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Grigory Petrovici Grabovoi


Sep 21, 2010
Reaction score
Din timp in timp mass media internationala publica informatii despre misterioasa protectie a conducatorilor rusi, protectie care-i protejeaza de evenimente neasteptate, pericole si boli.
A venit probobabil momentul ca lumea sa afle mai multe despre omul care « vede » prin avioanele guvernului, si in cazul in care anumite defectiuni sunt constate, el poate anula sau interzice un zbor.
El este un «extrasenzorial» care are capacitatea de a diagnostica boli, de a vindeca oameni de la distanta, de a gasi persoane disparute, de a prevedea caderea bursei sau nivelul de schimb si multe alte lucruri. Numele magicianului este Grigori Petrovitci Grabovoi. Dupa cum celebra vizioanara bulgara Vanga a spus, el are o forta imensa si o capacitate iesita din comun care acopera toata gama, de la Alpha la Omega. Astfel, dupa cum am mentionat dupa prima si ultima litera a alfabetului grec, este cazul sa fie citata si a 23-a care este “psi » Aceasta abrevire este utilizata de parapsyhologii planetei pentru a subiectele specifice specialitatii lor : spiritul, lumea spirituala care exista in afara timpului si spatiului, sufletul care uneste spiritul si corpul fizic. Toti acei care poseda acest miraculos spiritual impuls pot sa creeze ceea ce noi numim miracole : sa vindece, sa vada invizibilul, sa traverseze cu o viteza superioara sunetului obstacole sa parcurga distante prin vointa si gandul sau.

Intre Alpha si Omega
Datorita unor forte si motive de neinteles numele sau ramane necunoscut marii majoritati a populatiei ruse, in timp ce specialistii in fenomene paranormale si psihologiei umane fac referinta la numele si persoana lui cu mari onoruri numindu-l « star extrasenzorial» si l-au recunsocut ca fiind « unul de-al lor ». Astea sunt pe scurt premisele a ceea ce numim “ extrasensory perception and influence”.
Unii mostenesc aceste calitati de la stramosii lor, transmise prin genele unor intregi generatii ; numerosi «bushmen » din Kalahari sunt telepati, iar ei au conservat aceasta calitate in cortexul cerebral, care este responsabil de legatura cu natura intuitiva inca de la inceputul umanitatii.Altii au dezvoltat acest dar ca rezultat al unei traume: Sai Baba marele magician indian a descoperit ca poseda capacitatea de a resuscita mortii numai dupa ce a fost pe punctual de a muri el insusi, dupa ce a fost muscat de un scorpion. Ramane sa descoperim unde este “inradacinat” Grigori Petrovici Grabovoi. Dn cate se stie,el nu avea nici un fel de clar vazatori in familie...
Grigoy are doar 32 de ani insa arata cu mult mai tanar ; Isi aminteste el insusi de cand era in leagan : inca incapabil sa vorbeasca, el intelegea absolut totul despre ce adultii vorbeau in jurul lui ( chiar si acum el intelege strainii la nivelul gandului) De la varsta de 5 ani el putea sa prevada evenimentele- daca mama lui il trimitea sa cumpere ceva, el refuza sa mearga,spunand : nu are rost sa ma duc pentru ca nu mai gasesc sa cumpar.. Curand vecinii incep sa verifice spusele lui,si constata ca intr adevar, branza sau legumele ,nu se mai gaseau pe piata. El insusi nu a acordat nicioadat o mare importanta capacitatilor lui de viziune directa si credea ca e ceva specific, natural pentru toata lumea.De alminteri, ideia ca poate exista un asemenea fenomen printre prietenii lui, nu i-a venit nici unui contemporan din satul Bagara. Incepand de la vasta de 12 ani, G.P.Grabovoi incepe sa inteleaga ca el nu este ca toti ceilalti. Daca nu, cum ar fi schimbat el cursul evenimentelor ? Fiind constient de intalniri neplacute,el incepe sa se gandeasca la faptul ca omul respectiv ar putea fi distras de alte lucruri sau de chestiuni mai importante , cu alte cuvinte el a inceput sa aiba acces, sa-i modifice «un strat » din gandire fixandu-i atentia la detalii alternative. Infinal totul era asa cum dorea el. Trebuie sa spun ca in perioada copilariei si a adolescentei Grisha, nu a fost niciodata agresat prin actiuni si cuvinte, si nu pentru ca celor din jur le-ar fi fot teama ci pentru ca era acoperit de membrane energetice de « peaceloving » .Fiind adolescent deja, si descoperindu-si puterea necunoscuta si-a impus obiective lui insisi: de a prevedea problemele care vor veni si de a le obstructiona.

Pentru Grigory este credo-ul sau pana in prezent. Forta sa extrasenzoriala nu a diminuat, ci dimpotriva o data cu varsta cu a devenit tot mai mare, marturiseste el insusi. Cu trecerea anilor, ca un adevarat gospodar, el isi foloseste comoara interioara doar pentru cazuri unice, nu vrea sa-si risipeasca energia in spectacole ieftine care sa uimeasca asistenta, ci intervine cand este necesar sa salveze viata unor oameni aflati in pericol. De o buna perioada de timp Grabovoi se gandeste tot mai des sa protejeze impotriva catastrofelor nu numai un om aflat in fruntea uni stat ci lumea in ansamblul ei. Grabavoi, este sensibil si constient de aptitudinea si capacitatea sa, de a duce la capat o asemenea misiune; el lucreaza la Tashkent Machine-building Designing Bureau dupa ce a absolvit universitatea. Aici el a proiectat si aparate cosmice, in afara de acest studiu al teoriei catastrofelor. Conceptul sau de a elimina catastrofele, se dezvolta si incepuse sa se materializeze.
….Cand un student se pregateste pentru un examen, el trebuie sa studieze o carte. Brusc el simte o vibratie inexplicabila in corpul sau; in mintea sa a vazut fum, foc si oameni alergand la o centrala nucleara. Aceasta s-a intamplat cu o luna inainte de catastrofa de la Chernobyl, si inca 3 zile inaintea catastrofei viziunea ii revine din nou : pivoti de grafit care ardeau...
Imaginile viziuale ale ecuatiei Shredinger’s cu privire la legile microcosmosului: trecerea prin tunel ( notiune din mecanica cuantica) si firele formate din punctisoare argintii ca un praf il face sa inteleaga ca energia electronilor incearca sa schimbe un nivel pentru altul. Aceasta imagine l-a facut pe Grigory sa inghete: explozia va fi inevitabila si va avea loc curand ; continutul de grafit in pivoti depasise cu mult normele.
Acesta este nivelul de clarviziune a lui Grogory. L-am intrebat de ce nu a dat nici un fel de alarma de ce nu a facut tot ce era necesar sa protejeze locul sa impiedice catastrofa…

-Dar cine m-a crezut pe mine un obscur, si necunoscut student ? – obicteaza el cu tristete. -Din nefericire ei s-au opus opiniilor mele. La Kremlin si-au ascuns capetele in nisip ca strutii pentru o lunga perioada de timp, si prin programele lor televizate au lasat lumea sa creada ca ei au permanent situatia sub control.
Umanitatea va trebui sa faca fata consecintelor exploziei de la Cernobyl. Am vazut imense si puternice fluxuri de neutrino aruncate perpendicular de-a lungul globului cu o deviere de 5°. Impactul lor asupra geneticii umane se va resimti timp de 120 de ani...

(Schrödinger Equation
The Schrödinger equation describes the time variation of the state of quantum objects, which is characterized by the wave function. If the wave function ψ at the initial moment of time is known, then by solving the Schrödinger equation is possible to find ψ at any subsequent time t.
quantum mechanics
Branch of mathematical physics that deals with atomic and subatomic systems. It is concerned with phenomena that are so small-scale that they cannot be described in classical terms, and it is formulated entirely in terms of statistical probabilities. Considered one of the great ideas of the 20th century, quantum mechanics was developed mainly by Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, and Max Born and led to a drastic reappraisal of the concept of objective reality. It explained the structure of atoms, atomic nuclei (see nucleus), and molecules; the behaviour of subatomic particles; the nature of chemical bonds (see bonding); the properties of crystalline solids (see crystal); nuclear energy; and the forces that stabilize collapsed stars. It also led directly to the development of the laser, the electron microscope, and the transistor.

Va urma
Odata cu trecerea timpului Grigori facea adevarate miracole in biroul lui de design prin descoperirea unor defecte la avioane si determinand ce s-ar putea intampla daca acesta nu ar fi reparate. El a fost invitat de Gani Mazitrovici Rafokov, seful diviziunii Uzbece a aviatiei civile pentru a fi investit cu functia de inspector al securitatii zborurilor, si simultan, expert in monitorizarea extrasenzoriala a avioanelor. Cu al doilea job, el vedea invizibilul, iar primul ii dadea dreptul sa interzica decolajul unui avion. S-a intamplat de mai multe ori cu « al treilea ochi » sa descopere fire rupte sau alte defecte in burta avioanelor de linie. El a anulat zboruri ale sefilor de stat. Asa au stiut acestia cine a fost salvatorul lor.

De paza Ingerul terestru
In mainile brazilianului Karmin Mirabelli obiectele solide se transforma in lichid.
Analiza tijelor metalice indoite de Uri Heller prin forta vointei sale, arata modificarile care au loc la nivel molecular. Este imposibil de imaginat cum ei reusesc sa realizeze aceste experiente, si deasemeni este dificil de a obtine niste explicatii logice- si unul si altul, au suferit persecutii si amandoi au fost declarati excroci.
Cat despre Grigory el este prezent aici alaturi de noi si dezvaluirea secretelor nu pare sa il deranjeze ; el repeta regulat credo-ul sau :
-Orice eveniment poate fi modificat. Previziunile mele nu sunt funeste. Eu sunt in cautarea unor metode constructive de prevenire. Eu nu schimb obiectul, ci schimb doar evolutia situatiilor in jurul sau. Dupa Cernobyl, Grabovoi isi inregistreaza viziunile ; In arhive exista sute de acte validate cu semnaturi si stampile, semnate de specialisti. Iata cateva si continutul lor :

Aeronava IL-86 n ° 86052. Extrasensor Grabovoi G.P. care prezince diminuarea puterii mototului numarul 4 care va prezinta defecte tehnice si care vor proveni de la coliziunea cu o pasare. Rezultatul a fost urmatorul: In 7 zile, pe data de 27.01.1992 cand avionul incepuse sa coboare, o cioara a intrat in canalul celui de al 4-lea motor. Pilotul care era déjà la curent cu previziunea, reuseste sa echilibreze tractiunea si sa aterizeze cu un avion plin cu pasageri. «the airconsumer » si bucataria au fost deteriorate. Motorul nu a mai putut fi folosit si a fost fost retras din exploatare.

Aeronava IL-62 Aircrafrt n 86704, 20.01.92. Extrasensor Grabovoi G.P. a atras atentia asupra posibilitatii distrugerii materialului in zona camerei de combustie a motorului nr 3. Nota a fost trecuta in carnetul de zbor cu 11 zile inainte, si dovedeste ca accidentul ar fi putut avea loc prin arderea duzei. Motorul a fost retras din exploatare imediat. (Se poate imagina ce s-ar fi putut intampla in timpul unui zbor cand turbina ar fi fost sparta, fuselajul ar fi fost smuls)
Aeronava IL-86 No 86056. Extrasensor Grabovoi trimite o informatie pilotului aeronavei privind securitatea insuficienta a unui echipament de furnizare a apei. In jurnalul de bord sta scris: "22.01.92. Apa se curge sub panoul din fata bucatariei. Apa a fost oprita pe toata durata zborului. Inca o data sa poate imagina ce s-ar fi putut intampla daca apa ar fi intersectat echipamentul de control al avionului.
Acest tip de certificate oficiale exista cu sutele. Fiecare din ele incepe cu fraza: “informatie data de extrasenzorul Grabovoi” toate fiind confirmate. Ramane numai de ghicit de ce conducerea departamentului de aviatie civila nu a luat totdeauna masurile dupa primirea unor astfel de previziuni. In acelasi timp insisi managerii au fost uimiti, surprinsi de faptul ca un om tanar nefiind expert in contructia avioanelor, reuseste sa vada in interiorul acestora, sa identifice defectiunile in computere, la roti, motoare, transformatoare, conductele de ulei!! De altfel acest tanar identifica defectele fara sa paraseasca biroul sau; pentru el era sufficient de sa aiba numarul aeronavei. Odata stabilit acordul cu Soviet-American Joint Venture "Askon”Grabovoi pare sa fi primit solicitari de la cineva care…
extraordinar ce am citit ! in sfarsit,un extrasenzorial care face bine,nu numai sa anunte apocalipsa!
oare de ce nu a actionat si in Japonia? la centrala nucleara,evident.
Magda, nu stiu! Insa pot afla care sunt noutatile de la o persoana foarte apropiata lui.
O sa incerc maine cu un telefon.
Liderii de la Aeroflot au aranjat un « experimental testing » in care sa puna la incercare potentialul extrasenzorului. Ei au organiat o comisie de experti de la Antonov ANTK and Fergana Mechanical Plant. Lui Grabvoi i-a fost incredintata diagnoza unui An-12 No 1901 apartinand companiei bulgare « Air Sophia » pe o durata de 2- 3 secunde, de la o distanta de 25 m. Citez din procesul-verbal incheiat cu aceasta ocazie:
Grabovoi pentru « diagnosticul » sau nu a folosit nici un fel de instrumente si nu a avut ocazia sa se informeze asupra conditiei aeronavei in prealabil. Inainte nici cei din comisie nu cunosteau defectele existente pe aeronava si, care, au fost identificate de Grabovoi cu ocazia testului totul fiind imediat consemnat in procesul-verbal. Defectele au fost descoperite numai in punctele indicate de Grabovoi (o coroziune avansata a lonjeroanelor, dar in acelasi timp extrasenzorul a descoperit fisuri de 14-20 mm in invelisul avionului vecin An-12 1204. Defectiunile semnalate la ambele avione au fost remediate imediat. Au mai urmat teste la alte aparate de zbor; Grigory Grabovoi a indicat la fiecare defectiunile existente indiferent de zona unde sa aflau. Inginerii mecanici, electrotehnicienii le confirma in acceasi zi. Cei din comisie au decis ca precognitiile ( perceperea evenimentelor viitoare) lui Grabovoi vor servi ca baza pentru pentru luarea masurilor de remediere inainte de zbor.
In acelasi timp unul dintre membrii comisei ii cere sa identifice motivele prabusirii unui avion (" avia-accidentsit"-cei de la Avia, folosesc aceasta denumire pentru avioanele care se prabusesc) Grabovoi nu a fost surprins de intrebare si satisface cererea FEA « Rampa »; astfel el de la distanta defineste ce s-a intamplat cu avionul An-12 No 11337 in 14.03.1995 in regiunea aeroportului Baku. Tot ce a fost declarat de catre extrasenzor, a fost confirmat ziua urmatoare dupa aterizare prin studierea proceselor verbale incheiate cu ocazia accidentului: acesta a survenit datorita opriri consecutive a celor doua motoare, , defecte electoenergetice, exces de greutate al marfurilor comerciale transportate, violarea tehnologiei de catre echipaj…
In realitate nu am putut rezista tentatiei de a verifica acuratetea experientelor duse de Grabovoi. Mi-am scos ceasul de la mana si i-am cerut sa-mi spuna de unde provine. «Ceasul v-a fost oferit de un barbat cu parul alb, imbract in alb, cu trei ani in urma » A fost randul meu ca surpriza sa ma lase cu gura cascata.....Este adevarat ca ceasul mi-a fost prezentat de un seic arab cu parul alb si imbracat cu o « rochie alba »
Voi intra in detaliile de psyhodiagnostic demonstrate de Grabovoi, ca sa fac cititorul sa evalueze talentul sau si modul in care merita sa-i fie recunsocut. Biolocatia obiectelor a fost deasemeni practicata de el ceva mai inainte,la ordinul comandantilor unei baze militare a marinei din Leningrad, prin care extrasenzorul trebuia sa determine locatia hidro-geografica a vapoarelor pe harta. Exactitatea raspunsurilor lui Grabovoi depasea toti parametri posibili.. De aceea cititorul este indreptatit sa intrebe ce fel de intuitie poseda acest om ?
-Nu aceasta nu este intuitie este clar –vedere, raspunde Grigori Petrovoci Grabovoi. Eu pot vedea absolut totul in cele mai mici detalii. Viziunea in timp real este 100 % fara greseli (Real-time vision is 100% faultless) Privind in trecut si in viitor este cu totul altaceva .
Magda, la sugestia ta am aflat ca Mr. Grabovoi si-a oferit ajutorul Japoniei. A trimis scrisori catre Ambasadele Japoniei de la Moscova, din Germania, catre UNESCO, tinand seama de drama populatiei. Deasemeni un mesaj a fost trimis Primului ministru al Japoniei dl. Naoto Kan.
Insa, pana la ora actuala nu a primit nici un raspuns, dovada ca oamenii politici sunt prea "ocupati" sa acorde atentia cuvenita scrisorilor lui.
Aveti o scrisoare originala in rusa si traducerea ei in engleza.

