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Amyloidosis - 4512345
- in most cases, a systemic disease, which is based on changes that lead to loss of tissue extracellular amyloid (a complex protein-polysaccharide complex), which causes the ultimate disruption of the bodies.
Anomalies of urinary system - 1234571
- is the most common of all congenital malformations.
Hydronephrosis - 5432154
- develops due to violations of the outflow of urine and is characterized by enlargement of pelvis-plating system, the pathological changes iterstitsialnoy kidney tissue and atrophy of its parenchyma.
Glomerulonephritis - 4812351
- Diffuse glomerulonephritis - immunoallergicheskoe disease, mainly affecting the glomerular vessels.
Acute Glomerulonephritis - 4285614.
Piel - 5432110
- inflammation of the renal pelvis.
Pyelonephritis - 58143213
- non-specific infectious disease of the kidneys, affecting the renal
parenchyma, predominantly interstitial tissue, pelvis and calyx.
Polycystic kidney disease - 5421451
- congenital condition in which both kidneys appear and gradually increase the cyst, which leads to atrophy of functioning parenchyma.
Renal colic - 4321054
- the syndrome observed at a number of diseases of the kidneys, the main manifestation of which - the sharp pain in the lumbar region.
Nephrolithiasis - 5432143
- is related to the formation in the kidney, rather in the cups and pelvis,
concretions, which causes a variety of pathological changes of kidney and urinary tract.
Renal insufficiency - 4321843
- is a syndrome that develops as a result of severe renal impairment of the processes leading to the breakdown of homeostasis, and is characterized by azotemia, violation of a water-base balance of the body.
Acute renal failure - 8,218,882.
Chronic renal failure - 5,488,821.
- infectious disease caused by microbacteria and affects the kidneys.
Acute uremia - 5421822
- see acute renal failure .
Chronic uremia - 8914381
- see chronic renal failure .
CYSTITIS - 48543211
- infectious disease caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria in the bladder.
Eclampsia Renal - 8149141
- see acute glomerulonephritis .
Agranulocytosis - 4856742
- Reduction of the number of white blood cells (less than 1000 in 1 ml) or the number of granulocytes (less than 750 in 1 ml of blood).
Anemia (anemia) - 48,543,212
- a decrease in blood total hemoglobin, which, except for acute blood loss, characterized by decreased levels of hemoglobin per unit volume of blood.
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia - 9481232
- anemia due to acute blood loss in the short term.
- (sideroahresticheskie anemia), characterized gipohromiey red blood cells, elevated serum iron, iron deposition with a picture of hemosiderosis.
Anemia of Lead poisoning - 1237819
- due to impaired synthesis of porphyrins and heme.
Megaloblastic anemia - 5481254
- a group of anemia, a common feature of which is the detection in the bone marrow of peculiar eritrokariotsitov structural cores that preserve these traits in the later stages of differentiation and are the outcome of DNA and RNA synthesis in cells called megaloblasts.
- are associated with increased destruction of red blood cells.
- caused by the influence of antibodies on red blood cells.
APLASTIC (hypoplastic) anemia - 5481541
- a group of diseases characterized by progressive decrease in the amount of formed elements in peripheral blood and bone marrow.
Sickle Cell Anemia - 7891017
- In a large group of diseases caused by disorders of amino acid composition of hemoglobin - hemoglobin disorders, the most common is sickle cell anemia.
Gaucher disease - (kerazinovy reticulosis) - 5,145,432
- a hereditary deficiency of the enzyme ß-glucocerebrosidase, leading to a breach of utilization of lipids - glyukotserebrozidov and their accumulation in macrophages of spleen, bone marrow and liver.
lymphomas (LIMFOTSITOMY) - 54321451
- Tumors of the hematopoietic cells in the initial phases does not affect the bone marrow, can be formed by blast cells (gematosarkomy) and mature lymphocytes (lymphoma or limfotsitomy).
Hemoblastosis PARAPROTEINEMICHESKIE - 8432184
- a special group of tumors of the lymphatic system, where the tumor cells (lymphocytes or plasma) is synthesized immunoglobulin (Ig).
Hemorrhagic diatheses - 5148543
- the disease, characterized by a tendency to bleeding.
GEMOPPAGICHESKIE diatheses caused by vascular pathology -
- Illness Pandyu-Oslepa (hereditary telangiectasia, hemo ppagichesky
- gemoppagicheskie diathesis due to deficiency of factors determining
ppotpombinovogo complex (hereditary and acquired).
LEYKEMOIDHYE reactions of - 5814321
- changes in blood and organs of hematopoiesis resembling leukemia and other tumors of the hematopoietic system, but always having a reactive and can not be transformed into that tumor, which they resemble.
LEUKEMIA - 5481347
- a term that combines multiple tumors of the hematopoietic system, arising from hematopoietic cells and affecting the bone marrow.
Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714
- lymph node cells with the presence of Berezovsky - Sternberg. The etiology is unknown.
Radiation sickness. Acute radiation sickness - 481543294
- an independent disease, developing as a result of the death of dividing cells mostly influenced by short-term (up to several days) effects of ionizing radiation on large areas of the body.
MIELEMIYA - 5142357
- the presence of blood cells in bone marrow - myelocytes,
epitpokapiotsitov, fewer nuclei megakapiotsitov.
HEREDITARY elliptocytosis (elliptotsitoz) - 51454323
- a dominantly inherited abnormality of red blood cells form, sometimes
complicating the increased hemolysis.
