovoi was demonstrating miracles in his secret Designing Bureau by defining defects in the planes, prompting what could happen if this and that had not been done. Once he was invited by Gani Mazitovich Rafikov, the Head of the Uzbek Division of Civil Aviation, to take the position of the inspector on the flights' safety and, simultaneously, of the expert on the extrasensory monitoring of avionics. His second job made him obliged to see the invisible, the first one provided him with the right to ban a take off. He had done it far from once when his "third eye" discovered the broken wires or other disorders in the airliner's belly. He cancelled the takes off of the President's aeroplanes. Therefore, the state leaders undoubtedly know who is their
In the hands of the Brazilian, Karmin Mirabelli, solid objects turned into liquids. Analysis of the metallic rods bent by the Israeli, Uri Heller, with the force of his will, shows the changes in their molecular structure... It is impossible to imagine how they achieve this, it is unlikely one would manage to get their explanations; moreover, they are not only far from us - one - in time, another - in space, they are secretive, as both have experienced severe persecution, both have been declared to be swindlers...
As for Grigory Grabovoi, here he is, facing us, the veil of secrecy does not seem to bother him; he regularly repeats his credo: "Any event can be changed. My forecasts are not fatal, I am always looking for the constructive method of forestalling. I do not change the object I am changing the situation around it."
After Chernobyl Grabovoi prudently documents his oracles. In his archives there are hundreds of acts verifyed by stamps and signatures of the authorized specialists. There follow some of their contens.
Aircraft IL-86 No 86052. Extrasensor Grabovoi G.P. foretold the decrease of power in the 4th engine that could not be accounted for the technical defect. Probably it could result from the collision with a bird. The result was the following: in seven days, on 27.01.92, when the plane was descending, the crow got into the channel of the 4th engine. The pilots who were aware of the forecast managed to balance the traction and landed the plane packed with the passengers. The airconsumer and the cook were damaged. The engine was withdrawn from exploitation.
Aircrafrt IL-62 No 86704, 20.01.92. Extrasensor Grabovoi G.P. drew the attention to the possibility of destruction of the material in the region of combustion chamber of the engine No 3. The note in the aircraft log-book made in 11 days proves the discovery of the burnt through nozzle device. The engine was urgently withdrawn from exploitation. (One can imagine what could happen if during the flight the working spades of the turbine had been torn off and broken the fuselage through!)
Aircraft IL-86 No 86056. Extrasensor Grabovoi sent the information on the insufficient safety of the equipment in the front toilet-rooms. The log-book states: "22.01.92. Water leaks from under the panel in the front toilet-room. The water was cut off during the flight." (Again it is useless to be guessing what could happen if the water intersected the means of the aircraft management control: electronic equipment is displaying false refusal of the engines, pilots are switching them off...) This resulted in the fact that the IL-86 designing bureau had hermetically strengthened the toilet-rooms...
I will repeat that official certificates of this type encount hundreds. Each of them has in the end the phrase ,"Information given by the extrasensor Grabovoi G.P. has been fully confirmed." We remain to guess why avialeaders had not taken any measures after getting such information waiting for the forecast to be proved... By the way, those managers themselves were greatly astonished by another thing how could this young man, being far from an expert in the aircraft-building, manage to see the inside of the plane and identify the defects in it: computer, wheels, transformer, oil pipe line, etc? Besides, this young man is identifying defects without leaving his office, it is enough for him to know numbers of the aeroplanes - once it happened on the agreement with the Soviet-American Joint Venture "Askon"... Grabovoi seems to receive prompts from somebody on where and what...
In May, last year, the high aeroflot leaders arranged the "experimental testing" of the extrasensor's potentialities. They organised the commission constituting experts from the Antonov ANTK and Fergana Mechanical Plant. Grabovoi was entrusted to diagnise An-12 No 1901 belonging to the Bulgarian Company "Air Sophia" during 2-3 seconds at the 25 m distance. I will cite the minutes:
"Grabovoi G.P. did not apply any means of instrumental diagnostics and had no chance to make inquiries on the aircraft condition for the lack of time... Before diagnostics nobody knew about the defects that were identified by him and later jn discovered and confirmed by the commission in its acts. Defects were discovered only in those places which had been pointed out by Grabo