Всем заинтересованным лицам
от Грабового Григория Петровича

Я закончил факультет прикладной математики и механики Ташкентского Государственного Университета, защитил диссертацию на соискание ученой степени доктора физико-математических наук "Исследование и анализ фундаментальных определений оптических систем для прогноза землетрясений и катастроф производственных объектов", М., Из-во РАЕН, 1999, с. с. 9 - 19, получил патент на изобретение "Способ предотвращения катастроф и устройство для его осуществления". Этот патент по данным Роспатента имеет в настоящее время статус действующего. В реферате патента опубликованного на сайте Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности, патентам и товарным знакам записано: "Преимуществами заявленных способа и устройства для его осуществления являются повышение эффективности за счет точного прогнозирования начала возникновения катастрофических явлений, возможность дистанционной нормализации положения в зонах предполагаемых катастроф.". В реферате патента записано, что технологии изобретения можно быстро применить для противодействия землетрясениям в Японии: "Пример 2. При тех же условиях, что и в предыдущем примере проводилось сканирование элемента 12, соответствующего зоне предполагаемого землетрясения - карте Японии. Было спрогнозировано возникновение землетрясения с магнитудой 6,2, которое произошло 09 ч 03 мин 03 июля 1999 г. Занижение магнитуды в сравнении с первоначально спрогнозированной величиной составило 0,8 балла." В связи с происходящими процессами катастрофического характера в Японии, предлагаю помощь в противодействии этим процессам следующим образом:
1. Производство диагностики причин развития катастрофических процессов АЭС "Фукусима-1" и "Фукусима-2" в Японии.

2. Предупреждающее прогнозирование катастрофических процессов природного и техногенного характера в Японии. Выработка на основе указанного прогнозирования рекомендаций по противодействию катастрофическим процессам происходящим в Японии.

3. Дальнейшее развитие научных разработок определенных в труде "Исследование и анализ фундаментальных определений оптических систем для прогноза землетрясений и катастроф производственных объектов" в приложении к территории Японии.

4. Использование патента на изобретение "Способ предотвращения катастроф и устройство для его осуществления" для нормализации всех процессов в Японии.

5. Предоставление обучающих материалов с зарегистрированными и апробированными методиками обеспечения безопасности жизнедеятельности для противодействия катастрофам.

Приложения по тексту.

С уважением, Грабовой Г. П..
20.03.2011 г.

Dr. Grigori Grabovoi
Earthquake and disaster at the nuclear power plant "Fukushima, Japan
Ladies and Gentlemen,
my name is Grigory Petrovitch Grabovoi. I graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics of the State University of Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and I completed my dissertation to obtain the
academic degree of Doctor in Physics and Mathematics on "Research and analysis of the basic provisions of
the optical systems for the prediction of earthquakes and disasters in industrial facilities " (published by
RAEN, Мoscow, 1999, pages 9 to 19), successfully.
In this framework I have developed and patented a device, I successfully predicted an earthquake with, in
Japan in 1999, and its effect was reduced. In connection with the current catastrophic events in Japan, I
herewith offer my help to decrease the process:
1. Diagnosis of the causes of the catastrophic development processes of the nuclear power plant
"Fukushima‐1" and "Fukushima‐2".
2. Supporting forecast of the catastrophic processes of natural and technological nature in Japan and
recommendations to decrease these processes, due to the forecast.
3. Continuation of scientific development, as described in the work "Research and analysis of the basic
provisions of the optical systems for the prediction of earthquakes and disasters in industrial facilities ", on
the territory of Japan.
4. Use of the patent of my invention "Method of reduction of disasters and means to prevent them”, for the
normalization of all relevant processes in Japan.
5. Provision of educational material of the registered and approved methods, to save lives and prevent
disasters in general.
The patent for my invention "Method of reduction of disasters and means to prevent them”, I received from
"Rospatent” (Russian Patent Organization). This patent has valid state. It is listed at the federal office for
intellectual property, patents and trademarks, including the following wording:
"Advantages of the described method and the device is to improve the efficiency of the precise forecasting of
the beginning and / or the emergence of disasters and
the possibility of a remotecontrolled
normalizing the
situation in areas of suspected disasters”.
The patent also states that one can use the technology of this invention for a short‐term counter action
effect of (the) Earthquake/s in Japan:
“Scanned was a part of the map of Japan (and Kamchatka), which corresponded to the zone of a suspected
earthquake. The emergence of a magnitude 6.2 earthquake which
also happened then, on the 3rd of July
1999 at 09:03 a.m. had
been predicted. The reduction of the actual maximum strength compared to the
originally projected size was 0.8 degrees”
This result was achieved with an apparatus for experimental purpose, only. I would be very glad to report
to you about further results and explain the given method in detail.
G. P. Grabovoi
Moscow, 20 March 2011
Am postat in mesajul anterior scrisoarea originala adresata de Mr. Grabovoi adresata Primului ministru al Japoniei. In acelasi timp a trimis scrisori catre Ambasada Japoniei la Moscova, Ambasada japoniei din Germania si UNESCO;

Ajutorul sau se poate materializa prin aplicatea inventiei sale al carei text poate fi gasit in atasamentul anexat:


The use: for prevention of natural or anthropogenic catastrophes. The essence: light radiation signals from a component corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe are processed using an optical system comprising sensory elements made from a crystal, for instance, from rock crystal, that have the shape of identical cubes arranged along the direction of propagation of the radiation and placed in a glass sphere. The last cube is connected by means of an optical fiber to a transducer; the transducer is connected via an amplifier to a processor system. In the optical system, normalized radiation is formed. It is preferable to conduct scanning of various sections of a component made, for instance, in the form of a terrain map, wherein the zone with increased parameters of normalized radiation corresponds to the section of the origination of the catastrophe. Thus, for natural catastrophes, the section of the origination of the catastrophe has characteristics that are 20-28% higher than characteristics of radiation from other sections of the component, and for anthropogenic catastrophes the respective increase is 10-12%. The technical result: increased efficiency while at the same time expanding the fields of application of the claimed method and device.

DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The invention can be used for prevention of various catastrophic phenomena, whether natural, for instance, catastrophic earthquakes, or anthropogenic catastrophic phenomena, particularly at production facilities. The closest to the claimed method in the technical essence is the method for preventing a natural catastrophe – an earthquake – by recording and processing signals that characterize the location in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe (see the USSR certificate of authorship No. 1030496, cl. Е 02 В 27/34, 1983). According to the known method, vibration signals in the form of vibration of Earth’s crust coming from an earthquake epicenter are processed using a network of geophones by receiving electric signals. At information acquisition, recording and processing centers the received signals are converted to command signals fed to radiators made in the form of vibration sources. The generated or normalized signals in the form of elastic wave oscillations are sent to the earthquake origination zone. Seismic vibrations are damped due to interaction of high-frequency elastic vibrations from the vibration sources with low-frequency wave vibrations from the earthquake epicenter. The shortcoming of the known method is its low efficiency because a counteraction to a catastrophic earthquake
Page 2 of 8 is only conducted when the earthquake has reached sufficient degree of development; because of this it is necessary first to receive a number of predictive signals at the information acquisition, recording and processing center. Besides, the known method has limited functional capabilities because it only can be used for preventing earthquakes and is useless for preventing other catastrophic phenomena, for instance, anthropogenic catastrophes. The closest to the claimed device in the technical essence is the device for preventing a natural catastrophe – an earthquake - comprising a converter of signals that characterize the location in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, and a radiator that generates signals facilitating normalization of the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe (see USSR Certificate of Authorship No. 838014, cl. Е 02 В 31/08, 1981). The known device uses as the signal converter a vibration transducer that converts mechanical vibrations originating during an earthquake to electric signals the amplitude of which is proportional to the amplitude of mechanical vibrations. The signal processing system comprises a preamplifier, modules for separation of basic frequency, a module for automatic phase tracking where the phase of a valid signal is shifted 180°, and a power amplifier. The radiator is made in the form of a vibration compressor generating vibrations that have the phase opposite to the phase of vibrations generated during an earthquake and that facilitate normalization of the situation in the zone of origination of the earthquake. The shortcomings of the known device are its limited functional capabilities because it can only be used when there is a catastrophic earthquake. Besides, the operation of the known device entails great expense due to unusually high power consumption because of the need to radiate mechanical vibrations for sufficiently long time. The object of the invention is to increase the efficiency of the method for prevention of catastrophes while at the same time expanding functional capabilities of the claimed method and the device used for implementation thereof, and to reduce the cost of implementation of the method. Said object is achieved by the new method for prevention of catastrophes by timely forecasting an incipient catastrophe and generating signals that normalize the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, the method being implemented by means of the new device. According to the invention, the method for prevention of catastrophes is implemented by recording and processing signals characterizing the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, wherein signals of light radiation from a component corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe are processed using an optical system comprising sensory elements made of aligned crystals arranged in tandem along the direction of the sensed radiation, and normalized radiation is formed in the system in order to normalize the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe; and it is preferable to: conduct continuous scanning of various sections of the component corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, identifying the section of the origination of the catastrophe by the increase of characteristics of radiation coming out of the optical system compared to characteristics of radiation from other sections; identify sections of origination of a natural catastrophe by a 20-28% increase of characteristics of radiation corresponding to this section compared to characteristics of radiation from two sections; define the section of the origination of an anthropogenic catastrophe by a 10 -12% increase of characteristics of radiation corresponding to this section compared to characteristics of radiation from other sections. According to the invention, the device for prevention of catastrophes comprises a converter of signals characterizing the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, a system for recording the signals, and a radiator that generates signals facilitating normalization in the zone, wherein the signal converter comprises a component corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, and an optical system comprising: sensory elements made of aligned crystals arranged in tandem along the direction of the sensed light radiation that have the shape of identical cubes shifted with respect to each other and having different orientations of their optical axes wherein respective planes of the cubes are parallel; a glass sphere the cubes are located in and form a continuous transparent structure with; and a transducer of normalized radiation connected by means of an optical fiber to the last cube in the direction of radiation propagation and connected to a processor system; and it is preferable to: make the signal transducer in the form of a combination of the optical system and a terrain map where a catastrophic earthquake is anticipated to originate; make the signal transducer in the form of a combination of the optical system and a telemetry system with a monitor where the component corresponding to the zone of anticipated anthropogenic catastrophe is displayed; to provide the processor system program package with all kinds of parameters of zones of anticipated catastrophes. The invention is based on the theory of wave synthesis developed by the applicant, combined with the formula of general reality (see the thesis for the degree of a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences: Grigori Grabovoi™, “Исследование и анализ фундаментальных определений оптических систем для прогноза землетрясений и катастроф производственных объектов” [Research and Analysis of Basic Definitions of Optical Systems for Forecasting Earthquakes and Catastrophes of Industrial Facilities], Moscow, RAEN Publishing House, 1999, pp. 9 - 19). According to the theory of wave synthesis, reality can be viewed as a periodic intersection of stationary and dynamic regions, wherein the synthesis of a dynamic wave and a stationary wave occurs in the intersection zones. In crystals, a similar process makes it possible, by solving the inverse problem, to derive from a stationary medium in the form of a crystal the dynamic components of wave synthesis, i.e., the time phase. With certain arrangements of crystals in space, the medium that is the source of a certain component of light normalizes. Thus, it becomes possible to normalize the medium the information about which is contained in the light component. Besides, it is possible to
Page 3 of 8 the time of deviation from the norm after the optical system resources are exhausted, for instance, to determine the time of the earthquake or catastrophe. Normalization of the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe is facilitated by the use of the radiator in the form of a microprocessor; normalization of the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe is accomplished by means of the optical system that receives information from the radiating medium; the system is comprised of aligned crystals arranged in tandem along the direction of the sensed light radiation. As a radiating medium one can use a terrain map or a telemetry system with a monitor. When light from the radiating medium arrives at sensory elements of the optical system, the initial action of normalizing the radiating medium by the first crystal occurs at the moment when the component of light from the third crystal passes through the fourth crystal, and the next normalizing action occurs when the component of light passes through all the crystals. Light has been selected as the information-carrying medium because this will make it possible to visualize and record the laws of relations established by the formula of general reality. As the source for receiving output information one can use a normalized radiation transducer made, for instance, in the form of a temperature transducer connected to the last sensory element. Signals from the transducer are recorded using a processor system the transducer and radiator are connected to. The use of the program package with all kinds of parameters of zones of anticipated catastrophes makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the claimed device. In the general case, the claimed method and device make it possible to convert, for decrease or prevention, information, in the form of light pulses, about both natural and anthropogenic catastrophes, and forecasting and prevention of all kinds of catastrophic phenomena can be performed from any point in space. The attached drawings show the following: Fig. 1 shows the arrangement of sensory elements in the optical system (projection on plane ОХ, О2, where ОХ is the horizontal direction and О2 is the vertical direction), Fig. 2 shows the general view of the device used for implementation of the method for prevention of catastrophes, and Fig. 3 shows the general view of the device used for implementation of the method for prevention of catastrophes. The device comprises: sensory elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in the form of identical size cubes that are located in the glass sphere 8 and form a transparent monolithic system with it; an optical fiber 9 that connects the last sensory element with the normalized radiation transducer 10; а laser 11; а component 12 corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe made, for instance, in the form of a terrain map; ан amplifier 13 of signals from the transducer, the amplifier installed at the input of а processor system 14 that has a package of programs for processing signals from the transducer and is connected to а display 15 and to а radiator 16 of signals facilitating normalization of the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe; and an object 17 generating bioelectric signals. The number of sensory elements in the optical system can be set at 7, 14, etc. Sensory elements 1-7 are made from crystals, for instance, from rock crystal or diamonds, in the form of identical size cubes that, for instance, have the face length of 20 mm. When the material of the glass sphere 8 secures the cubes, the side faces of all cubes are positioned parallel to each other. The arrangement of cubes 1 - 7 in the sphere 8 and orientation of their optical axes are selected such that prevention of catastrophic phenomena, for instance, earthquakes, with harmonization occurs. The cubes are shifted with respect to each other in two mutually perpendicular planes as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The output parameters of the optical system are recorded using the normalized radiation transducer 10 located on the side of the sphere 8 opposite to the terrain map 12. It is preferable to make the transducer 20 in the form of a fast-response supersensitive film component serving, for instance, as a temperature transducer. The use of the laser 11 makes it possible to increase the accuracy of measurement of signals from the transducer 10. The use of the object that generates bioelectric signals additionally facilitates normalization of the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe. The operation of the device is described when describing the claimed method for prevention of catastrophes. According to the claimed method, light radiation from the component 12 corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, which is made, for instance, in the form of a full-scale terrain map is aimed at the optical system comprising the glass sphere 8 wherein sensory elements 1-7 made of aligned crystals arranged in tandem along the direction of the sensed light radiation are located. When converting light radiation in such optical system (see Fig. 3), a normalized to the maximum light volume is released. Normalization occurs when a light component passes through sensory elements 1-7; their mutual arrangement causes harmonization of the light volume which in turn normalizes the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe. Herein, the degree of alleviation of the catastrophic phenomenon is commensurate with the amount of normalization of the light volume. After passing through the amplifier 13, signals from the normalized radiation transducer 10 are transmitted to the processor system 14 containing a package of programs for processing of incoming signals. After the signals are processed, their characteristics are displayed on display 5. When a catastrophic phenomenon is forecast, radiator 16 is activated, and additional signals which facilitate normalization of the situation in this zone are sent to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe. It is preferable to conduct continuous scanning of various sections of the component 12 corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe by means of sequential absorption of radiation coming from the component 12 in all sensory elements 1-7. Herein, the section of the origination of the catastrophe is identified by the increase of characteristics of radiation from this section compared to characteristics of radiation from other sections. During the origination of a natural catastrophe, for instance, of an earthquake, characteristics of radiation from the section of the origination of the catastrophe are 20 - 28% higher than the characteristics of other sections of the component 12. When characteristics of radiation increase by less than 20%,

catastrophic phenomenon will occur, and when characteristics of radiation increase by more than 28%, one can conclude
that an emergency catastrophic phenomenon is developing. During origination of an anthropogenic catastrophe, for instance, of a catastrophe related to failure of a nuclear reactor work cycle, the section of the origination of the catastrophe is identified by a 10-12% increase of characteristics of radiation. When characteristics of radiation increase by less than 10%, no catastrophic phenomenon will occur, and when characteristics of radiation increase by more than 12%, one can expect an extreme course of events.