- dominantly inherited abnormality of red blood cells form, which is sometimes complicated by intracellular hemolysis.
- a group of rare inherited disease with almost complete absence of blood neutrophils detected constantly (permanent neutropenia) or at regular intervals (periodic neutropenia).
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (APG) - 5,481,455
- (Markyafavy Michele disease, paroxysmal nocturnal gemolobinuriya
constant gemosiderinuriey, disease-Shtryubinga Markyafavy) - a kind of
acquired hemolytic anemia, which flows with a constant intravascular
hemolysis, gemosiderinuriey, inhibition of granulocytes and trombotsitopoeza.
Thalassemia - 7765437
- a group of hereditary hemolytic anemia characterized by marked
gipohromiey erythrocytes with normal or elevated levels of iron in the blood serum.
- diseases which are based on innate (often hereditary) or acquired
qualitative platelet deficiency.
Thrombophilia Hematogenous - 4814543
- state, characterized by a tendency to develop recurrent thrombosis of blood vessels (mainly veins) in different locations due to violations of the
composition and properties of blood.
FAVIZM - 54321457
- Development of an acute hemolytic syndrome in some individuals with
deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-FDG) in response to food intake with fava beans, or entering the lungs of the pollen of this plant.
Chronic radiation sickness - 4812453
- is a disease caused by repeated irradiation of the body in small doses, for a total exceeding 100 rads.
Cytostatic DISEASE - 4812813
- a kind of polisindromnoe disease arising from exposure to the organism of cytotoxic factors and the resulting loss is mainly dividing cells in the first place - the bone marrow, epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, the frequent expression of cytostatic disease - liver disease.
Acromegaly - 1854321
- the disease caused by excessive production of growth hormone and
characterized by a disproportionate growth of bones, soft tissues and internal organs.
Inborn errors of sexual differentiation - 5451432
- disease, defined by chromosomal abnormalities.
- a manifestation of female secondary male sexual characteristics, due to
higher content in a woman's male sex hormones.
Hyperinsulinism (hypoglycemia disease) - 48454322
- a disease characterized by episodes of hypoglycemia caused by increased secretion of insulin beta cells in the pancreas due to hormonally-active tumors of the islets of Langerhans (islet adenoma) or diffuse hyperplasia of these cells.
Hyperparathyroidism - 5481412
- (generalized fibrous osteodystrophy, Recklinghausen's disease) disease of unknown etiology, characterized by hyperfunction of parathyroid glands.
Hyperprolactinaemia - 4812454
- galaktoreiamenorei syndrome in women and hypogonadism in men.
Hypogonadism (male) - 48143121
- a pathological condition caused by insufficient secretion of androgens in the body.
Hypoparathyroidism (tetany) - 4,514,321
- a disease characterized by reduced functional activity of the parathyroid
glands, increased neuromuscular excitability and convulsive syndrome.
Hypothyroidism (myxedema) - 4,812,415
- a disease characterized by low thyroid function.
PITUITARY dwarfism (dwarfism) - 4,141,414
- a disease characterized by growth retardation and physical disabilities.
Diabetes insipidus - 4818888
- the disease caused the defeat gipotalamogi-pofizarnoy system and
characterized by polydipsia and polyuria.
DIABETES - 8819977
- the disease caused by absolute or relative deficiency of insulin in the body and is characterized by gross violations of carbohydrate metabolism, with hyperglycemia and glucosuria (sugar urine "), as well as other metabolic disorders.
- dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system to increase the secretion of growth hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion and a violation of thyrotropin and gonadotropins.
SCA diffuse toxic (Grevs-Basedow disease) - 5,143,218
- a disease characterized by hyperplasia and hyperfunction of the thyroid
- the disease residents of certain geographic areas, characterized by
enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Itsenko-Cushing DISEASE - 54321458
- is characterized by impaired function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and symptoms of increased production of corticosteroids.
Mezhutochno-PITUITARY DEFICIENCY (panhypopituitarism,
diencephalic, hypophyseal cachexia, panhypopituitarism) - 48143214
- a disease characterized by prolapse or decline in function of the
hypothalamic-pituitary system with secondary hypofunction of the peripheral endocrine glands.
Myxedema - 4812415
- See hypothyroidism .
Adrenal insufficiency - 4812314
- a syndrome caused by a primary violation of the adrenal cortex (Addison's disease) or secondary changes as a result of its reduction of ACTH secretion.
OBESITY - 4812412
- overweight due to the accumulation of fatty tissue.
CANCER - 4541548
- endocrine disease tumor nature, see acromegaly, virilny syndrome,
hyperinsulinism, hyperparathyroidism, pheochromocytoma .
Advanced sexual development - 4814312
- the premature maturation of sex organs in girls up to 8 years and boys
under 10 years.
- inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland. Inflammation diffusely enlarged thyroid gland called strumitom.
Pheochromocytoma - 4818145
- the disease caused by benign or malignant tumor of the adrenal chromaffin tissue or extraadrenal localization.
- diseases caused by irritant toxic substances.
OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES DUE influence of physical factors (vibration
disease) - 4514541
- vibration disease caused by long-term (at least 3-5 years) exposure to
vibration in a production environment.
organs and systems - 4814542
- diseases caused by chronic functional overvoltage mikrotravmatizatsiey, performing the same type of fast movements.
- see Sec. 14 Infectious diseases .