Below are examples of implementation of the claimed method using a prototype of the claimed device comprising an optical system consisting of a glass sphere wherein seven sensory elements made of rock crystal in the form of identical size cubes with the face length of 20 mm are distributed in tandem. The normalized Radiation ↓

Fig. 1
Page 5 of 8

Fig. 3
Page 7 of 8 radiation transducer in the form of a thin-film temperature transducer is connected by means of an optical fiber to the last cube in the direction of propagation of light radiation. The transducer is connected via the amplifier to the processor system input made with the capability of accelerated calculation of a quadruple integrator.

Example 1. The origination of a catastrophic earthquake in the Kamchatka region was studied. The glass sphere 8 with sensory elements 1-7 was placed at a distance of 250 mm from a full-scale map of Kamchatka; the normalized radiation transducer 10 was placed on the side of the sphere 8 opposite the side facing the map. Signals from the transducer 10 were passing through the amplifier 13 and entering the processor system 14 where they were continuously processed, recorded and displayed on the display 15. Measurements were taken during a period beginning at 09:03 on June 26 1999. The origination of a 5.1 magnitude earthquake had been forecast; it happened at 09:03 on July 03, 1999, and due to the use of the claimed device its magnitude decreased by 0.4 points.

Example 2. Under the same conditions as in the example above, scanning of the component 12 corresponding to the zone of anticipated earthquake – a map of Japan - was conducted. The origination of a 6.2 magnitude earthquake had been forecast; it happened at 09:03 on July 03, 1999. Due to the use of the claimed device its magnitude decreased by 0.8 points compared to the originally forecast magnitude.

Example 3. Under the conditions similar to example 1, a map of Alaska was scanned. The exact time of the origination of an earthquake with the magnitude of 4.8 had been forecast; it happened at 19:26 on July 4, 1999, and its magnitude decreased by 0.5 points.

Example 4. Under the conditions similar to example 1, a map of Philippines was scanned. The exact time of the earthquake with the magnitude of 4.0 had been forecast; it happened at 13:22 on July 4, 1999, and as the result of using the claimed device its magnitude decreased by 0.2 points.
Analysis of the obtained data demonstrates that complete confirmation of the forecasting phase was obtained 7 days before the beginning of an earthquake, with the exact indication of the time of the beginning of the earthquake. As a result of using the claimed device, the range of decrease magnitude was 0.2-0.8.
The advantages of the claimed method and the device for implementation thereof are increased efficiency due to accurate forecasting of the start of the origination of catastrophic phenomena, and the capability of remote normalization of the situation in zones of anticipated catastrophes. Used together, the claimed method and device have a broader field of application because they can be used for preparation for and prevention of both natural and anthropogenic catastrophes while completely maintaining environmental cleanliness when using them. Besides, the cost of implementation of the method is reduced due to the simplicity of its operations and the possibility of multiple use of the device by means of which the method is implemented.


1. A method for prevention of catastrophes comprising recording and processing of signals characterizing the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, distinct in that signals of light radiation from a component corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe are processed using an optical system comprised of sensory elements made of aligned crystals arranged in tandem along the direction of sensed radiation, and normalized radiation for normalizing the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe is formed in the optical system.
2. The method per claim 1, distinct in that continuous scanning of various sections of the component corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe is conducted, and the section of the origination of a catastrophe is identified by the increase of characteristics of radiation coming from the optical system compared to characteristics of radiation from other sections.
3. The method per claim 2, distinct in that the section of the origination of a natural catastrophe is identified by a 20-28% increase of characteristics of radiation corresponding to this section compared to characteristics of radiation from other sections.
4. The method per claim 2, distinct in that the section of the origination of an anthropogenic catastrophe is identified by a 10-12% increase of characteristics of radiation corresponding to this section compared to characteristics of radiation from other sections.
5. A device for prevention of catastrophes comprising a converter of signals characterizing the situation in the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, a signal recording system, and a radiator that generates signals facilitating normalization of the situation in this zone, distinct in that the signal converter comprises a component corresponding to the zone of the anticipated catastrophe, and an optical system comprising: sensory elements made from aligned crystals arranged in tandem along the direction of sensed light radiation and made in the form of identical cubes that are shifted with respect to each other and have different orientations of their optical axes, wherein respective planes of the cubes are parallel; a glass sphere wherein the cubes are located, the cubes and the sphere forming a continuous transparent structure; and a normalized radiation transducer connected to the last cube by means of an optical fiber, wherein the transducer is connected to a processor system that has a package of programs for processing the transducer signals.
6. The device per claim 5, distinct in that the signal transducer is made as a combination of the optical system and a map of the terrain where the origination of a catastrophic earthquake is anticipated.
7. The device per claim 5, distinct in that the signal transducer is made as a combination of the optical system and a telemetry system with a monitor where the component corresponding to the zone of an anticipated anthropogenic catastrophe is displayed.
8. The device per claim 5, distinct in that the processor system package of programs includes all kinds of parameters of zones of anticipated catastrophes.

NOTICES OF A CHANGE OF THE LEGAL STATUS Document Link Code of change of the legal status ММ4А Bulletin publication date 2005.11.27 Bulletin number 200533

Asta-i documentul fara desene :D:
Antetul mesajului atasat de Anuk este urmatorul:

(19) RU (11) 2148845 (13) C1
(51) 7 G01V9/00 G01V8/20


of the Russian Federation
(14) Publication date: 05.10.2000 (71) Applicant: Grabovoi Grigori (21) Application registration number: 99120836/28 Petrovich (aka Grigori Grabovoi™)
(22) Filing date: 10.07.1999 (72) Inventor: Grigori Grabovoi

(24) Date of patent: 10.07.1999 (73) Patentee: Grigori Grabovoi
(46) Date of publication of the claims: (98) Address for correspondence: 115230, 05.10.2000 Moscow, Kashirskoe Shosse
(56) Analogs of the invention: RU 2107933 С1, 03.27.1998 5-1-66, Kopaev, V.G.
RU 2050014 С1, 12.10.1995. RU 2098850 С1,
12.10.1997. SU 1104459 А, 07.23.1984.

Al 6-lea simt
In declaratia sa academicianului V. Vinogradov afirma :
“There is a necessity to assume the real impact of the human mind, in other words properties of a living-being, upon the phenomena existing in the real space of the naturalist".
Este necesar sa se asume impactul real al mintii umane, cu alte cuvinte proprietatea de a fi – a trai ( living- being) a exista , la un fenomen care exista in spatiu real ( of the naturalist)

Extrasenzorul Grabovoi este o adevarata enciclopedie a fenomenelor psy care te oblige sa admiti realitatea legilor fundamentale bazate pe interactiunea dintre fiinta umana si tot ceea ce il inconjoara Putem analiza realitatea telepatiei, psyhochinezei, transformarilor materiei si alte capacitate ale lui Grabovoi expuse in numeroase documente si alte experiente la care am fost eu insami present.

In India, in Statul Andrapradesh Satja Sai Baba materializeaza diferite obiecte cu puterea mintii sale, de ex; fructe, dulciuri decoratii pe care apoi le daruieste celor prezenti. El foloseste fenomenul de teleportare practicat de Grabovoi. ( pt cei interesati, Sai Baba a murit luna trecuta)

In timpul voiajului sau in Bulgatia un incident are loc la vama : Ludmila Kim a uitat acasa un cec bancar de 1500 $, suma care trebuia sa o doneze unor persoane; Grabovoi care statea putin mai departe, o privea pe Kim emotionat. Deodata, certificatul bancar a aparut in mainile ei… La intoarcere, ea a vazut pe dulap urma unde statuse certificatul acoperita de praf.

Coral Poldge din Anglia a devenit cunoscuta deoarece ea putea desena portretele celor care au disparut sau care au fost ucisi si pe care ea nu ia vazut nici odata. Contemporanul nostrum Vladimir Ivanovici Safonov gaseste dupa fotografii corpurile victimelor violate.

Grabovoi are si el un rol in domeniul clar viziunii.
…Colegii mei au luat legatura prin telefon cu Grabovoi la o ora foarte tarzie din noapte: unei femei i-a disparut baiatul de 12 ani. Lui Grabavoi, i-a aparut in fata ochilor cadavrul taiat al baiatului.
El a pus apoi mai multe intrebari si l-a asigurat pe omul da la celalalt capat al firului, spunandu-i: da-mi trei zile, si il voi reface; spune-i mamei ca isi va vedea curand copilul bine sanatos.
Intorcandu-se in trecut el a inceput pas cu pas sa construiasca o imagine pozitiva a viitorului. Era necesar sa ocoleasca situatia care a dus la moartea copilului si sa construiasca o alta, un eveniment fericit ...Dupa trei zile, mama aproape inebunita de durere, isi gaseste fiul pe neasteptate in gara din Kazansky, El era sanatos dar incapabil sa-si aminteasca ceva.

„Absurd” vor exclama cititorii plini de indignare. Cum este posibil sa schimbi trecutul? Incitat si eu i-am pus lui Grabovoi aceeasi intrebare. Imperturbabil el incepe sa-mi explice.
-Problema rezida in fluxurile din timpuri paralele. Celebrul vindecator Jun Labo care opereaza fara scalpel patrunde in alt timp cu degetele sale sau cu mana lasand mana cealalta mana in alta realitate. Metaforic vorbind el, la fel ca Zeita Kali are mai multe maini.
In acelasi mod, o parte a „eului „ meu se deplaseaza intr-un alt camp al timpului, in orice punct desemnat unde pot schimba destinul. S-ar putea spune ca Dumnezeu m-a trimis aici sa verifice.

Daca crima este ordonata si este relatata in presa, sunt neputincios si nu pot schimba nimic: corpul mort poate fi readus la viata orb numai intre zidurile unei manastiri si fara sa fie recunsocut niciodata de nimeni.

Versiunea optimala - consta in absenta martorilor sau martori care nu vor divulga niciodata moartea.
Toti acei care vor difuza stirea: vezi el a fost mort si acum este in viata,ma vor determina sa ma debarasez de ei. Sigur ca nu vreau, si nu-i pot omori pentru ca este un act impotriva moralei crestine. Nu pot face nimic, dar pot trimite criminalul intr-un loc in Kamceatka sau orice alt loc la distanta de unde sa nu se mai nu se arate pana la sfarsitul vietii sale.Numai dupa ce fac aceasta, pot sa incep proiectia unei secvente alternative de schimbare a evenimentelor si retragerea / scoatrea victimei din non-existenta.
O astfel de procedura este nu este permisa, insa eu cred ca in virtutea dreptului la protectie, aceasta metoda este foarte adecvata. Ucigasul ramane in viata, izolat pentru totdeauna. Victima nevinovata o „reintorc” inapoi si nimeni nu va fi constient de tragedia prin care a trecut. Indraznesc sa cred ca schimbarea evenimentelor din este de un grad foarte ridicat de dificultate in ce priveste problema caracterului esotheric, si este extrem de dificil. Este mult mai usor pentru a preveni dezastrul. Este un lucrul pe care Grabovoi face cu o mare disponibilitate. Urmatorul este un extras din scrisoarea lui S.K. Ratiashvili, unul dintre managerii intreprinderii de reparatii de calculatoare, din data de 02/02/94:
” Informatiile pe care extrasenzorul G.P.Grabovoi le-a primit despre pericolul care ma ameninta din cauza soferului care conducea cealalta masina au fost pe deplin confirmate. Datorita influientei extrasenzoriale am evitat sa fiu prezent in automobil si prin urmare accidentul care imi ameninta viata a fost evitat..”

Inca o dovada vine de la Zvyaghintseva Llocuitor in regiunea Moscovei - Chimki:

"G.P. Grabovoi a descris prin clarviziune ca la intrare in bucataria mea este o cutie de plastic alb umpluta cu potasiu care are o radioactivitate suplimentara si ca aceasta afecteaza inima. Intr-adevar, in 1993 am fost diagnosticat cu necroza muschiului cardiac." ...

G.P. Grabovoi afirma ca in toate timpurile oamenii daca oamenii intalnesc / afla ceva neobisnuit si mai ales nefiind capabil sa-l inteleaga , sau sa faca ceva se precipita sa faca din asta o sperietoare. Apoi hotii jura stramb, clevetitorii , mituitorii vor sa faca legi , dar cine trage si sufera este privit ca un om rau. De cate ori vindecatorul englez Matue Manning a fost acuzat de frauda , insa el a facut ceea ce ar fi fost facut doar de catre sfinti: prin gandire carmica el ardea celulele canceroase. Si apoi ordona condamnatului:
Insanatoseste-te acum !
Diagnosticul si tratamentul sunt un dar in plus in arsenalul capacitatilor lui Grabovoi. In timp ce face acest lucru el nu are o fata de om ingrijorat, nu isi agita mainile, nu are nevoie sa caute in dosarul dosarul medical, desi el recomanda ca pacientul să fie examinat de "doctori traditionali” pentru a obtine confirmarea diagnosticului sau. El prefera sa informeze pacientul cu privire la boala si in acelasi timp analizeaza vointa pacientului.
A avut un caz: "O femeie batrana a stat o jumatate de ora, timp in care el a studiat-o in tacere, dupa care ea intreaba:
" Draga cat mai astept pana vine medicul "?
Iata cateva din vindecarile miraculoase ale extrasenzorului Grabovoi- dosarul uneia dintre dintre pacientii sai.

Galina Stepanovna Antipova are aproape 50 de ani si este contabil sef la o banca. In prima zi a lunii martie 1994 ea ajunge la Grabovoi ; era palida, epuizata, miscandu-se cu dificultate.
Medicii ii dadusera sentinta:un carcinom la san intr-o forma foarte avansata.
"- Grigori Petrovich, maxim trei luni mai am de trait, nu am nevoie de nimic. Am pastrat niste bani sa-i cumpar fiului meu un apartament, dar mi-a fost rusine sa cer un salariu mai mare. Daca mor fiu meu nu poate sa primeasca oameni unde stam acum"
„-La fel este si pentru mine, daca este frig sau cancer, a spus Grabovoi, si a inceput tratamentul. Sedintele lui erau neobisnuite pentru ca lui ii era mai usor sa trateze oamenii la distanta fara sa-i vada si fara sa-i atinga. El crede ca persoanele care-i acompaniaza pot intefera in vindecare. Apoi el cere pacientilor sa nu mai ia nici un fel de medicament.

Biata femeie a completat formularul cu toate datele ei si Graboboi a mentionat ca sedinta de vindecare va incepe imediat; astfel ea are loc intre orele 22.00-23.00 de pe data de 1 martie pana pe 9 martie, apoi 15 martie-30 noiembrie. Femeia incepuse sa-si astepte sfarsitul.

Il intrerup pe Grabvoi care imi relata drama femeii sa explic de ce a fost nevoie de pauza dintre 9 si 15 martie. Cele 6 zile sunt necesare pentru pacient sa ia o decizie: sa mearga mai departe cu sedintele sau sa opteze pentru o operatie;
Pe 10 martie, Galina Stepanovna a venit, zburand ca sa fiu mai exact: "Doctore, sangele si scurgerea de puroi s-a oprit dupa a treia zi! In numele lui Dumnezeu continuati sedintele!”
Ea nu a avut nici o idee despre aceste sedinte. Ea stia doar ora la care trebuia sa fie prezenta si astepta cu multa rabdare sa-i vina randul inca de dimineata. Grabovoi nu i- a spus ca ea e fost practic vindecata pentru ca ar fi putut distruge credinta ei oarba in puterea ciclului.
Pe 19 august o trimite sa repete analizele citologice si rezultatul arata lipsa celulelor canceroase. Femeia era intr-o forma infloritoare si il implora pe Grabovoi sa-i permita sa spuna tuturor despre acest miracol: la televiziune, in ziare...
In ceea ce ma priveste am continuat sa-i pun lui Grigori Petrovici intrebarea:
-Cum a fost posibil?

-Incep tratamentul in momentul in care vad pacientul sau situatia la nivel subtil. Campul incepe sa actioneze in acelasi timp. Instantaneu monitorizez rupturile tesuturilor in viata si acolo introduc articulatii energetice. Acest lucru este valabil timp de cateva zile pana la recuperarea completa ... Ca o regula fac acest lucru imediat, dar mai e nevoie de timp pentru prophilaxie, control, avand in vedere de asemenea, neincrederea oamenilor in orice este facut repede. Si timpul dintre 22-23 este timpul afectat pentru corectii. Umaresc Karma, campurile, grautatea, sub-spatiile...... Ma uit la fluxul de energie care vine direct de la Dumnezeu, ma consult cu Hristos. Caut legaturile in organismul pacientului, si reconstruiesc tesuturile deformate de boala...

„-Sanatatea are multiple fatete - a continuat Grabovoi. Tesuturi care sunt deteriorate dispar cate odata in mod neasteptat. Ele pot fi gasite in trecutul pacinetului si in acest caz trebuie sa ma intorc in acel timp sa corectez cauza principala. Intr-un astfel de caz pentru ca sa va explic aproximativ ma intorc la matrice. –De ce este omul interesat in primul rand? Sa fie sanatos, sa aiba viata lunga si activa. Prin urmare, eu aranjez evenimentele in ordine astfel ca el sa poata trai asa cum isi doreste: sa aiba o viata lunga si sa fie sanatos...

Cu un an in urma Grigori Grabovoi efectueaza un experiment in fata publicului in sala cinematografului "Varsow". Publicul a protestat, "Epilepsia nu poate fi vindecata prin mijloace extrasenzoriale!" Grabovoi a tacut. Dupa reuniune o femeie toata in lacrimi se apropie de el; ea se numeşte Elina Vladimirovna.I-a spus că fiul ei Dmitri sufera de episyndrome de cinci ani deja si creierul a inceput sa distruga ... Tratamentul a inceput pe 17 august, si deja pe data de 19 electroencephalogramma arata reducerea afectiunii; pana in decembrie băiatul s-a insanatosit. Medicii de la spital si-au anulat diagnosticul..
Voi posta in continuare o traducere care imi apartine si care mi-a fost ingaduita de autorul ei.
Destinele oamenilor se impletesc, in mod inexorabil. Cei doi, Grigory Grabovoi si Arcady Petrov sunt oameni de stiinta, si amandoi studiaza acelasi lucru: folosirea campurilor energiilor complexe din corpul fizic si din jurul nostru......



Tot ce este descris in cartea asta nu are loc pe o alta planeta.. nu, totul se petrece aici – pe planeta Pamant , oamenilor care sunt si care traiesc aici in acest moment. Fiecare persoana care isi va da osteneala sa o citeasca, ar putea crede ca este vorba de o fictiune sau de o alta realitate, pentru ca toate evenimentele descrise aici au o legatura directa cu un fenomen de clarvedere si stiinta este in imposibilitatea de a-l intelege si accepta. Cei care au o asemenea abilitate pot calatori cu ajutorul constiintei lor in Cosmos si in profunzimea oceanelor. Pot calatori foarte usor in trecutul antic sau sa intre in lumea misterioasa a celulelor biologice.
Istoria mea este o autobiografie. V-o impartasesc si voua, in ordine cronologica, chiar in ordinea evenimentelor pe care le-am trait, prin trecerea de la o etapa la alta. Mi s-a dat dreptul de a impartasi si voua cunostintele mele, in acest moment particular.

Prin istoria si trecutul comun al rasei umane, noi suntem interconectati si in interconexiune cu o lume misterioasa pe care noi nu o putem intelege si nu o putem explica in mod rational.
Totdeauna a existat si exista o mica elita care poseda o incredibila capacitate de a prezice viitorul, de a controla procesele care au loc in atmosfera, de a vindeca boli incurabile etc, si cu toate ca cunostintele au fost cu multa grija ascunse maselor, toate aceste fenomene s- au perpetuat, ele putand fi regasite in scrieri de-a lungul secolelor. Este pacat ca nu toti cititorii pot avea acces la aceste scrieri. Cititorii ar putea invata terminologia si ar putea invata despre evenimente iesite din comun. Invataturile sacre trec de la « profesor » la student, intr-o maniera inexplicabila de multe ori de neinteles chiar si pentru clarvazatori.

Azi suntem martorii unui process spiritual Global chiar de proportii Cosmice.
Nu din intamplare, in secolul trecut punctul nostru de vedere asupra naturii speciei umane si sensul existentei ei in Univers, a fost modificat in mod considerabil. Toata lumea vorbeste de era Varsatorului de noile timpuri care vor veni…
Lumea este intr-o stare de inaltare , chiar mistica si asteapta sfarsitul mileniului.. Virgil marele poet roman a prezis venirea lui Iezus – Crist :
The Century awaiting renovation. The World of the first days and the Truth on our threshold. And a new youth is coming from the sky“. - “Eclogs”, 4.

Azi noii profeti prezic a doua venire a Lui.

Asta este un semn ca a venit momentul sa descoperim misterele si invataturile secrete ale trecutului, iar ele sa fie transmise spre a fi invatate de catre mase. Bineinteles, aceasta intelegere a cunostintelor ezoterice si practicarea ei nu se va produce instantaneu. Aceasta noua educatie va avea nevoie de timp sa fie integrata. Astazi noi putem confirma faptul ca multi din cei care sunt fara prejudecati au primit permisiunea de la Sursa Divina sa-si destainuie cunostintele sacre.

As dori sa cer cititorului ateu sa-si lase spiritul si mintea deschisa si sa nu perceapa aceasta carte ca o pura fantezie.Pentru oamenii cu convingeri religioase, as vrea sa-i rog sa nu o perceapa drept o erezie. Repet povestea mea este o autobiografie. Oamenii din cartea mea sunt reali. Cei mai multi dintre ei sunt in viata si sunt bine sanatosi. Am incercat sa descriu mai mult experienta mea personala, decat explicatiile cu privire la teorie sau aspectele tehnice ezoterice. Cum si de ce au fost alesi atat de putini pentru a primi aceste cunostinte sacre? Care este nivelul de iluminare necesar pentru a deveni o persoana Luminata? Cum ar trebui sa ne traim viata si care este scopul vietii? In cazul in care cititorul isi pune aceste intrebari cu multa seriozitatete, si daca decide sa lucreze asupra lui insusi, sa-si invinga ego-ul sau, astfel incat sa se ridice pe o alta treapta a existentei, as considera ca misiunea mea a fost implinita. Fiecare dintre noi are propria sa cale catre Dumnezu, si propria maiera de a-l sluji.

Cartea a fost scrisa poate intr-un stil neobisnut. Insa ea este impregnata de realitate chiar daca ceva pare a fi inca ireal. Un lucru totusi, poate multi dintre voi veti considera evenimentele fantastice ca reale, si vice versa veti considera pe cele reale ca fiind fantasme. Aici , in cartea mea eu vorbesc despre experienta mea personala si depre oamenii care m-au ajutat in calatoria mea. Aici in aceasta carte am redat si si evenimentele care au avut loc in trecutul- prezent, si viitorul–« acum » . Exact in ordinea asta coordonatele timpului exista deoarece prezentul de « acum » se desfasoara pe linia, la marginea, sau la limita dintre doua curente :Trecut si Viitor.
Folosirea cuvantului « Acum » este posibila numai cand cineva a vorbit in Trecut si am auzit-o in Viitor. La sfarsitul celui de al doilea Mileniu, numeroase persoane, unele cu frica, altii cu speranta au asteptat implinirea profetiile promise in Sfintele Scripturi- Armaghedon, Aocalipsa, Epoca de Aur. Apoi dupa ce au privit in jur, unii au inceput sa respire usurati, ca nu s-a intamplat nimic. Unii au fost dezamagiti: totul va fi / va ramane ca de obicei ??

Dupa ce vei citi aceasta carte,veti intelege de ce omul nemuritor a fost indepartat de Tatal. Care a fost sensul pacatului original. La ce se poate astepta fiinta umana in acest nou, si abia descoperit spatiu. Cele trei carti pe care le-am scris va va conduce mai intai la o cunostere noua al celui de al treilea mileniu: « Salveata-te » « Salveaza lumea din tine », « Salveaza lumea din jurul tau » . Ele te vor conduce de la conditia de muritor la nemurire, de la frica si existenta pasiva la memoria existenta din tine si la locul tau in Cosmosul eternel care asteapta cu rabdare trezirea la o Iubire neconditionata.
Sunt sigur ca experienta mea este unica. Am avut ocazia sa primesc printr-un proces de Initere Superioara cunostinte incredibile, ele fiind cele mai importante pentru fiintele care azi traiesc pe acest Pamant ;

In iunie 1996 am fost internat in spital. Am avut o boala renala grava. Moralul meu era la pamant. Aceasta boala a intrat in viata mea fara nici o mila fortandu-ma sa-mi schimb planurile, sa nu imi respect obligatiile si promisiunile. Doar cu cateva luni in urma fusesem numit director al editurii « Literatura artistica ».In timpul erei Uniunii Sovietice, aceasta agentie editoriala a fost una dintre cele mai mari din intreaga lume…dar in timp ce am ajuns la conducere, intregul sistem sovietic s-a prabusit si « Literatura artistica » a ajuns intr-o situatie foarte proasta. M-am vazut confruntat cu datorii de miliarde de ruble, un personal dezorganizat, o atmosfera de frica care anticipa catastrofele viitoare. Partea materiala a fost deasemenea intr-o dezordine totala : suportul informatic a fost luat de catre fostul director care a disparut fara urma. Scriitori de renume din Rusia au scris Presedintelui Eltin despre aceasta situatie scandaloasa de la « ArtLit » , si au cerut sa se puna capat jafului. Ei au comparat importanta editurii « ArtLit » cu teatrul Bolsoi si muzeul Hermitage, Altii au comparat-o cu scufundarea Titanicului.

Numeroase articole au aparut in ziare cu privire la aceasta situatie. S-au semnat petitii de numeroase personalitati celebre : artisti, actori, scriitori si critici. Un sentiment de anxietate plutea in aer.Anumite persoane estimau ca toate eforturile care erau facute sa salveze editura, erau in zadar, altii cereau fonduri suplimentare din partea guvernului care ar fi amant momentul prabusirii sale. Dar guvernul nu a avut bani si a facut ceea ce orice guvern ar face intr-o astfel de situatie: au schimbat conducerea Casei. Aceasta decizie nu i-a costat bani in plus,, iar in ochii publicului se parea ca ei au luat masuri. Ei mi-au promis un sprijin moral si un oarecare sprijin financiar pentru viitor. Numirea mea ca director la editura venit din partea unui scriitor respectat si foarte celebru, Boris Andreevich Mozhaev, care a condus “Federal Program of Publishing” in Rusia in perioada respectiva. Aceasta ofera a fost o surpriza totala pentru mina. Eu aveam propria mea agentie, editura “ Cultura” in micul oras Puskin din apropierea Moscovei. Firma mea era prospera, am stiut exact ce am vrut; ce as fi putut avea sau ce as fi putut cere in plus?

Am fost foarte constient de situatia critica care lua amploare la « ArtLit » . Ei au publicat o singura carte intr-un an intreg. Redactorul sef care vorbea cateva limbi avea un salariu de 20,00 $ pe luna. Au fost amenintati ca li se va taia curentul electric, caldura si telefonul fiindca facturile nu au putut fi platite. Posiblitatea falimentului si vanzarea Casei in cadrul unei licitatii incepuse sa devina o realitate si unii oameni au devenit sa-l interesati sa o achizitioneze. Persoanele care au instigat si au contribuit la caderea Casei erau pregatiti sa cumpere edificiul de pe Basmannaya care era ocupat de « ArtLit » ei instalandu-se acolo nu in calitate de invitati ci in calitate de proprietari. La inceput nu am vrut sa accept aceasta functie de director deoarece in primul rand situatia Casei era critica si a doua mi s-a oferit postul de vice-presedinte al sectiei de stiinte umane a Academiei Internationale de Informatie. Am realizat ca nu puteam sa detin aceste doua functii foarte importante si sarcina ar fi fost foarte dificila. Am fost plin de indoieli insa ispita era foarte mare pentru ca noi vorbeam despre « Literatura Artistica » cea mai faimoasa editura din Rusia , si deasemeni propunerea venea de la personal de la Boris Andreevici ceea ce era o mare onoare.

Eu si Boris Andreevich ne-am cunoscut cu foarte mult timp in urma si in acesti ani de prietenie am dobandit o mare admiratie pentru acest om, pentru caracterul sau, de rezistenta lui, in mod constient mi-am dorit sa fiu ca el, dar mai ales la nivel inconstient dorinta se manifesta si mai mult. Am înţeles că eroul puternic din romanul său "Alive!" - Feodor Kouzkin era insasi autorul.
Viata lui nu a avut un parcurs usor.In ciuda tuturor obstacolelor, cu multa tarie si pricepere a indurat loviturile grele ale vietii. Atingandu-si mereu barba cu degetele, spunea cu un zambet « I’m still alive” . Si isi vedea mai departe de munca lui.
Ca orice artist adevarat a inteles ca destinul lui era o cale presatrata cu probleme si lupte. El si-a purtat crucea zambind.Si a resimtit foarte profund indiferenta sistemului sovietic fata de persoana umana. El a realizat ca pentru birocratul sovietic o fiinta umana nu este comoara divina a Universului, ci este doar o mica parte nesemnificativa a sistemului. Sistemul care violeaza cu insolenta sufletele noastre si viata noastra privata nu putea sa inteleaga ca amenitarea majora a existentei sale va veni de la acestia. Oameni, simpli-barbati si femei pe care Mozhaev i-a descris in romanele sale cu multa caldura si dragoste.
El a scris ca sangele, crima si violenta nu pot aduce nimic bun. El era adeptul armoniei si vietii spiritual. A fost extreme de dezamagit cand a vazut in ultimii ani ca vechiul system a fost inlocuit cu unul nou, la fel lipsit de inima si fara suflet, si la fel ca cel precedent cu aceeasi atitudine imperiala. Gratie cartilor sale, putem intelege mai bine sensul vietii acelor oameni care au devenit frustrati si disperati datorita proceselor distructive ale lumii moderne ruse.
Cum as fi putut refuza cererea unei astfel de persoane? Increderea lui in mine si marea lui stima pentru viata dinamica a agentiei de publicitate « Cultura» au fost pentru mine extrem de magulitoare. Am fost de acord. Comisia de la editura a procedat la numirea mea ca director la « Literatura Artistica». Dupa toate fromalitatile si dupa ceremonial problemele nesolutionate ale Casei au inceput sa fie abordate. Eu am fost numit in functie in ianuarie si Boris Andreevich a murit pe 2 martie.

Poate ca sentimental de vid si abandon au fortat boala mea. La vremea accea nu intelegeam multe lucruri “ ce este viata , ce este moartea” chiar daca aveam deja o varsta inaintata. In timpul ceremoniei funerare, in fata sicriului profesorului meu, am promis ca voi face tot ce imi va sta in puterea mea pentru a salva “Literatura Artistica”, ca nu o voi lasa sa dispara. Trei luni au trecut din acea zi. Problemele in editura au inceput sa creasca sa fie tot mai multe, ca intr-o spirala descendenta. In acest moment foarte critic rinichii mei au refuzat sa mai functioneze. Medicii imi recomanda o operatie si sa-l elimine pe cel din stanga. Sentimentul de disperare, lipsa de speranta, si imposibilitatea de a schimba situatie prin vointa mea au inceput sa ma obsedeze. Intr-una din acele nopti nedormite ceva a facut ‘clic ‘ca un comutator ; am inceput sa vad pe viu evenimente care au avut loc cu mii de ani in urma, intr-un fel aparte, ca si cum acele evenimente erau interconectate cu timpul nostru, cu situatia mea persoanala. Ceva mi-a sugerat ca aceasta experienta profunda nu a fost accidentala.

Nu, nu a fost un vis. Acestea au fost viziuni. Luminozitatea, stralucirea culorilor in imagini erau de o asemenea amploare incat a inlocuit viziunea comuna a ochiului uman. Toate astea au fost atat de uluitoare si atat de coplesitoare incat am uitat de boala mea si am inceput sa scriu tot ceea ce am vazut in viziunea mea interioara. Doi ani mai tarziu aceste scrieri au aparut in romanul meu « Eldibor ».Pentru o persoana obisnuita acest roman este o fantezie sau ceea ce in occident este numit "Science Fiction". Nu este o explicatie sau predictie ca in cazul lui Jules Verne, sunt mai degraba niste fantezii ca cele ale lui Ray Bradbury, de exemplu. Dar am vazut acele fantezii cu propria mea viziune interioara. Este imposibil ca astfel de viziuni sa fie doar un produs al imaginatiei mele. Imaginatia este un proces de gandire , dar nu si de emotii. Oricine poate citi romanul meu. Evenimentele care s-au desfasurat in viata mea in timpul in care am lucrat la romanul Eldibor, au fost interconectate in mod direct cu ceea ce eu am scris apropoo de viziunile mele, si in final am inteles ca astfel de viziuni fac parte din viata mea reala. Nu am nevoie sa adaug alte fantezii revelatiilor care mi-au luminat viata spirituala. Ele au devenit parte a existentei mele reale, parte a destinului meu. Nu am avut pur si simplu dreptul sa renunt la viziunile eroilor mei fictivi , fantome ale realitatii virtuale.