Acute poisoning
llness caused by the arrival of endogenous and exogenous substances in e body through the mouth ( oral toxicity ) - 5142154, through the respiratory ract (inhalation toxicity ) - 4548142, through unprotected skin ( Percutaneous poisoning ) - 4,814,823, after injections of toxic doses of drugs ( inject poison ) or the introduction of toxic substances in various body cavities (rectum, vagina, ear canal, etc.) - 4818142.
Neuropsychiatric disorders - 9977881
disorders caused by acute poisoning, comprising the totality of mental,
eurological and somatovegetative symptoms due to a combination of direct effects on different structures of the central and peripheral nervous
system (exogenous toxicosis), and evolved as a result of intoxication of other organs and systems, particularly all liver and kidney (the endogenous
renal disease (toxic nephropathy) - 5412123
poisoning occurs when nephrotoxic poisons (antifreeze, corrosive sublimate, chloroethane, carbon tetrohlorid, etc.).
Lever damage (toxic hepatopathy) - 48145428
develops acute poisoning liver poisons (dichloroethane, carbon
trachloride), certain plant poisons and drugs (quinacrine).
Ekzotoksicheskogo SHOCK - 4185421
mpaired function of the cardiovascular system in the toxigenic phase of
ACUTE POISONING BY snake bites and poisonous ARTHROPODS -
Snake bites - 4114111
cause acute poisoning caused by the specific action of snake venom – snake venom glands of the product.
Stinging Scorpio - 4188888
causes severe excruciating pain in the area of the inoculation of venom,
ten radiating along the nerve trunks.
BITES Karakurt - 8181818
do not cause any severe local reaction to the venom, but are accompanied by a significant and original general intoxication.
Stinging wasps and bees - 9189189
- accompanied by severe local pain reaction, the appearance in the affected area of moderate hyperemia and edema.
Amebiasis (amebic dysentery) - 1289145
- protozoal disease characterized by ulcerative lesions of the colon, and in some cases complicating abscess of the liver, pulmonary and other organs.
Balantidiasis - 1543218
- protozoal disease characterized by ulcerative lesions of the colon and
Rabies (hydrophobia) - 4,812,543
- an acute viral disease that occurs after exposure to damaged skin saliva of infected animals.
Cat scratch disease (regionarny nonbacterial lymphadenitis) -
- an acute disease that arises through contact with infected cats - for bites, scratches, oslyunenii.
- see viral hepatitis .
Brill DISEASE (repeat typhus, relapsing typhus) - 514854299
- recurrence of epidemic typhus, caused to the ill with them in many years.
Botulism - 5481252
- botulinum toxin poisoning, built-in food.
Brucellosis - 4122222
- zoonotic infectious-allergic disease caused by different types of Brucella.
Vaccinella - 4848148
- a mild form of smallpox (see natural smallpox ).
Viral hepatitis A and B (Botkin's disease) - 5,412,514
- Total infectious diseases of viral nature, manifested intoxication, mainly
affecting the liver and in some cases jaundice.
Helminthiasis - 5124548
- diseases caused by lodged in the human parasitic worms - worms and their larvae.
Alveococcosis - 5481454
- Exciter - larval stage alveococcus.
Ankilostomidoze - 4815454
- helminthiases caused by hookworms, parasites in the human small
intestine, most often in the duodenum.
Ascariasis - 4814812 - Exciter
- ascarid parasite in the adult stage in the small intestine.
Hymenolepiasis - 54812548
- Pathogen - dwarf tapeworm.
Bothriocephaliasis - 4812354
- Exciter - tapeworm wide.
Clonorchiasis - 5412348
- helminthiasis caused by fluke - Chinese fluke.
METAGONIMOZ - 54812541
- helminthiasis caused by small fluke. Pathogen - metagonimus, a parasite in the small intestine of man, dogs, cats, pigs.
Opisthorchiasis - 5124542
- Exciter - fluke cat, or Siberian, which is a parasite in the bile ducts of the liver, gallbladder and pancreatic ducts man, cats, dogs, etc.
Strongyloidiasis - 54812527
- Exciter - ugritsa intestinal, parasite in the intestinal wall (mainly
gastrointestinal), sometimes in the ducts of the liver and pancreas during
migration - in the bronchi and lung tissue.
- Exciter - bovine tapeworm.
Teni asi s - 4855555
- Exciter - pork tapeworm, which can parasitize humans, not only in mature, but in the larval stage, causing the disease - cysticercosis.
TRICHINELLOSIS (trichinosis) - 7777778
- Exciter - fleshworm.
- agents - small worms from the family trichostrongylids.
Trichuriasis - 4125432
- Exciter - whipworm, parasitizing in human colon.
Fascism - 4812542
- agents - liver fluke and giant.
Cysticercosis - 4512824
- develops as a result of contact with tapeworm eggs, pork stomach
(contaminated food, dirty hands, throwing the mature segments of the
intestine into the stomach, such as vomiting in patients infected with the
mature form of the pork tapeworm). Pathogen - pork tapeworm larval stage (cysticercus).
Schistosomiasis (bilharzia) - 48125428
- helminthiasis with lesions of the urogenital system, intestine, liver, spleen and sometimes the lungs and nervous system, which is observed in tropical and subtropical climates.
Enterobiasis - 5123542
- Exciter - pinworm, parasitizing in the lower small intestine and colon.
Echinococcosis - 5481235
- Exciter - larval stage of echinococcus parasite in the liver, lungs and other organs.
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, or hemorrhagic nefrozonefrit - 5124567
- acute viral natural focal disease, which flows from intoxication, fever, original renal syndrome and hemorrhagic manifestations.
Herpetic infections - 2312489
- diseases caused by herpes simplex virus, characterized by skin, mucous membranes, in some cases can cause severe eye damage, nervous system and internal organs.
FLU - 4814212
- an acute viral infectious disease; anthroponosis is transmitted by airborne droplets.
DYSENTERY - 4812148
- infectious disease with a fecal-oral mechanism of transmission caused by different types of Shigella.
Diphtheria - 5556679
- an acute infectious disease with the airborne transmission, characterized mainly toxic lesion of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the local inflammatory process with the formation of fibrous plaque.
Yersiniosis - 5123851
- an acute infectious disease related to zoonoses.
Campylobacteriosis (vibroz) - 4,815,421
- an acute infectious disease of zoonotic nature.
Whooping cough - 4812548
- an acute infectious disease related to air-drop anthroponosis, characterized by bouts of spasmodic cough.
MEASLES - 4214825
- an acute viral infectious disease with the airborne transmission, primarily affecting children and characterized by fever, intoxication, catarrh of the respiratory tract and a maculopapular rash.
RUBELLA - 4218547
- an acute viral infectious disease with the airborne transmission,
characterized by transient fever, rash and swelling korepodobnoy
zadnesheynyh and occipital lymph nodes.
Legionellosis (Legionnaires' disease, Pittsburgh pneumonia, Pontiac fever, legionellainfektsiya) - 5,142,122
- an acute infectious disease caused by various Legionella species,
characterized by fever, severe general intoxication, severe, pulmonary,
central nervous system, digestive organs.
- parasitic disease caused by a protozoan genus Leishmania .
Leptospirosis - 5128432
- the acute infectious disease caused by different serotypes of Leptospira.
- an infectious disease of the groups of zoonosis, which is characterized by polymorphism of clinical manifestations.
Q fever - 5148542
- acute rickettsial disease characterized by fever, symptoms of intoxication, and frequent lung disease.
Marburg fever (hemorrhagic fever Maridi, Ebola) - 5,184,599
- an acute viral illness characterized by severe, highly lethal, hemorrhagic syndrome, liver, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system.
Giardiasis - 5189148
- infestation of Giardia, which flows in the form of bowel dysfunction or
asymptomatic parazitonositelstvo.
MALARIA - 5189999
- acute protozoal disease characterized by cyclical recurrent course with the change of febrile seizures and interictal periods, anemia, enlargement of the liver and spleen.
Meningococcal disease - 5891423
- caused by meningococcal disease occurring in the form of acute
nasopharyngitis, purulent meningitis and meningococcemia.
Mycoplasmosis - 5481111
- an acute infectious disease caused by mycoplasma.
INFECTIOUS mononucleosis - 5142548
- viral infectious disease characterized by lymphocyte blast transformation, the emergence of these peculiar cells in the peripheral blood and reactive lymphadenitis, enlarged lymph nodes and spleen.
Psittacosis - 5812435
- an acute infectious disease caused by chlamydia, with fever, general
intoxication, pulmonary, nervous system, increased liver and spleen.
Smallpox WIND - 48154215
- an acute viral disease with the airborne transmission occurs predominantly in childhood and is characterized by fever, rash, papules, vezikuleznoy, benign course.
Smallpox NATURAL - 4848148
- acute viral disease vysokokontagioznaya nature, characterized by severe, fever and pustular rash.
Acute respiratory infections (ARI, acute catarrh of upper respiratory
tract, acute respiratory infection) - 48145488
- common, characterized by the general intoxication and primary lesion of the respiratory tract.
- an acute infectious disease caused by parakoklyushnoy wand ( Bordetella parapertussis ); has similarities with milder forms of pertussis.
Mumps EPIDEMICHEKY (pig) - 3,218,421
- an acute viral infectious disease that affects mostly children under 15 years, characterized by inflammation of the salivary glands and other glandular organs, and often the development of serous meningitis.
Pediculosis (lice) - 48148121
- parasite on human small blood-sucking insects - head lice.
Food Poisoning Bacterial toxins - 5184231
- diseases that occur after eating foods, contamination by various
microorganisms and containing bacterial toxins.
Pseudotuberculosis - 514854212
- an acute infectious disease of the groups zoonosis characterized by fever, general intoxication, lesions of the small intestine, liver, often
skarlatinopodobnoy rash.
GIVE BIRTH - 4123548
- acute strep disease characterized by skin lesions with the formation of
sharply limited inflammatory foci, as well as fever and symptoms of
intoxication, frequent relapses.
Rotavirus disease - 5148567
- an acute viral disease with predominant disease of children.
- an acute infectious disease caused by salmonella transmitted by the
ANTHRAX - 9998991
- a disease which in humans occurs in the form of skin, lung, intestinal and septicemic forms.
Scarlet fever - 5142485
- acute inhalation anthroponosis primarily affecting children under 10 years is characterized by fever, general intoxication, sore throat and rash
Tetanus - 5671454
- an acute infectious disease characterized by severe toxic damage to the nervous system tonic and clonic convulsions, impaired thermoregulation.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) - 5148555
- highly dangerous viral disease characterized by a long incubation period, the suppression of cellular immunity, the development of secondary infections (viral, bacterial, protozoal) and neoplastic lesions, which usually lead patients to death.
TIFO-paratyphoid diseases (typhoid, paratyphoid A and B) - 1,411,111
- a group of acute infectious diseases with fecal-oral mechanism of
transmission caused by Salmonella and similar clinical manifestations.
TIF Duster (typhus louse, lousy) - 1,444,444
- an acute rickettsial disease characterized by fever, general intoxication,
damage to blood vessels and nervous system.