Totul a inceput in timpul unui vis.Am simtit ca o forta necunoscuta m-a scos din mine insami si m-a aruncat in intuneric. Intunericul m-a dus invartindu-ma mai repede si mai repede intr-o spirala si deodata m-a aruncat pe o suprafata dura acoperita cu pietre mici. M-am ridicat simtind o durere atroce in tot corpul si m-am uitat in jur. Locul in care am fost aruncat de forta necunoscuta, era acoperit cu o lumina tremuratoare, palpaitoare care parea ca vine dintr-un bol de cristal care vibreaza. Nu am putut vedea nimic pentru ca am fost inghitit de nori grosi de ceata care se roteau in fata mea, lateral, sub picioarele mele, si peste tot unde incercam sa privesc. M-am simtit dintr-o data nerabdator si contariat , chiar daca aceste sentimente nu au luat o forma clara in gandire, si mi s-a parut ca parca ele au fost aruncate in directia privirii mele. Fortate de o putere incredibila, conectat la ele, au lovit ceata ca un val de apa foarte puternic si acesta ceata a inceput sa se miste , sa se topeasca, indepartandu-se. In timp ce ma uitam la ceata care se indeparta, numai cat am avut timp sa sar intr-o parte sa ma feresc de caldura focului etern care-i luase locul. Tot spatiul din jurul meu a fost umplut de focul care se marea si se micsora cu licariri de culoare portocalie, apoi rosie aruncand jerbe de scantei. Scanteile fuzionau, reveneau din nou in valurile de plasma in miscare, oscilatiile flamelor dadea nastere unei vibratii muzicale care desena motive de foc. Totul in fata mea se compunea din sunete si culoare ; furioase ca un parau de foc care inunda in timpul unei eruptii vulcanice si totusi delicata ca un tablou ce reprezenta o padure toamna. Bleu, verde, galben, maro, si roz a umplut spatiul cu toata aceasta stralucire de culoare si ea dansa in fata mea in alternanta cu scanteile si reflexele negre ale lavei.

A fost o simfonie a Genezei. Un dans de auto-revelatie in care mi-a fost descoperit intr-un flah o parte a Univerului cu suntele care erau realizate de crestele flacarilor, flacari care se micsorau sau se mareau, care fuzionau cand se micsorau si cresteau ca soaptele a milioane de zane, sau in hohotele plasmei furioase, si cantecul trist al steleleor cazatoare . Persoana care am fost si nu eram in acelasi timp, si pe care era mai bine sa o numesc “El” a facut un pas inapoi si aproape a cazut incercand sa-si mentina echilibrul pe marginea unui tornade gigantice. In interiorul burtii enorme, se puteau auzi voci, suspine, si se vedeau sclipiri de siluete decolorate, bucati de realitate distruse, blocuri de gheata in ape profunde si murdare. Tunetele si fulgerele , scanteile care iluminau au inabusit pentru o clipa hohotele abisului deschis.
Venise sfarsitul lumii !
Singurul lucru care mai ramasese era haosul!
El a facut cativa pasi inapoi, si abisul s-a umplut din nou cu ceata. El era cu picioarele pe o suprafata dura, ca o piatra.Aceata suprafata se prelungea atat de departe cat ochiul uman putea vedea, aproape cat eternitatea. El a simtit ca daca ar putea sa mearga pe acele pietre, in ciuda goliciunii si disperarii sale, ar avea nevoie de o eternitate pentru a ajunge la sfarsitul acesteia. El s-a intors, ceata nu s-a imprastiat insa s-a retras dezvaluind aceeasi suprafata inegala a vaii. Groaza de a ramane blocat in acel loc a inlocuit teama de a avansa si l-au fortat sa intre in valurile de ceata care se retrageau.

(va urma)
Luna said:
…Colegii mei au luat legatura prin telefon cu Grabovoi la o ora foarte tarzie din noapte: unei femei i-a disparut baiatul de 12 ani. Lui Grabavoi, i-a aparut in fata ochilor cadavrul taiat al baiatului.
El a pus apoi mai multe intrebari si l-a asigurat pe omul da la celalalt capat al firului, spunandu-i: da-mi trei zile, si il voi reface; spune-i mamei ca isi va vedea curand copilul bine sanatos.
Intorcandu-se in trecut el a inceput pas cu pas sa construiasca o imagine pozitiva a viitorului. Era necesar sa ocoleasca situatia care a dus la moartea copilului si sa construiasca o alta, un eveniment fericit ...Dupa trei zile, mama aproape inebunita de durere, isi gaseste fiul pe neasteptate in gara din Kazansky, El era sanatos dar incapabil sa-si aminteasca ceva.

„Absurd” vor exclama cititorii plini de indignare.

:D Absurd? De-a dreptul penibil. Hai, as putea sa cred ca vindeca cate ceva, ca mai face si el o fapta buna, dar treaba asta cu baitaul taiat bucati si facut la loc de nenea asta e de-a dreptul penibila. Poi in cazul asta e mai tare ca Isus . =))
Recunosc ca n-am avut pana acum rabdarea sa-l citesc pe extrasenzorialu lu peste. Ce hot e, daca-i vorba de un caz mediatizat nu se baga .Sigur ca da, ca doar n-o fi prost sa se bage la chestii care ar trebui si demonstrate. :D Asa, marturii de-astea pot sa strang si io , cu zecile. Haidi mey, va cred uameni seriosi :P. Oricum , omul e total. Iote ce-am ratat io pana acum. :D
Am citit cu interes despre domnul Grabovoi
La o prima informare generala am gasit asta:
Apoi :http://en.rian.ru/russia/20100521/159100135.html

eu unul cred ca este posibil ca domnul Grabovoi sa aiba ceva calitati exceptionale. Problema e ca apare un punct de inflexiune in care incepe sa se creada Dumnezeu pe pamint.
A, si-ar mai fi ceva. Eu am avut de a face cu clarvazatori ; unul de principiile de baza al acestora este ca omul nu trebuie sa-si stie momentele importante ale vietii fiindca nu sunt modificabile orice ai face. Despre Vanga se spunea ca vede data mortii omului in fruntea acestuia; tot ea spunea ca orice ai face acest lucru nu poate fi modificat.
Opinia asta pare a fi generala in randul clarvazatorilor; nu poti modifica destinul omului si omul nu trebuie sa-si stie destinul
Ori domnul grabovoi se pozitioneaza diametral opus .

You are the World – You are Eternity

You have immense powers

Your options are limitless

You are the embodiment of the Creator

His spirit is in you

Through His will power you change the world

His love is in you

Love all living things, like He, who created you

Don’t exacerbate your heart

Think of the good - create the good

The good will return with durability

Love will give immortality

Faith – Hope - Wisdom

Faith and love will revive your invisible forces

And you’ll get what you’ve hoped for –

Immortality, which is the law of life

Just like life – it is the trace of eternity

Create to live in eternity

Live to create eternity.

By Dr Grigori Grabovoi
Multumesc pt postare! Am citit deja cartea ,,Save your self'' de Arcady Petrov,in italiana si am ordinat prin Amazon continuarea in engleza...abea astept sa o pot citi! Cit despre d-l Grabovoi, tot respectul! e un maestru, poate la nivelul lui lsus...d-l Petrov scrie cu respect in cartea sa, merita un loc de cinste insa din pacate citi inteleg acest lucru? As fi onorata sa pot avea posibilitatea de a-l cunoaste! Am citit si cartea dinsului despre vindecarea cu secventele numerice. Felicitari Luna! esti o persoana norocoasa sa-l cunosti pe d-l Grabovoi!
Buna seara la toata lumea!!
Ma bucur sa va regasesc la fel de activi..=D>
M-am gandit de multe ori ca poate totusi topicul despre Grigori Petrovici Grabovoi va intereseaza intr-o masura mai mica sau mai mare!
Pentru inceput voi pune codurile numerice, si voi interveni cu explicatiile necesare ulterior.
Mi-a trebuit ceva timp, insa merita!!
Restoration of the Human Organism:
Concentration on Numbers
"Fund Gregory Grabovoi - introduction and spread of
Teachings of Grigoriy Grabovoy
"On saving and harmonious development"
Grabovoi Gregory
Reducing the numerical series in the labor
"Recovery of the human body concentration
on the numbers "created Grabovoy Gregory
in 1999 MOSCOW 2001


The book described I seved from the practice of restoring the health
system at concentrations of seven-, eight-and nine-digit number. Most are seven-digit number, as they allow a generalization with the highest numbers to realize the value in restoring the body. For analytical practice eight-and nine-digit number given in the text book and in the appendix. Extending this principle of restoring health, you can get one concentration of the other, and therefore we can conclude that connect one diagnosis to another. Such a system allows concentration by focusing on numbers, in accordance with a specific diagnosis to cure or restore human health preventive measure, as well as can be obtained reducing the dependence between different diagnoses. Practically, if we take the numerical series of seven digits for one disease, as well as a number series to another disease, then the values of the numbers can get information about what is common between diseases and common treatments for disease. Thus, we can reduce the treatment to single-pulse level simply understanding the situation and adequate mental
state. In this case, the concentration refers to the restoration of species-specific disease, but it can also be transferred to any other situation in event management, as well as the restoration of rights after biological death. Concentration may be performed by the individual for self-healing and can be concentrated by investing in the concentration of the idea of restoring the other person through given by the concentration.
You can concentrate on the real number corresponding to the head,
immediately, to include all diseases that are included in a specific chapter, if the disease relates to the title of the chapter, but no definite diagnosis. If you know the diagnosis, the focus should be the number corresponding to a specific diagnosis. At concentrations can go from one concentration to another, and thus to understand how to arrange the sequence of numbers to create a management toward the full restoration of health. Try to find their own concentration.
This approach applies to the overall management through concentration on the numbers. The concentration can be done as consistently, that is, for example, from first to seventh or selecting a number.
Thus, the concentration of different methods of concentration and can be
individual, depending on how you apply them. Concentration can be applied at any time, or remembering, or their writing. At the time of concentration should be understood that a spiritual significance you attach to the restoration of the disease and how to extend this knowledge to all the system recovery from a possible global catastrophe on so much you can accelerate the receipt of the result.

Acute respiratory failure - 1257814
Acute cardiovascular failure - 1895678
Cardiac arrest (clinical death) - 8,915,678
Traumatic shock, shocks and SHOKOPODOBNYE STATE - 1895132
Malignant testicular tumors - 5814321
MELANOMA - 5674321
Neuroblastoma - 8914567
Tumors of the uterus - 9817453
Adrenal gland tumor - 5678123
Tumors of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses - 8514256
Parathyroid tumors - 1548910
Tumors of the pancreas from the islands of Langerhans - 8951432
Carcinoma of the major duodenal papilla - 8912345
Carcinoma of the vagina and external genitalia - 12589121
CANCER BAY - 1567812
Stomach cancer - 8912534
Gall bladder cancer - 8912453

Carcinoma of extrahepatic bile duct - 5789154
SKIN CANCER - 8148957
Bladder Cancer - 89123459
Liver cancer - 5891248
Esophageal cancer - 8912567
Pancreatic cancer - 8125891
Cancer of the penis - 8514921
Kidney cancer - 56789108
Carcinoma of salivary glands - 9854321
Colon Cancer (Colorectal) - 5,821,435
Ovarian cancer - 4851923
Soft tissue sarcoma - 54321891
Kaposi's sarcoma - 8214382
III - Sepsis - 58143212
Acute - 8914321
Chronic - 8145421
IV - Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Syndrome (DIC, thrombohemorrhagic syndrome) - 5148142
DIC - 8123454
V - Circulatory diseases - 1289435
Aortic Aneurysm - 48543218
Heart Arrhythmia - 8543210
Arterial hypertension - 8145432
Arterial hypotension (hypotension) - 8143546
Atherosclerosis - 54321898
Varicose veins - 4831388
Vasoneurosis (cardiopsychoneurosis) - 8432910
Hypertensive crisis - 5679102
Myocardial Infarction - 8914325
Cardialgia - 8124567
Cardiomyopathy - 8421432
Kardiosklerosis - 4891067
COLLAPSE - 8914320
Pulmonary heart - 5432111
Myocardiodystrophy - 85432104
Myocardiopathy - 8432142
Infarction - 8432110
Insufficiency of blood circulation - 85432102
Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) - 5432150
Pulmonary edema - 54321112
Rheumatism - 5481543
Cardiac asthma - 8543214
Heart Failure - 8542106
Vascular insufficiency - 8668888
Angina (angina pectoris) - 8145999
Thrombophlebitis - 1454580
Endocarditis - 8545421
VI - Rheumatic diseases - 8148888
Joint disease - 5421891
Microcrystalline arthritis - 0014235
Psoriatic arthropathy - 0145421
Periarthritis - 4548145
GOUT - 8543215
RHEUMATIC DISEASES periarticular soft tissues - 1489123
Reiter syndrome (uretrookulosinovialny syndrome) - 4,848,111
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Bechterew's Disease) - 4,891,201
Tendovaginitah - 1489154
Wegener's granulomatosis - 8943568
Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch's disease) - 8491234
GIANT artery (temporal arteritis) - 9,998,102
Goodpasture's syndrome - 8491454
Periarteritis Uzelkov - 54321894
Takayasu DISEASE (aorto-arteritis) - 8,945,432
Obliterating thromboangiitis - 8945482
DIFFUSE connective tissue disease - 5485812
Systemic Lupus RED - 8543148

Dermatomyositis (polymyositis) - 5,481,234
MIX connective DISEASE syndrome (Sharpe) - 1484019
Sjogren (SEGRENA) SYNDROME - 4891456
Rheumatism - 5481543
Aspergillosis - 481543271
Bronchial asthma - 8943548
Bronchioles (acute inflammation of the bronchioles) - 89143215
Acute bronchitis - 4812567
Chronic bronchitis - 4218910
Pulmonary infarction - 89143211
Pneumonomoniliasis - 4891444
Pleurisy - 4854444
Pneumonia - 4814489
Pneumosclerosis - 9871234
Pneumoconiosis - 8423457
Silicosis - 4818912
SILIKATOZY - 2224698
Asbestosis - 4814321
Talcosis - 4845145
Anthracosis - 5843214
Pneumoconiosis OF ORGANIC DUST - 4548912
LUNG CANCER - 4541589
Sarcoidosis - 4589123
Pulmonary tuberculosis - 8941234