TIF Duster TICK - 5189499
- an acute infectious disease characterized by fever, general intoxication, the appearance of primary affect and maculopapular rash.
- parasitic disease characterized by chronic, damage to the nervous system, lymphadenopathy, enlarged liver and spleen, frequent myocardial damage, muscle and eyes.
Tul aremi a - 4819489
- an acute infectious disease of the groups of zoonoses.
CHOLERA - 4891491
- an acute infectious disease with a fecal-oral mechanism of transmission, caused by V. cholerae.
SWINE - 8998888
- an acute infectious natural focal disease caused by the wand of plague.
Enterovirus Disease - 8123456
acute infectious disease caused by enteroviruses: often occur with CNS,
muscles and skin.
- neyrovirusnaya acute infection characterized by lesions of gray matter of the brain and spinal cord.
- diseases caused by different strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.
- an acute viral disease characterized by fever, general intoxication, aphthous lesions of the oral mucosa, skin lesions of hands
Vitamin A deficiency (avitaminosis - 5451234, hypovitaminosis -
- a group of diseases that develop when insufficient flow in the body of one or more vitamins or complete lack of food.
Vitamin A deficiency (retinol) - 4154812
- occurs when a lack of vitamin A and carotene in the diet, the violation of his absorption in the intestine and the synthesis of vitamin A from carotene in the body.
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 1 (thiamine) - 1234578
- hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis B 1 (beri-beri, kakke) occur with a
deficiency of this vitamin in the diet (mainly polished rice diet devoid of
vitamin B- 1 , in East and Southeast Asia) , violation of its intestinal absorption and assimilation (in severe intestinal lesions, persistent vomiting, prolonged diarrhea, etc.).
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 2 (Riboflavin) - 1485421
- occurs when a lack of vitamin B 2 in food or violation of its intestinal
absorption and assimilation (phosphorylation) or increased destruction in the organism.
Failure nicotinic acid (vitamin PP, vitamin B 3 ) - 1,842,157
- is due to insufficient intake of this vitamin with food (mostly corn meal), it insufficient suction in the intestine (in various diseases of the stomach and small intestine), high insolation and high demand for this vitamin (pregnancy, heavy physical work, etc.).
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 6 (pyridoxine) - 9785621.
In adults, there is only the endogenous form: the suppression of bacterial
flora in the intestine (synthesize pyridoxine in sufficient quantities for the
body), long-term antibiotics, sulfonamides and anti-TB drugs, especially while increasing demand for this vitamin (great exercise, pregnancy, etc.) .
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid deficiency, avitaminosis C,scurvy, scurvy) - 4141255.
Most important is vitamin D 2 (ergocalciferol) and D 3 (cholecalciferol).
- adults is rare, is associated with the termination of income in the intestine of
bile needed for suction phyquinone (with obstruction and compression of the bile ducts), and chronic bowel diseases (see suction failure syndrome ).
- occur much more frequently than an isolated deficiency of one of the
XVI Pt 1 - CHILDREN'S ILLNESS - 18543218
Adrenogenital syndrome - 45143213
- a group of inherited autosomal recessive disease caused by deficiency of enzymes synthesis of steroid hormones of the adrenal cortex.
Respiratory allergies - 45143212
- a group of diseases with allergic respiratory tract lesions.
Allergic rhinitis and Sinus - 5814325
- the most common in children 2-4 years old, are rarely isolated, combined with the defeat of the larynx, pharynx, sometimes ear tubes, middle ear.
ALLERGIC Laryngitis - 58143214
- is more common in young children. Flow can make recurrent character,
periodically there is a rough "barking" cough, hoarseness.
ALLERGIC trachea - 514854218
- manifested by repeated episodes of persistent cough, usually at night,
causing a painful, disturbing sleeping baby.
Allergic bronchitis - 5481432
- is characterized by frequent (several times a month) recurrent, persistent, intrusive, often paroxysmal cough, mostly at night, in the lungs, along with dry moist rales auscultated variegated, with expiratory wheezing is not pronounced.
- are the most often diagnosed forms of allergic respiratory diseases.
Fetal alcohol syndrome (alcohol embriofetopatiya, fetal alcoholism) - 4845421
- combines a variety of both in combination, and the degree of severity of
abnormalities in the psycho-physical development of children, whether due to abuse of the woman alcohol before and during pregnancy.
antitrypsin deficiency - 1,454,545
- number of inherited diseases, which are based on lack of a 1 -antitrypsin - aglycoprotein synthesized in the liver, which leads to increased accumulation of proteolytic enzymes and subsequent tissue damage.
ANEMIA - 48543212
- see Sec. 10 Diseases of the blood system .
Development ZHELEZODEFETSITNYH Anemia - 1458421
- promotes a number of factors: limited supply of iron in infants and low – in premature, insufficient intake of iron from food, violations of intestinal
absorption of iron.
TOXIC hemolytic anemia - 45481424
- due to accidental poisoning (phenacetin, nitrofurans, sulfonamides, aniline dyes, derivatives of nitrobenzene, naphthalene).
Aspiration of foreign bodies - 4821543
- aspiration of organic and inorganic foreign bodies.
Bronchial asthma - 58145428
- an allergic disease, manifested by periodic attacks of breathlessness
caused by disturbance of bronchial patency due to spasm, mucosal edema and increased secretions.
Acute bronchitis - 5482145
- inflammatory disease of the bronchi of different etiologies.
Vasculitis Hemorrhagic (KAPILLYAROTOKSIKOZ, Henoch's disease) - 5,128,421
- an allergic disease with melkotochechnymi hemorrhages on the skin, and sometimes abdominal pain, headaches and swollen joints.
Galactosemia - 48125421
- a hereditary disease, which is based on the metabolic block in the way of conversion of galactose into glucose.
Hemolytic disease of newborn - 5125432
- hemolytic jaundice of newborn due to immunological conflict between
mother and fetus because of the incompatibility of erythrocyte antigens.
Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn - 5128543
- a group of syndromes caused by a transient failure in the early neonatal
period, certain blood clotting factors.
Hemophilia - 548214514
- a hereditary disease, transmitted by recessive manner: is linked to the X chromosome.
HEPATITIS - see Ch. Diseases of the digestive system .
- is observed in the intrahepatic (as a result of cirrhosis of the liver) and
extrahepatic (thrombophlebitis of the splenic vein) unit, often in children who suffered in the neonatal period umbilical sepsis, with congenital pathology of the portal vein.
Glycosuria, renal (kidney glyukodiabet) - 5,142,585
- is due to a hereditary defect in renal tubular enzyme systems that provide the reabsorption of glucose.
Hypervitaminosis D - 5148547
- there is an overdose of vitamin D or increased individual sensitivity to it.
Hypothyroidism - 4512333
- the disease caused a decrease in thyroid function.
Histiocytosis X - 5484321
- a group of diseases with a common pathogenesis, which is based on the reactive proliferation of histiocytes with the accumulation of these metabolic products.
Glomerulonephritis DIFFUSE - 5145488
- the infectious-allergic disease of the kidneys.
Diabetes mellitus - 4851421
- the disease caused by absolute or relative insulin deficiency and
characterized by a flagrant violation of carbohydrate metabolism with
hyperglycemia and glucosuria, and other metabolic disorders.
Diabetes insipidus LEAF - 5121111
- a hereditary disease where the kidneys are not able to produce urine with higher osmolar concentration, osmolarity than the glomerular ultrafiltrate of plasma.
- violated tubular mechanisms for reabsorption of sodium because of the low sensitivity of the epithelium to aldosterone, often due to pyelonephritis.
ALLERGIC eczema - 0195451
- a genetic predisposition to allergic diseases of the body.
Hemorrhagic eczema - 0480421
- see hemorrhagic vasculitis , thrombocytopenic purpura , gemofeliya .
LYMPHATIC eczema (according to the old terminology – limfatikohypoplastic diathesis) LYMPHATIC eczema (according to the old terminology – limfatikohypoplastic diathesis) - 5148548
-the inherited deficiency of lymphatic system associated with impaired
function of the thymus as the primary body to control the maturation of
- acute indigestion, caused by violation of the regime-feeding, overfeeding, the introduction of food, inadequate functionality of the gastrointestinal tract (eg, rapid transfer to artificial feeding), weaning in the summer, overheating.
- is related to foci of infection outside the gastrointestinal tract (respiratory infection, otitis media, urinary tract infection).
DYSPEPSIA Toxic - 514218821
- Severe acute indigestion, which proceeds with profound metabolic
DYSTONIA vegetovascular - 514218838
- often observed in prepubertal and pubertal periods. Contribute to the
emergence of chronic intoxication, fatigue, prolonged and significant
violations of the regime, lack of exercise, emotional stress. Of great
importance is genetic predisposition.
RESPIRATORY distress syndrome in neonates (respiratory distress
syndrome) - 5148284
- noninfectious disease processes in the lungs (pneumopathy), formed in the prenatal and early neonatal periods of child development and manifesting respiratory failure.
Neonatal jaundice - 4815457
- see also hemolytic disease of the newborn .
Croup FALSE - 5148523
- see constrictive laryngitis .
LEUKEMIA - 5481347
- see disease of the blood system .
Malabsorption syndrome - 4518999
- the syndrome of disturbed intestinal absorption through the mucous
membrane of the small intestine of one or more nutrients.
Cystic fibrosis - 9154321
- a serious hereditary disease, which is based on the defeat of exocrine
glands and elevated viscosity of the secrets that lead to the defeat of the
lung, pancreas and intestine, at least - of the liver and kidneys characterized by a significant increase in the concentration of chlorine and sodium in sweat of patients.
Jade HEREDITARY - 5854312
- etiology, pathogenesis is not understood. Suggest that the disease is
associated with a mutation of the gene controlling the synthesis of structural proteins of kidney tissue, as well as other organs.
Pyloric stenosis - 5154321
- see surgical diseases in childhood .
Pilorospazme - 5141482
- is characterized by the appearance of vomiting since birth, which is not
Small focal pneumonia - 4814489
- See Ch. Diseases of the respiratory system .
Pneumonia NEWBORN - 5151421
- inflammation in the lung tissue.
Chronic Pneumonia - 51421543
- chronic inflammation, which was formed in children based on congenital bronchopulmonary system and the inherited disease.
Polyarthritis chronic nonspecific (infektartrit) - 8,914,201
- see Rheumatoid Arthritis in Ch. Rheumatic disease .
- etiology is not known, and for the entire group of congenital malformations. Believe that a 3-8-week intrauterine any impacts with sufficient force factor (endogenous and exogenous) may cause disturbance in organogenesis of the heart. In this respect, the importance attached to the virus, particularly the causal organism of mumps and rubella. In some cases we establish the role of hereditary predisposition.