HAMM - Rich syndrome - 4814578
Emphysema - 54321892
VII- Digestive diseases - 5321482
Malnutrition (starvation disease, protein-free edema) - 5,456,784
Amoebiasis 1289145
Amyloidosis - 5432185
ATON esophagus, stomach - 8123457
Achalasia CARDI (kardiospazm, hiatospazm, megaezofagus, idiopathic
enlargement of the esophagus, etc.) - 4,895,132
BAUGINIT - 58432148
Beri-beri - 3489112
BULBA - 5432114
GASTRO - 5485674
ACUTE GASTRO - 4567891
Gastrocardiac SYNDROME (Remhelda syndrome) - 5,458,914
Ventroptosia - 81234574
Gastroenteritis - 5485674
Gastroenterocolitis - 8431287
Hemochromatosis (pigmentary cirrhosis of the liver, bronze diabetes,
syndrome Troisi-Ano Shoffara, siderofiliya, etc.) - 5454589
HEPATITIS - 5814243
Hepatosis - 9876512
Hepatosis SHARP - 1234576
Hepatosis CHRONIC FATTY - 5143214
Hepatosis Cholestatic - 5421548
Hepatolenticular degeneration - 5438912
Functional hyperbilirubinemia - 84514851
Functional hyperbilirubinemia Congenital - 8432180
Hyperbilirubinemia POSTGEPATITNAYA - 8214321
ESSENTIAL hyperlipidemia (gepatosplenomegalichesky lipoidoz) - 4851888
Hypovitaminosis - 5154231
Hypersecretion GASTROINTESTINAL FUNCTION - 5484214
Dysbacteriosis INTESTINAL - 5432101
Dyskinesia DIGESTIVE TRACT - 8123457
Dyskinesia ESOPHAGEAL Spastic - 5481248
Biliary dyskinesia - 58432144
Dyskinesia INTESTINE - 54321893
DYSPEPSIA - 1112223
Degeneration of the liver - 9876512
Duodenitis - 5432114
Acute duodenitis - 481543288
Chronic duodenitis - 8432154
Duodenostasis - 8123457
EYUNIT - 8431287
JAUNDICE - 5432148
Gallstones - 0148012
Constipation - 5484548
Ileitis - 8431287
Candida (candidiasis, thrush) - 54842148
Carcinoid (carcinoid syndrome) - 4848145
INTESTINAL Lipodystrophy - 4814548
Colic INTESTINAL - 8123457
Colitis - 8454321
Acute colitis - 5432145
Chronic colitis - 5481238
Cardiochalasia - 8545142
DEFICIENCY SYNDROME intestinal absorption (malabsorption syndrome) - 48543215
Bathygastry - 8123457
Chronic pancreatitis - 5891432
Gastric pneumatosis - 54321455
FOOD ALLERGY - 2841482
Diarrhea (Diarrhoea) - 5843218
POSTGEPATITNY SYNDROME (postgepatitnaya hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice
postgepatitnaya) - 4812819
Scurvy - 5432190
Non-tropical sprue - 8432150
Sprue Tropical (tropical diarrhea) - 5481215
Whipple DISEASE - 4814548
Acute Cholecystitis - 4154382
Chronic Cholecystitis - 5481245
Scurvy - 54321481
CIRRHOSIS - 4812345
Esophagitis - 54321489
Esophagism - 8123457
Enteritis - 8431287
Enteritis SHARP - 54321481
Enteritis CHRONIC - 5432140
Enterocolitis - 8454321
Intestinal enteropathy - 8432150
Gluten enteropathy (sprue European, non-tropical sprue, celiac disease
adults, idiopathic steatorrhea) - 4,891,483
Exudative enteropathy - 48123454
Peptic ulcer ESOPHAGUS - 8432182
SIMPLE ULCER OF THE SMALL INTESTINE (nonspecific, idiopathic, peptic,
trophic, round, etc.) - 48,481,452
Ulcer SYMPTOMATIC - 9671428
Stomach ulcer and duodenal - 8125432

IX - Kidney and Urinary Tract - 8941254
Amyloidosis - 4512345
Anomalies of urinary system - 1234571
Hydronephrosis - 5432154
Glomerulonephritis - 4812351
Acute Glomerulonephritis - 4285614
Piel - 5432110
Pyelonephritis - 58143213
Polycystic kidney disease - 5421451
Renal colic - 4321054
Nephrolithiasis - 5432143
Renal insufficiency - 4321843
Acute renal failure - 8,218,882
Chronic renal failure - 5,488,821
Acute uremia - 5421822
Chronic uremia - 8914381
CYSTITIS - 48543211
Eclampsia Renal - 8149141

Agranulocytosis - 4856742
Anemia (anemia) - 48,543,212
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia - 9481232
PORPHYRINS - 4581254
Anemia of Lead poisoning - 1237819
Megaloblastic anemia - 5481254
APLASTIC (hypoplastic) anemia - 5481541
Sickle Cell Anemia - 7891017
Gaucher disease - (kerazinovy reticulosis) - 5,145,432
lymphomas (LIMFOTSITOMY) - 54321451
Hemoblastosis PARAPROTEINEMICHESKIE - 8432184
Hemorrhagic diatheses - 5148543
GEMOPPAGICHESKIE diatheses caused by vascular pathology - 54815438
LEYKEMOIDHYE reactions of - 5814321
LEUKEMIA - 5481347
Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714
Radiation sickness. Acute radiation sickness - 481543294
MIELEMIYA - 5142357
HEREDITARY elliptocytosis (elliptotsitoz) - 51454323
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (APG) - 5,481,455
Thalassemia - 7765437
Thrombophilia Hematogenous - 4814543
FAVIZM - 54321457
Chronic radiation sickness - 4812453
Cytostatic DISEASE - 4812813
Acromegaly - 1854321
Inborn errors of sexual differentiation - 5451432
Hyperinsulinism (hypoglycemia disease) - 48454322
Hyperparathyroidism - 5481412
Hyperprolactinaemia - 4812454
Hypogonadism (male) - 48143121
Hypoparathyroidism (tetany) - 4,514,321
Hypothyroidism (myxedema) - 4,812,415
PITUITARY dwarfism (dwarfism) - 4,141,414
Diabetes insipidus - 4818888
DIABETES - 8819977
SCA diffuse toxic (Grevs-Basedow disease) - 5,143,218
Itsenko-Cushing DISEASE - 54321458
Mezhutochno-PITUITARY DEFICIENCY (panhypopituitarism, diencephalic,
hypophyseal cachexia, panhypopituitarism) - 48143214
Myxedema - 4812415
Adrenal insufficiency - 4812314
OBESITY - 4812412
CANCER - 4541548
Advanced sexual development - 4814312
Pheochromocytoma - 4818145
XII - Occupational Diseases - 4185481
FACTORS - 9916514
OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES DUE influence of physical factors (vibration
disease) - 4514541
and systems - 4814542
XIII - Acute Poisoning - 4185412

Neuropsychiatric disorders - 9977881
Renal disease (toxic nephropathy) - 5412123
Ekzotoksicheskogo SHOCK - 4185421
ACUTE POISONING BY snake bites and poisonous ARTHROPODS - 4812521.
DIABETES - 8819977
SCA diffuse toxic (Grevs-Basedow disease) - 5,143,218
Itsenko-Cushing DISEASE - 54321458
Mezhutochno-PITUITARY DEFICIENCY (panhypopituitarism, diencephalic,
hypophyseal cachexia, panhypopituitarism) - 48143214
Myxedema - 4812415
Adrenal insufficiency - 4812314
OBESITY - 4812412
CANCER - 4541548
Advanced sexual development - 4814312
Pheochromocytoma - 4818145
XII - Occupational Diseases - 4185481
FACTORS - 9916514
OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES DUE influence of physical factors (vibration
disease) - 4514541
and systems - 4814542
XIII - Acute Poisoning - 4185412

Neuropsychiatric disorders - 9977881
Renal disease (toxic nephropathy) - 5412123
Ekzotoksicheskogo SHOCK - 4185421
ACUTE POISONING BY snake bites and poisonous ARTHROPODS – 4812521
Snake bites - 4114111
Stinging Scorpio - 4188888
BITES Karakurt - 8181818
Stinging wasps and bees - 9189189
Amebiasis (amebic dysentery) - 1289145
Balantidiasis - 1543218
Rabies (hydrophobia) - 4,812,543
Cat scratch disease (regionarny nonbacterial lymphadenitis) - 48,145,421
Brill DISEASE (repeat typhus, relapsing typhus) - 514854299
Botulism - 5481252
Brucellosis - 4122222
Vaccinella - 4848148
Viral hepatitis A and B (Botkin's disease) - 5,412,514
Helminthiasis - 5124548
Alveococcosis - 5481454
Ankilostomidoze - 4815454
Ascariasis - 4814812
Hymenolepiasis - 54812548
Bothriocephaliasis - 4812354
Clonorchiasis - 5412348
METAGONIMOZ - 54812541
Opisthorchiasis - 5124542
Strongyloidiasis - 54812527
Teniasis - 4855555
TRICHINELLOSIS (trichinosis) - 7777778
Trichuriasis - 4125432
Fascism - 4812542
Cysticercosis - 4512824
Schistosomiasis (bilharzia) - 48125428
Enterobiasis - 5123542
Echinococcosis - 5481235
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, or hemorrhagic nefrozonefrit -
Herpetic infections - 2312489
FLU - 4814212
DYSENTERY - 4812148
Diphtheria - 5556679
Yersiniosis - 5123851
Campylobacteriosis (vibroz) - 4,815,421
Whooping cough - 4812548
MEASLES - 4214825
RUBELLA - 4218547! 81
Legionellosis (Legionnaires' disease, Pittsburgh pneumonia, Pontiac fever,
legionellainfektsiya) - 5,142,122
Leptospirosis - 5128432
Q fever - 5148542
Marburg fever (hemorrhagic fever Maridi, Ebola) - 5,184,599
Giardiasis - 5189148
MALARIA - 5189999
Meningococcal disease - 5891423
Mycoplasmosis - 5481111
INFECTIOUS mononucleosis - 5142548

Psittacosis - 5812435
Smallpox WIND - 48154215
Smallpox NATURAL - 4848148
Acute respiratory infections (ARI, acute catarrh of upper respiratory tract,
acute respiratory infection) - 48145488
Mumps EPIDEMICHEKY (pig) - 3,218,421
Pediculosis (lice) - 48148121
Food Poisoning Bacterial toxins - 5184231
Pseudotuberculosis - 514854212
GIVE BIRTH - 4123548
Rotavirus disease - 5148567
ANTHRAX - 9998991
Scarlet fever - 5142485
Tetanus - 5671454
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) - 5148555
TIFO-paratyphoid diseases (typhoid, paratyphoid A and B) - 1,411,111
TIF Duster (typhus louse, lousy) - 1,444,444
TIF Duster TICK - 5189499
Tularemia - 4819489
CHOLERA - 4891491
SWINE - 8998888
Enterovirus Disease - 8123456
XV - Vitamin deficiency disease - 1234895
Vitamin A deficiency (avitaminosis - 5451234, hypovitaminosis - 5154231
Vitamin A deficiency (retinol) - 4154812
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 1 (thiamine) - 1234578
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 2 (Riboflavin) - 1485421
Failure nicotinic acid (vitamin PP, vitamin B 3 ) - 1,842,157
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 6 (pyridoxine) - 9785621
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid deficiency, avitaminosis C, scurvy,
scurvy) - 4141255
XVI Pt 1 - CHILDREN'S ILLNESS - 18543218
Adrenogenital syndrome - 45143213
Respiratory allergies - 45143212
Allergic rhinitis and Sinus - 5814325
ALLERGIC Laryngitis - 58143214
ALLERGIC trachea - 514854218
Allergic bronchitis - 5481432
Fetal alcohol syndrome (alcohol embriofetopatiya, fetal alcoholism) - 4845421

antitrypsin deficiency - 1,454,545
ANEMIA - 48543212
Development ZHELEZODEFETSITNYH Anemia - 1458421
TOXIC hemolytic anemia - 45481424
Aspiration of foreign bodies - 4821543
Bronchial asthma - 58145428
Acute bronchitis - 5482145

Vasculitis Hemorrhagic (KAPILLYAROTOKSIKOZ, Henoch's disease) -
Galactosemia - 48125421
Hemolytic disease of newborn - 5125432
Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn - 5128543
Hemophilia - 548214514
HEPATITIS - see Ch. Diseases of the digestive system
Glycosuria, renal (kidney glyukodiabet) - 5,142,585
Hypervitaminosis D - 5148547
Hypothyroidism - 4512333
Histiocytosis X - 5484321
Glomerulonephritis DIFFUSE - 5145488
Diabetes mellitus - 4851421
Diabetes insipidus LEAF - 5121111
ALLERGIC eczema - 0195451
Hemorrhagic eczema - 0480421
LYMPHATIC eczema (according to the old terminology - limfatiko-hypoplastic
diathesis) - 5148548
DYSPEPSIA Toxic - 514218821
DYSTONIA vegetovascular - 514218838
RESPIRATORY distress syndrome in neonates (respiratory distress
syndrome) - 5148284
Neonatal jaundice - 4815457
Croup FALSE - 5148523
LEUKEMIA - 5481347

Malabsorption syndrome - 4518999
Cystic fibrosis - 9154321
Jade HEREDITARY - 5854312
Pyloric stenosis - 5154321
Pilorospazme - 5141482
Small focal pneumonia - 4814489
Pneumonia NEWBORN - 5151421
Chronic Pneumonia - 51421543
Polyarthritis chronic nonspecific (infektartrit) - 8,914,201
Rickets (hypovitaminosis D) - 5,481,232
VOMITING - 1454215
Rheumatism - 5481543
Neonatal sepsis - 4514821
Spazmofilii - 5148999
Staphylococcal infections - 5189542
Stenosing laryngitis (croup syndrome) - 1,489,542
Subfebrilitet CHILDREN - 5128514
Cramps - 51245424
SUBSEPSIS ALLERGIC Wissler, Franconi - 5421238
TOXIC SYNDROME (toxaemia with exsicosis) - 5148256
Injured Intracranial LABOR - 518999981
EARLY tuberculous intoxication - 1284345
Phenylketonuria - 5148321
Phosphate-diabetes - 5148432
De Toni-Fanconi syndrome, Debra - 4514848
Celiac disease - 4154548

Exudative enteropathy - 4548123
XVI -Pt 2 - Surgical diseases in childhood - 5182314
Angioma - 4812599
Appendicitis - 9999911
Biliary atresia - 9191918
Atresia of small intestine - 9188888
Atresia and stenosis of duodenum - 5557777
Atresia of anus and rectum - 6555557
Esophageal atresia - 8194321
Hernia umbilical cord FETAL - 5143248
Diaphragmatic hernia - 5189412
Meckel diverticulum - 4815475
Intussusception - 5148231
Cephalhematoma - 48543214
Cleft palate - 5151515
Osteomyelitis of the epiphyseal - 12345895
Pyloric stenosis - 5154321
Sacrococcygeal teratoma REGION - 481543238
Anomalies of patrimonial activity - 14891543
Asphyxia NEWBORN - 4812348
Ectopic Pregnancy (to restore health with ectopic pregnancy with
preservation of the fruit) - 4812311
Pregnancy and childbirth, the timing (for a normal pregnancy in normal terms)
- 1888711

Multiple pregnancy (simultaneous development of two or more fetuses)
Pregnancy, Prolonged - 5142148
BREAST DISEASES (hypogalactition) - 48123147
Bleeding (OBSTETRIC) - 4814821
Polyhydramnios - 5123481
The umbilical cord NEWBORN - 0123455
Postnatal NORMAL (continued 6-8 weeks.) - 12891451
Postnatal PATHOLOGICAL - 41854218
Praevia and fall CORD - 1485432
Placenta praevia - 1481855
Abruptio placenta - 1111155
Premature birth - 1284321
Hydatidiform mole - 4121543
Breaks of GENITAL - 148543291
Toxicosis pregnant - 1848542
Narrow pelvis - 2148543
ANATOMICAL narrow pelvis - 4812312
CLINICALLY narrow pelvis - 4858543
EMBOLISM amniotic fluid - 5123412
XVII Pt 2 - Women's illness - 1854312
Adnexitis - 5143548
Adrenogenital syndrome - 148542121
Amenorrhea - 514354832
Anovulatory cycle - 4813542
Ovarian apoplexy - 1238543
Bartolini - 58143215
Beli - 5128999
Vaginitis (coleitis) - 5148533
Vulva - 5185432
Vulvovaginitis - 5814513
Gonorrhea in Females - 5148314
Itching Vulva - 5414845
Ovarian Cyst - 5148538
Cystoma OVARIAN - 58432143
Menopause. Climacteric neurosis - 4851548
Coleitis - 5148533
Kraurosis - 58143218
UTERINE BLEEDING Dysfunctional - 4853541
Leukoplakia of the vulva, cervix - 5185321
Myoma - 51843216
Oophoritis - 5143548
LOWERED and falling uterus and vagina - 514832183
PARAMETERS - 5143215
Polyps BODY AND CERVICAL - 518999973
Premenstrual Syndrome - 9917891
Salpingitis - 5148914
SYNDROME SKLEROKISTOZNYH ovaries (Stein-Leventhal) - 518543248
Chorionepithelioma - 4854123

Endocervicitis - 4857148
Cervical erosion - 54321459
Brain abscesses - 1894811
Cerebral aneurysms - 1485999
Arachnoiditis - 4567549
Asthenic syndrome - 1891013
Athetosis - 1454891
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (motor neuron disease) - 5148910
Hepatolenticular disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) - 48,143,212
Headache (tsefalgiya) - 4,818,543
Vertigo - 514854217
Diencephalic (HYPOTHALAMIC) SYNDROME - 514,854,215
STROKE BRAIN - 4818542
PINAL STROKE - 8888881
COMA - 1111012
Meningitis - 51485431
MYASTHENIA - 9987542
Miele - 4891543
Myelopathy - 51843219
Migrainous neuralgia ("beam" headache) - 4851485
Migraine (hemicrania) - 4831421
Miauton CONGENITAL TOMS - 4848514
Miauton Dystrophic KURSHMANNA Butt-Steinert - 481543244
MONONEVROPATII (neuritis and neuralgia) - 4541421
Narcolepsy - 48543216

Facial nerve neuropathy - 518999955
Trigeminal neuralgia - 5148485
Neurosyphilis - 5482148
Fainting (syncope) - 4,854,548
Shingles - 51454322
BRAIN TUMOR - 5451214
Ophthalmoplegia - 4848532
Parkinson's disease (shaking palsy) - 5,481,421
FAMILY PERIODIC PARALYSIS (familial paroxysmal mioplegii) - 5,123,488
Peroneal amyotrophy Charcot-Marie (neural amyotrophy of Charcot-Marie) -
POLYNEUROPATHY (polyneuritis) - 4838514
POLIRADIKULONEVROPATIYA Demyelinating Guillain-Barre - 4548128
Acute Poliomyelitis Epidemic (acute anterior poliomyelitis, Medin's disease,
childhood spinal paralysis) - 2,223,214
Progressive muscular dystrophy - 85432183
Sleep disorders - 514248538
Radiculopathy Discogenic ("banal radiculitis) - 5481321
Syringomyelia - 1777771
Spinal amyotrophy - 5483312
TREMOR - 3148567
FAKOMATOZY - 5142314
FUNIKULYARNY myelosis (combined sclerosis) - 518543251
CHOREA - 4831485

Traumatic Brain Injury - 51843213
Adie syndrome - 18543211
EPIDURIT (epidural abscess) - 888888149
Alcoholism - 148543292
Amnestic (Korsakov) SYNDROME - 4185432
Affective syndromes - 548142182
Delusional syndromes - 8142351
Hallucinatory Syndrome (hallucinosis) - 4815428
DEFECT Psychic - 8885512
Intoxication psychosis - 1142351
Hysterical syndromes - 5154891
Catatonic syndromes - 51843214
Manic-depressive psychosis (MDP) (intermittent insanity, cyclophrenia) -
Compulsive disorder - 8142543
Addiction (Substance Abuse) - 5333353
NEUROSIS - 48154211
NEGATIVE (defective) CONDITION - 5418538
Oligophrenia (dementia) - 1857422
Dizziness - 4518533
PRESENIALNYE (presenile, involutional) psychosis - 18,543,219
Paralysis - 512143223
Psychoorganic syndrome - 51843212
Psychopathy - 4182546
Reactive psychosis - 0101255
Overvalued IDEAS SYNDROME - 148454283

Senestopathic-hypochondriasis - 1488588
Senile psychosis - 481854383
SYMPTOMATIC psychosis - 8148581
Schizophrenia - 1858541
EPILEPSY - 1484855
XX - Sexual dysfunction - 1456891
Vaginismus - 5142388
Hypersexuality - 5414855
Impotence - 8851464
Masturbation (masturbation) - 0,021,421
Sexual Perversions (sexual perversion) - 0001112
Sexual disorders - 1818191
IMAGINARY sexual disorders - 1484811
Neurohumoral sexual disorders - 1888991
Mental sexual disorders - 2148222
Penis Disorders PART copulative cycle - 184854281
Ejaculatory disorders CONSTITUTES copulative cycle - 1482541
Frigidity (sexual frigidity) - 5,148,222
XXI - Skin and venereal disease - 18584321
Actinomycosis SKIN - 148542156
Alopecia (baldness, alopecia) - 5484121
Angiitis (VASCULITIDES) SKIN - 1454231
Atopic dermatitis (diffuse neurodermatitis) - 5484215
Balanoposthitis - 5814231
Warts - 5148521
VITILIGO (Pes) - 4,812,588
Gonorrhea (Male) - 2225488
Mycosis fungoides - 4814588
Dermatitis - 1853121
Ichthyosis - 9996789
Candida (candidiasis) - 9876591
Itching - 1249812
Genital Warts - 1489543
Urticaria - 1858432
Lyell's syndrome - 4891521
Leprosy - 148543294
Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis (fourth venereal disease, venereal
limfopatiya) - 1482348
Lisha RED FLAT - 4858415
Lisha colors (pityriasis) - 18543214
Lisha PINK - 5148315
Mastocytosis - 148542171
Microspore - 1858321
Mollusks contagiosum - 514321532
Neurodermatitis - 1484857
SKIN CANCER - 1458914
Pyoderma - 51432149
Scrapie - 5189123
PSORIASIS - 999899181
Pemphigus (akantoliticheskaya) - 8145321
Rosacea - 518914891
RUBROMIKOZ (rubrofitiya) - 4518481
Seborrhea - 1234512

SYPHILIS - 1484999
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (Erythema multiforme) - 9814753
Toxicoderma (allergotoksikodermiya) - 514832184
Trihofitii - 4851482
Tuberculosis of the skin - 148543296
Acne vulgaris (vulgaris, junior) - 514,832,185
Crusted ringworm (scab) - 4851481
SCABIES - 8132548
Chancroid SOFT - 4815451
ECZEMA - 548132151
Athlete's foot - 5148532
ERYTHEMA Tanglewood - 15184321
ERYTHEMA Exudative multiforme - 548142137
Erythrasma - 4821521
Surgical diseases of adults - 5843215
Abscess - 8148321
Adenoma of the prostate - 51432144
Actinomycosis - 4832514
ANEURYSM - 48543218
Acute Appendicitis - 54321484
Atheroma - 888888179
Bronchiectasis - 4812578
Varicose veins of lower extremities - 4831388
Varicocele - 81432151
Hydrocele and spermatic cord - 481543255

Archoptosis - 514832187
GAS Gangrene - 45143218
Gangrene LUNG - 4838543
Hemarthrosis - 4857543
Hemorrhoids - 58143219
Hydradenitis - 4851348
Gynecomastia - 4831514
HERNIA - 95184321
Diverticulum - 48543217
Diverticulosis of the colon - 4851614
Gallstones - 0148012
Retention of urine Acute - 0144444
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome - 148543295
Foreign bodies BRONCHI - 5485432
Foreign bodies SOFT TISSUE - 148543297
Carbuncle - 483854381
Lactocele - 4851432
Brushes and Fistula NECK SIDE - 514854214
Brushes and Fistula NECK MID - 4548541
Ulcerative colitis - 48143211
The oil EPITHELIAL STATUS - 9018532
Kosolapov - 485143241
Torticollis - 4548512
Cryptorchidism - 485143287

EXTERNAL BLEEDING (from injury) - 4,321,511
Crohn's disease - 94854321
Leiomyoma - 5514214
Lymphadenitis - 4542143
Lymphangitis - 484851482
Lipoma - 4814842
False joint (pseudoarthrosis) - 4814214
MAST - 8152142
Mastopatia - 84854321
Megacolon - 4851543
Mediastinitis - 4985432
Ileus - 4548148
Ingrown nail - 4548547
Frostbite - 4858514
Occlusion of the great arteries - 81543213
Orchiepididymitis - 818432151
Osteomyelitis TRAUMATIC - 514854221
Acute abdomen - 5484543
Acute pancreatitis - 4881431
Acute cholecystitis - 4154382
Hangnail - 8999999
Penetrating peptic ulcer - 9148532
BROKEN BONES - 7776551
Peritonitis - 1428543
Pneumoempyema - 148543299
Flatfoot - 1891432

Pneumothorax SPONTANEOUS - 481854221
Damage to internal organs - 8914319
Barnacle - 4819491
Postcholecystectomical syndrome - 4518421
Perforated ulcer - 8143291
Bedsore - 6743514
PROSTATE - 9718961
Torn meniscus - 8435482
WOUNDS - 5148912
Rectal - 5189421! 123
OUTPUT stenosis of the stomach - 81543211
Anal fissure - 81454321
Thromboangiitis obliterans - 5432142
Thrombophlebitis - 1454580
Tuberculosis of bones - 148543281
URETHRAL - 1387549
Contusion (bruise) - 0156912
Fibroadenoma BREAST - 4854312
Phimosis and paraphimosis - 0180010
Phlebothrombosis - 1454580
PHLEGMONS - 48143128
Boils - 5148385
Cholangitis - 8431548
Electric shock - 5185431
Empyema (purulent pleurisy) - 514854223
Obliterating endarteritis - 4518521
TROPHIC ULCERS - 514852154
Surgical diseases of newborns - 514218871

CONGENITAL NEWBORN HOLANGIOPATII (biliary atresia) - 948514211
Surgical diseases of the chest - 5184312
Esophageal atresia - 518543157
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia - 518543257
Pneumothorax - 5142147
Tracheoesophageal fistula - 514854714
Pyo-inflammatory diseases - 514852171
MAST NEWBORN - 514854238
Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis - 5141542
Peritonitis - 4184321
ACUTE paraproctitis - 4842118
Trauma and orthopedic diseases - 1418518
Ankylosis - 1848522
BURSA - 75184321
Hemarthrosis - 7184321
Warping a toe outwards - 5,418,521
Dupuytren's contracture - 5185421
False joint (pseudoarthrosis) - 8214231
Damage to internal organs - 5432188
Stretch (distortion) - 5148517
Traumatic amputation - 5451891
Traumatic shock - 1454814
XXIII - Ear, nose and throat - 1851432

Adenoids - 5189514
Angina (acute tonsillitis) - 1,999,999
Atresia and synechiae Nasal cavity - 1989142
Aerosinusitis - 514854237
Hematoma nasal septum - 5431482
Hypertrophy of tonsils - 4514548
SKIRT LARYNX - 148543283
Eustace - 18554321
Retropharyngeal abscess (abscess retrofaringealny) - 1454321
Foreign bodies in Ear - 54321545
Warping nasal septum - 148543285
BLEEDING NOSE - 65184321
Labyrinth - 48154219
Laryngitis - 4548511
Laryngospasm - 485148248
Acute mastoiditis - 514832186
Meniere DISEASE - 514854233
MUKOTSELE (PIOTSELE) frontal sinuses - 5148322
Runny Vasomotor and allergic - 514852351
Cochlear Neuritis - 1488513
Ozena (stench of the common cold) - 514854241
Swelling of the throat - 2314514
OTGEMATOMA (otematoma) - 4853121
Otiti - 55184321
OTOMIKOZ - 514832188
Otosclerosis (otospongioz) - 4814851
Paresis and paralysis of the larynx - 1854555
Nasal polyps - 5519740
Sepsis OTOGENNY - 5900001
SULFURIC TUBE - 48145814
SINUS - 1800124
Scleroma - 0198514
Laryngeal stenosis - 7654321
Congenital stridor - 4185444
Acute Tonsillitis - 1999999
Chronic Tonsillitis - 35184321
TRAUMA EAR - 4548515
Pharyngitis - 1858561
Fibroma NASOPHARYNGEAL - 1111122
Boils BEFORE NOSE - 1389145
XXIV- Eye Diseases - 1891014
Amblyopia - 1899999
Asthenopia - 9814214
Astigmatism - 1421543
Atrophy of the optic nerve - 5182432
Blepharitis - 5142589
Myopia (nearsightedness) - 548132198
SPRING QATAR - 514258951
DISLOCATION Lens - 25184321
Eversion CENTURY - 5142321
Night blindness (night blindness, night blindness

GLAUCOMA - 5131482
Dacryocystitis - 45184321
Farsightedness (hyperopia) - 5189988
Congestive optic disk - 145432152
IRITO - 5891231
CATARACT - 5189142
Keratitis - 518432114
Strabismus - 518543254
Webeye (pterygium eyes) - 18543212
Optic neuritis - 5451589
OBSTRUCTION central retinal artery - 514852178
OBSTRUCTION central retinal vein - 7777788
Eye burns - 8881112
DIPPED upper eyelid (ptosis) - 18543121
Retinal detachment - 1851760
Presbyopia - 1481854
INJURY eyeball - 518432118
Retina - 5484512
LIGHT ophthalmia - 5841321
Sclera, episcleritis - 514854248
Trachoma - 5189523
Uveitis - 548432198
Chalazion (Gradina) - 5148582
Choroid - 5182584
Exophthalmos - 5454311
Endophthalmitis - 514254842
ULCER Corneas - 548432194
BARLEY - 514854249
Abscess admaxillary - 518231415
Alveolar - 5848188
Ankylosis of temporomandibular joint - 514852179
ARTHRITIS temporomandibular - 548432174
GINGIVITIS - 548432123
Hyperesthesia TEETH - 1484312
Hypoplasia ENAMEL - 74854321
GLOSSALGIYA - 514852181
GLOSS - 1484542
Tartar - 514852182
CYSTS MAXILLO - 514218877
Bleeding after tooth extraction OPERATIONS - 8144542
Xerostomia - 5814514
Leukoplakia - 485148151
Osteomyelitis JAWS - 5414214
Twinge of toothache - 5182544
Papillomas - 5844522
Periodontal disease - 58145421
BREAK TEETH - 814454251
Jaw fractures - 5182148
Apical Periodontitis - 3124601
PULP - 1468550
Stomatitis - 4814854
PHLEGMONS admaxillary - 5148312
Hale - 518431482
Blood system - 148542139
Mocha - 1852155
Intestinal contents - 1485458
Saliva - 514821441
Gastric juice - 5148210
Bile - 514852188
Blood biochemistry - 514832189
Indicators of activity in neuroendocrine systems of regulation - 518432121

Acute respiratory failure - 1257814
- the pathological state of the organism in which the maintenance of normal blood gas composition is not provided or obtained through the stress of compensatory mechanisms of respiratory and characterized by: a decrease in pO 2 of arterial blood (PaO 2 ) below 50 mm Hg while breathing air; increased rSO 2 of arterial blood (PaSO 2 ) above 50 mm Hg; disorder mechanics and rhythm of breathing, decrease in pH (7.35).
Acute cardiovascular failure - 1895678
- lost the heart's ability to provide adequate blood flow to organs and
systems, the gap of opportunities and needs of the heart tissue of oxygen, characterized by low blood pressure, reduced blood flow to tissues.
Cardiac arrest (clinical death) - 8,915,678
- a transitional state between life and death - it is not death, but no longer
lives. Begins with the termination of the central nervous system, blood
circulation and respiration before the onset of irreversible changes in tissues and primarily in the brain.
Traumatic shock, shocks and SHOKOPODOBNYE STATE - 1895132
- a serious condition caused by injury, accompanied by severe disturbances of functions of vital organs, especially the circulatory and respiratory system.