Rickets (hypovitaminosis D) - 5,481,232
- deficiency of vitamin D exogenous or endogenous origin. Pathogenesis see vitamin deficiency in Sec. Diseases of the digestive system .
VOMITING - 1454215
- particularly in children occurs frequently and appears more often than theless a child. In infants it is often due to overfeeding (habitual vomiting,
regurgitation). The most frequently vomiting accompanies febrile illness in children as young age and older (at least) of age. However, in the hectic period of vomiting may be caused not by illness, and inappropriate diet,medications (including antipyretics, sulfonamides, etc.).
Rheumatism - 5481543
- see rheumatism in ch. Rheumatic disease .
Neonatal sepsis - 4514821
- a serious disease caused by continuous or periodic flows of microorganisms in the blood of the foci of inflammation that is characterized by severe discrepancy between common disorders to local changes, and often the formation of new foci of inflammation
In various organs and tissues.
Spazmofilii - 5148999
- the disease in infants, characterized by a tendency to the tonic and klonikotonic convulsions due to hypocalcemia.
Staphylococcal infections - 5189542
- a group of acute and chronic infectious processes caused by staphylococci.
Stenosing laryngitis (croup syndrome) - 1,489,542
- an acute inflammation of the larynx, often breathtaking Troch and bronchi.
Subfebrilitet CHILDREN - 5128514
- poly etiology syndrome, as foci of chronic infection (chronic tonsillitis,
adenoids, etc.), and a number of chronically occurring diseases (tuberculosis intoxication, lymphoma, etc.).
Cramps - 51245424
- involuntary muscle contractions, sudden and different in intensity, duration and prevalence.
SUBSEPSIS ALLERGIC Wissler, Franconi - 5421238
- disease specific form of rheumatoid arthritis.
TOXIC SYNDROME (toxaemia with exsicosis) - 5148256
- severe general nonspecific response of the body a young child to hit him in the microbial toxins, viruses, poor-quality food.
Injured Intracranial LABOR - 518999981
- brain damage the child in childbirth, which is based on rupture of blood
vessels and intracranial hemorrhage.
- the total infectious disease caused by acid-fast bacilli, and the lungs,
intestines, bones, joints, skin, eyes, etc.
EARLY tuberculous intoxication - 1284345
- distinguish syndrome, which is characteristic for all types of tuberculosis, and as an independent form of the disease in children.
Phenylketonuria - 5148321
- a serious hereditary disease characterized primarily damage to the nervous system.
Phosphate-diabetes - 5148432
- dominant X-linked disease with a profound violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which can not eliminate the usual doses of vitamin D ("rickets resistant to vitamin D" - the name is not exact).
De Toni-Fanconi syndrome, Debra - 4514848
- the syndrome is also characterized by osteopathy rahitopodobnogo type, but unlike phosphate diabetes appears more severe general symptoms - malnutrition, reduced resistance to infection.
Celiac disease - 4154548
- is characterized by impaired intestinal absorption, sub-or atrophy of the
mucous membrane of jejunum.
Exudative enteropathy - 4548123
- heterogeneous group of diseases and pathological conditions characterized by increased loss of plasma proteins through the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms of malabsorption, hypoproteinemia, edema, delayed physical development.
This section provides the minimum information about the most important and dangerous surgical diseases of childhood.
Angioma - 4812599
- benign vascular tumor. Congenital malformation of blood vessels.
Appendicitis - 9999911
- the children has a more rapid increase in symptoms and a tendency towards the development of peritonitis.
Biliary atresia - 9191918
- congenital obstruction of the biliary tract.
Atresia of small intestine - 9188888
- complete obstruction of the small intestine of congenital nature.
Atresia and stenosis of duodenum - 5557777
- full or partial mechanical obstruction of the duodenum.
Atresia of anus and rectum - 6555557
- congenital absence of the anus and rectum.
Esophageal atresia - 8194321
- congenital obstruction of the esophagus.
Hernia umbilical cord FETAL - 5143248
- the defect of the anterior abdominal wall with protrusion of viscera into the stretched membrane at the base of the umbilical cord.
Diaphragmatic hernia - 5189412
- defect in the diaphragm, accompanied by the movement of bodies from the abdomen into the chest.
Meckel diverticulum - 4815475
- blind diverticulum wall of the small intestine, is the remnants of the vitelline duct, cleft of the intestine.
Intussusception - 5148231
- bowel obstruction caused by the introduction of one site in the intestine next, the most common form of intestinal obstruction in children.
Cephalhematoma - 48543214
- subperiosteal hematoma of the parietal bone of newborn children in the first months of life due to birth trauma.
- the source of bleeding can be a mucous membrane (diapedetic bleeding), erosions, ulcers, etc.
Cleft palate - 5151515
- congenital cleft palate.
- Damage to esophageal acid or alkali.
Osteomyelitis of the epiphyseal - 12345895
- osteomyelitis with the localization of purulent in the epiphysis.
Pyloric stenosis - 5154321
- pyloric obstruction, observed in children during the first months of life.
Sacrococcygeal teratoma REGION - 481543238
- a tumor that has a complex structure.
- sort of a purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue with a very rapid spread, melting fat, detachment and subsequent necrosis of the skin.
Anomalies of patrimonial activity - 14891543
- to their main species are the weakness of labor, excessively strong labor and diskoordinirovannuyu labor.
Asphyxia NEWBORN - 4812348
- is due to a decrease or cessation of oxygen intake to the accumulation in the blood of unoxidized products of metabolism.
- normal pregnancy lasts 280 days, ie 40 weeks. or 10 obstetric months,
counting from the first day of last menstrual period.