MALIGNANT TUMORS oropharynx - 1235689
- squamous, and undifferentiated limfoepiteliomy forms of cancer, tumors
combining celestial tonsils, the tongue and posterior pharyngeal wall.
- is a carcinoid cancer, LMSs and localized in the terminal ileum, duodenum and jejunum.
Malignant testicular tumors - 5814321
- represent a germ cell tumors originating from the spermatic epithelium and negerminogennye emanating from the cells that produce hormones, and the stroma.
- a group of tumors that develop primary or predominant in the skin of the Tand & B-lymphocytes.
- a malignant tumor that arises in the pleura or peritoneum.
MELANOMA - 5674321
- a malignant tumor that arises from melanocytes, the most frequently
localized in the skin, rarely in the conjunctiva, choroidal shell eyes, mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, vagina, rectum.
Neuroblastoma - 8914567
- malignant tumors, metastatic to the skeleton or liver, resulting in sympathetic nerves and ganglia, as well as in the medullary layer of the adrenal glands.
- primary malignant tumors of bone (osteosarcoma, parostalnaya sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, malignant giant cell tumor) and nekostnogo origin (Ewing's sarcoma, fibrosarcoma, chordoma, angiosarcoma, ameloblastoma).
Tumors of the uterus - 9817453
- malignant tumor of the uterus, diagnosed in menopausal women, during premenopause, at the age of 40, which precedes the development of obesity, diabetes, hypertension.
- malignant tumors that arise in adults and children, representing a greater degree of glioblastoma and malignant astrocytoma.
Adrenal gland tumor - 5678123
- abnormal growths of tissue adrenal gland, consisting of a qualitatively
altered cells become atypical with respect to differentiation, the nature of
growth and other processes.
Tumors of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses - 8514256
- squamous cell carcinoma, localized in the nasal cavity or maxillary sinuses.
- Squamous cell carcinoma - the main histological types of tumors in this
Parathyroid tumors - 1548910
- usually representing a benign adenoma, carcinoma, sometimes
characterized by slow development and metastasized to regional lymph
nodes, lungs, liver.
Tumors of the pancreas from the islands of Langerhans - 8951432
- represent an adenoma (90%), characteristic of the tumor as malignant
based on the fact of occurrence of metastases localized in the liver, lungs, bones and brain.
Carcinoma of the major duodenal papilla - 8912345
- malignant epithelial tumor, presented by the primary tumor (40%) or other penetrating into the zone carcinomas (bile duct, duodenum, pancreas).
Carcinoma of the vagina and external genitalia - 12589121
- malignant epithelial tumor development preceded by precancerous -
leukoplakia and kraurosis.
CANCER BAY - 1567812
- malignant epithelial tumor, histological form of which is a squamous cell
carcinoma with keratinization.
Stomach cancer - 8912534
- malignant epithelial tumor, locating in the upper third (cardiac and bottom of the stomach), the middle third (the body of the stomach) or lower third (pyloric part of stomach) with nonspecific clinical symptoms - nausea, vomiting, belching, dysphagia, general weakness, weight loss, anemia, etc.
Gall bladder cancer - 8912453
- malignant epithelial tumors, the morphological structure representing a
different differentiation adenocarcinoma with infiltrative type of growth, rarely (not more than 15%) - squamous cell carcinoma.
Carcinoma of extrahepatic bile duct - 5789154
- malignant epithelial tumors, representing various differentiation
adenocarcinoma with infiltrative type of growth that affects the common bile duct.
SKIN CANCER - 8148957
- malignant epithelial tumor arising in the open areas of the body, which
precedes the development of hyperkeratosis - age and loss arising from
intense ultraviolet radiation, disease Boven, radiation dermatitis, xeroderma pigmentosum, albinism, chronic ulcers and scars, etc.
- malignant tumor of breast cancer, risk factors, which include: menopause, at age 50, lack of birth or first birth at age 30 years, family history indicative of breast cancer in mother, sister or both , fibro-kistozaya breast.
Bladder Cancer - 89123459
- a malignant tumor, most often occurs in people who work with aromatic
amines, as well as chronic cystitis.
Liver cancer - 5891248
- a malignant tumor, localized in the liver and often represents a
hepatocellular carcinoma, at least - cholangiocellular.
Esophageal cancer - 8912567
- squamous cell carcinoma, most tumors are located in the middle third of the esophagus.
Pancreatic cancer - 8125891
- a malignant tumor, localized in the head, body and tail of the pancreas and is a mostly ductal carcinoma (adenocarcinoma).
Cancer of the penis - 8514921
- squamous cell carcinoma, with a high degree of differentiation, which affects the body of the penis.
Kidney cancer - 56789108
- renal cell carcinoma originating from the parenchyma of the kidney and
renal pelvis epithelium (adenocarcinoma).
- malignant tumor on the morphological structure resembles that of bladder cancer most often affects the lower third of the ureter.
- a malignant tumor, which is adenocarcinoma of varying differentiation.
Carcinoma of salivary glands - 9854321
- most are malignant tumors in the parotid gland, rarely in the submandibular and sublingual.
- the most common form of soft tissue sarcomas in pediatric practice, there are three histological types: embryonal, alveolar and polymorphic.
Colon Cancer (Colorectal) - 5,821,435
- a malignant tumor, located in the anal, lower-, medium-, and
verhneampulyarnom rectosigmoid, more often diagnosed with
adenocarcinoma, the tumor has less structure signet ring cell,
undifferentiated, or squamous cell carcinoma.
- histologically a papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, anaplastic, and rarely medullary cancer.
Ovarian cancer - 4851923
- represent a serous, mucinous and endometrioid ovarian cancers.
Soft tissue sarcoma - 54321891
- a malignant tumor, located in the soft tissues of the extremities, trunk,
retroperitoneum, and other areas of the body.
Kaposi's sarcoma - 8214382
- a malignant tumor that affects the skin of the limbs and trunk, rarely the
lymph nodes, visceral organs, bones.
Sepsis (blood poisoning)

III - SEPSIS - 58143212
Acute - 8914321
Chronic - 8145421
- a disease characterized by progressive spread of the organism of bacterial, viral and fungal flora.

DIC - 8123454
- is observed in many diseases and all terminal states and is characterized by disseminated intravascular coagulation and aggregation of blood cells, activation and depletion of components of coagulation and fibrinolytic systems, microcirculation disturbance in the bodies of their degeneration and dysfunction, marked tendency to thrombosis and bleeding.

Aortic Aneurysm - 48543218
- see Sec. Surgical diseases , the diagnosis of an aneurysm .
- See Ch. Surgical diseases .
Heart Arrhythmia - 8543210
- Violations of the heart associated with changes in the function of the
conducting tissue, on which the rhythmical and progressive reduction of its departments.
- see Sec. Surgical diseases diagnosed occlusion of major arteries .
Arterial hypertension - 8145432
- increased blood pressure in the vascular area from the mouth of the aorta to the arterioles, inclusive.
Arterial hypotension (hypotension) - 8143546
- is characterized by a decrease in systolic pressure below 100 mm Hg and diastolic pressure - is less than 60 mm Hg
Atherosclerosis - 54321898
- the most common chronic disease that affects the elastic arteries (aorta, its branches and the arc) and musculo-elastic (the arteries of the heart, brain, etc.) type, with the formation of single and multiple foci of lipid, mainly cholesterol, deposits - atheromatous plaques - in the inner shell of the arteries.
- cardiac activity associated with slowing or interruption of impulse conduction in the conduction system.
Varicose veins - 4831388
- cm. in Ch. Surgical diseases .
- see systemic vasculitis in Sec. Rheumatic disease .
Vasoneurosis (cardiopsychoneurosis) - 8432910
- vasomotor disturbance of functional nature, accompanied by
diskoordinirovannymi reactions in different parts of the vascular system.
Hypertensive crisis - 5679102
- occur in hypertension and, in most cases characterized by a combination of systemic and regional, mainly cerebral, angiodistony.
- see arterial hypertension .
Myocardial Infarction - 8914325
- severe cardiac disease, caused by acute deficiency of its blood supply, with the emergence of foci of necrosis in the heart muscle, the most important clinical form of coronary heart disease.
- chronic pathological process caused by insufficient blood supply to the
myocardium, the vast majority (97-98%) of the cases is the result of
atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart.
Cardialgia - 8124567
- pain in the heart, characterized by the characteristics of angina
characterized by stitching, burning, aching, less oppressive pain in the heart.
Cardiomyopathy - 8421432
- primary non-inflammatory myocardial lesion (idiopathic), not associated with valvular or intracardiac shunts, arterial or pulmonary hypertension, ischemic
heart disease or systemic diseases.
Kardiosklerosis - 4891067
- the defeat of the muscle (miokardioskleroz) and heart valves due to the
development of scar tissue in them in the form of nests of various sizes (from microscopic to large cicatricial lesions and fields) and the prevalence of substituting for the myocardium and (or) is deformed valves.
COLLAPSE - 8914320
- a form of acute circulatory failure resulting from breach of normal relations between the capacity of the vascular bed and blood volume.
Pulmonary heart - 5432111
- the pathological state characterized by hypertrophy and dilatation (and then failure) of the right ventricle due to pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients with lesions of the respiratory system.
Myocardiodystrophy - 85432104
- non-inflammatory lesion of the heart muscle as a result of violations of its metabolism under the influence of extracardiac factors.

Myocardiopathy - 8432142
- primary non-inflammatory myocardial damage not associated with valvular or intracardiac shunts, arterial or pulmonary hypertension, ischemic heart disease or systemic disease (collagen disease, amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, etc.).
Infarction - 8432110
- inflammatory lesions of the heart muscle.
Insufficiency of blood circulation - 85432102
- acute or chronic failure of the circulatory system to deliver organs and
tissues of blood in an amount necessary for the normal functioning of both at rest and during exercise.
Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) - 5432150
- option vegetative-vascular dysfunction (see vasoneurosis ) predominantly in young persons to be allocated based on the needs of medical and expert practice, as a prospective nosological form.
Pulmonary edema - 54321112
- attack of severe dyspnea caused most acute congestive heart failure with left ventricular failure exudation into the alveoli and churning them serous fluid (alveolar edema).
- acute or chronic inflammation of the pericardium.
- the formation of fetal cardiac anomalies, and (or) the great vessels, causing a violation of intracardiac blood flow, eventually leading to heart failure.
- defeat valve (valves) heart valve which seem incapable of full disclosure (stenosis) or closing (valvular insufficiency) or to both (a combined defect).
Rheumatism - 5481543
- see rheumatism in ch. Rheumatic disease .
Cardiac asthma - 8543214
- the attack of heavy breathing difficulties, growing mainly due to acute or
worsening chronic congestive heart failure with left ventricular failure
exudation in the lung tissue of serous fluid (interstitial edema).
Heart Failure - 8542106
- failure of the heart as a pump, which provides normal blood circulation.

Vascular insufficiency - 8668888
- mismatch between the capacity of the vascular bed and blood volume due to insufficient vascular tone, or (ii) the volume of circulating blood
VASCULAR Cruise (angiodistonicheskie crises) - 8543218
- sharp passing violations systemic hemodynamic or local blood flow caused by disorders of vascular tone, iehypertension or hypotension arterial hypotension veins, tissue dysfunction of arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA).
Angina (angina pectoris) - 8145999
- sudden attacks of chest pain due to acute shortage of blood supply to the myocardium - clinical forms of ischemic heart disease.
Thrombophlebitis - 1454580
- see phlebothrombosis in Sec. Surgical diseases .
Endocarditis - 8545421
- inflammation of the valve or endocardium wall on the grounds of
rheumatism, less infections, including sepsis, connective tissue, toxicity
(uremia) injury.

Joint disease - 5421891
- inflammation of one or more joints installed microbial etiology.
Microcrystalline arthritis - 0014235
- a group of diseases of the joints caused by the deposition of these
microcrystals of different composition.
- a systemic disease of connective tissue, which manifests itself primarily
chronic progressive inflammation of the joints.
Psoriatic arthropathy - 0145421
- a kind of inflammatory joint disease in patients with psoriasis.
- non-inflammatory joint disease caused by degeneration of articular cartilage.
Periarthritis - 4548145
- diseases of the periarticular soft tissues (tendons, bags, capsules) without evidence of actual arthritis.
GOUT - 8543215
- a disease characterized by a violation of purine metabolism and is
accompanied by accumulation of uric acid in the body.
RHEUMATIC DISEASES periarticular soft tissues - 1489123
- a disease of the tendons (tendinitis, tendovaginitah), ligaments
(ligamentidy), the insertion of these structures to bones (entezopatii), synovial bags (bursitis), aponeuroses and fasciae of inflammatory or degenerative nature, not caused by direct trauma, injury, infection or tumor.
Reiter syndrome (uretrookulosinovialny syndrome) - 4,848,111
- a disease with a characteristic combination of arthritis, uretriita,
conjunctivitis, and in some cases with a peculiar dermatitis.
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Bechterew's Disease) - 4,891,201
- a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints of the spine with a tendency to develop progressive loss of movement in them.
Tendovaginitah - 1489154
- inflammation of the tendon sheath.
- a group of diseases characterized by systemic vascular lesions with an
inflammatory reaction of the vascular wall.
Wegener's granulomatosis - 8943568
- giant cell granulomatous necrotizing vasculitis, mainly affecting the
respiratory tract, lungs and kidneys.
Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch's disease) - 8491234
- systemic failure of the capillaries, arterioles, venules, mainly the skin, joints, abdomen and kidneys.
GIANT artery (temporal arteritis) - 9,998,102
- a systemic disease characterized by granulomatous inflammation of the
tunica media of vessels, mainly the pool of the carotid arteries (temporal,
cranial, and others).
Goodpasture's syndrome - 8491454
- systemic capillary, mainly affecting the lungs and kidneys by the type of
hemorrhagic pneumonitis and glomerulonephritis.
Periarteritis Uzelkov - 54321894
- systemic vascular disease, mainly affecting muscular arteries and vessels of smaller caliber.
Takayasu DISEASE (aorto-arteritis) - 8,945,432
- a systemic disease characterized by inflammation of the aorta and its
branches off from the development of partial or complete their obliteration.
Obliterating thromboangiitis - 8945482
- systemic inflammatory vascular disease, mainly affecting the arteries of
muscular type, and veins.
DIFFUSE connective tissue disease - 5485812
- a group of diseases characterized by systemic type of inflammation of
various organs, combined with autoimmune and immune-complex processes.
Systemic Lupus RED - 8543148
- a chronic systemic autoimmune disease of connective tissue and blood
Dermatomyositis (polymyositis) - 5,481,234
- a systemic disease of connective tissue, mainly affecting the muscles and skin.
- chronic systemic soedinitelnotkannoso-sudistoe disease characterized by progressive fibrosis.
MIX connective DISEASE syndrome (Sharpe) - 1484019
- characterized by a combination of individual features of systemic sclerosis, polymyositis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Sjogren (SEGRENA) SYNDROME - 4891456
- chronic inflammation of the exocrine glands, mainly salivary and lacrimal system, with signs of secretory failure.
Rheumatism - 5481543
- systemic inflammatory connective tissue disease with predominant
localization in the heart.
Aspergillosis - 481543271
- a disease caused by fungi of genus Aspergillus , with frequent localization in the bronchopulmonary system.
Bronchial asthma - 8943548
- allergic disease, the main manifestation of which is the attack of suffocation caused by impaired patency of the bronchi.
Bronchioles (acute inflammation of the bronchioles) - 89143215
- is seen as a severe form of acute bronchitis.
Acute bronchitis - 4812567
- diffuse acute inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree.
Chronic bronchitis - 4218910
- diffuse progressive inflammation of the bronchi that is not associated with local or generalized pulmonary and manifested by cough.
Pulmonary infarction - 89143211
- a disease caused by embolism or thrombosis of the pulmonary artery
branches, principally its equity and smaller arteries.
Pneumonomoniliasis - 4891444
- the defeat of bronchopulmonary apparatus with candidiasis (see Chap.
Diseases of the digestive system ), characterized by the appearance of small pneumonic foci of necrosis in the center and fibrinous exudate in the alveoli surrounding the zone of necrosis.
Pleurisy - 4854444
- inflammation of the pleura with formation of fibrinous deposits on its surface or effusion in its cavity.
Pneumonia - 4814489
- inflammation of the lungs, a group of diseases characterized by
inflammation of the parenchyma, or predominantly parenchymal, ie
respiratory part of the lung are divided into croupous (equity) and patchy.
Pneumosclerosis - 9871234
- the development of lung connective tissue as a result of nonspecific
(pneumonia, bronchitis) or specific (tuberculosis, syphilis), the inflammatory process.
Pneumoconiosis - 8423457
- occupational lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of dust and
characterized by the development of diffuse interstitial fibrosis.
Silicosis - 4818912
- the most common and heavily flowing form of pneumoconiosis, develops as a result of prolonged inhalation of dust containing free silica.
SILIKATOZY - 2224698
- caused by inhaling dust silicates - minerals that contain silicon dioxide,
associated with other elements (magnesium, calcium, iron, aluminum, etc.).
Asbestosis - 4814321
- the most common form of silikatoza caused by the inhalation of asbestos dust.
Tal cosi s - 4845145
- a relatively benign silikatoz caused by the inhalation of dust talcum powder.
- caused by inhaling the dust of some metals: berylliosis - beryllium dust;
siderosis - iron dust; alyuminoz - aluminum dust; baritoz - barium dust, etc.
- due to the influence of carbon-containing dust (coal, graphite, soot) and are characterized by the development of moderate and small focal interstitial
pulmonary fibrosis.
Anthracosis - 5843214
- karbokonioz caused by inhaling coal dust.
Pneumoconiosis OF ORGANIC DUST - 4548912
- can be attributed to pneumoconiosis is conditional, since they are not
always accompanied by a diffuse process with outcome in fibrosis.
LUNG CANCER - 4541589
- 98% of primary lung tumors related to cancer, emanating from the bronchialmucosa.
Sarcoidosis - 4589123
- a systemic disease characterized by the formation in the tissues of
"stamped" granulomas composed of epithelioid cells and occasional giant cells Pirogov - Langhans or foreign body type.
Pulmonary tuberculosis - 8941234
- infectious disease characterized by the formation of lesions in the diseased tissue specific inflammation and expression of the general reaction of the body.
HAMM - Rich syndrome - 4814578
- progressive diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, is exceptionally pulmonary
localization process, the low efficiency of therapy, the same deaths.
Emphysema - 54321892
- is characterized by abnormal enlargement of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles, accompanied by destructive changes of alveolar walls, and one of particular forms of chronic nonspecific lung diseases.
Malnutrition (starvation disease, protein-free edema) - 5,456,784
- a disease caused by prolonged malnutrition, characterized by a general
depletion, disorders of all types of metabolism, degeneration of tissues and organs in violation of their functions.
Amoebiasis 1289145
- see Sec. Infectious diseases .
Amyloidosis - 5432185
- a systemic disease affecting many different organs and tissue structures, characterized by the disturbance of protein metabolism and extracellular deposition in these complex protein-polysaccharide complex.
- syndrome caused by partial compression of the superior mesenteric artery of the lower horizontal portion of the duodenum.
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