Ectopic Pregnancy (to restore health with ectopic pregnancy with
preservation of the fruit) - 4812311
- Implantation and development of the ovum occurs outside the uterus -
usually in the fallopian tube (99%).
Pregnancy and childbirth, the timing (for a normal pregnancy in normal terms) - 1888711.
To establish gestational age and date of birth using information about the time of the last menstrual period, date of the first fetal movements and the data of objective inspection pregnant.
Multiple pregnancy (simultaneous development of two or more fetuses) -123457854.
Pregnancy, Prolonged - 5142148
- the continuation of pregnancy 41-42 weeks.
BREAST DISEASES (hypogalactition) - 48123147
- insufficient production of milk.
Bleeding (OBSTETRIC) - 4814821
- bleeding in the postpartum period, and bleeding in the early postpartum
Polyhydramnios - 5123481
- excessive accumulation of amniotic cavity amniotic fluid (more than 2 liters). Reasons not been adequately studied.
физиопсихопрофилактическая preparation for childbirth pregnant - a
system of measures aimed at eliminating negative emotions, upbringing
positive conditioned reflex connections, removal of the pregnant fear of
childbirth and generic pain, involving them to actively participate in the act of giving birth.
The umbilical cord NEWBORN - 0123455
- umbilical wound is often a gateway infection. Development of infection may result in sepsis. When handling a newborn umbilical especially strictly monitor the implementation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
Postnatal NORMAL (continued 6-8 weeks.) - 12891451.
Postnatal PATHOLOGICAL - 41854218
- Delay postpartum discharge (lohiometra) arises in the bend of the uterus posteriorly (with prolonged bed rest) and slow its decline.
Praevia and fall CORD - 1485432
- occur in the absence of the contact zone (lateral position of the fetus,
breech it, narrow pelvis).
Placenta praevia - 1481855
- the location of its front presenting part of the fetus.
Abruptio placenta - 1111155.
Causes: disease of the mother (severe forms of late toxicosis, hypertension, nephritis, etc.), inflammatory and degenerative changes in the uterus, placenta degenerative changes (prolongation of pregnancy, hypovitaminosis), overdistension of the uterus (polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, large fruit).
Premature birth - 1284321.
Preterm birth occur between 28 th and 39 th weeks of pregnancy.
Hydatidiform mole - 4121543
- a kind of change in the chorion, reflected in a sharp increase in the size of the villi, which are formed during puzyrkoobraznye expansion.
Breaks of GENITAL - 148543291
- breaks the external genitalia of the labia minora, the external opening of the mucous membrane of urethra and clitoris, the latter often associated with significant bleeding.
Toxi cosi s pregnant - 1848542
- toxicosis (vomiting, drooling, dermatitis, asthma, jaundice, pregnancy,
hydrocephalus, etc.) occur during pregnancy and usually stop after
Narrow pelvis - 2148543
- distinguish anatomically narrow pelvis and clinical (functional), narrow
ANATOMICAL narrow pelvis - 4812312
- at least one of the dimensions of the pelvis is reduced by 2 cm
CLINICALLY narrow pelvis - 4858543
- maybe with an anatomically narrow pelvis, as well as the normal size of the pelvis, but with a large fetus, abnormal insertion of the head and cephalic presentation (rear asynclitism, brow presentation, etc.).
EMBOLISM amniotic fluid - 5123412
- develops due to penetration into the bloodstream of mother amniotic fluid.
Adnexitis - 5143548
- see oophoritis , salpingitis .
Adrenogenital syndrome - 148542121
- is characterized by hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex and elevated levels of androgens in the body, causing virilization phenomena.
- painful menstruation.
Amenorrhea - 514354832
- absence of menses for 6 months. and more.
Anovulatory cycle - 4813542
- the menstrual cycle without ovulation and corpus luteum development, while maintaining regular bleeding.
Ovarian apoplexy - 1238543
- bleeding into the ovary, accompanied by its rupture and bleeding into the abdominal cavity.
Bartolini - 58143215
- inflammation of the large gland vestibule.
Beli - 5128999
- one of the most common symptoms of gynecologic diseases associated with quantitative or qualitative change in the genital secretions.
- the absence of the past 2 years or more pregnancies in women who are regularly sexually active without contraception.
Vaginitis (coleitis) - 5148533
- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina.
Vulva - 5185432
- inflammation of the vulva, often associated with vaginitis (see
vulvovaginitis ).
Vulvovaginitis - 5814513
- inflammation of the vagina and vulva.
Gonorrhea in Females - 5148314
- a venereal disease caused gonokkom.
Itching Vulva - 5414845
- refers to a precancerous disease vulva.
Ovarian Cyst - 5148538
- retention education arising from the accumulation of secretions in the preexisting ovarian cavity.
Cystoma OVARIAN - 58432143
- proliferating epithelial benign tumor.
Menopause. Climacteric neurosis - 4851548
- Menopause is caused by age-adjustment of the female body.
Coleitis - 5148533
- see vaginitis .
Kraurosis - 58143218
- precancerous vulvar expressed in dystrophic, atrophic and sclerotic skin changes.
UTERINE BLEEDING Dysfunctional - 4853541
- resulting from a violation of ovarian production of sex hormones.
Leukoplakia of the vulva, cervix - 5185321
- refers to a precancerous condition with a characteristic phenomenon of
hyper-and parakeratosis, with subsequent development of sclerotic process, the appearance on the external genitals and vaginal part of cervix whitish spots not removed with a cotton swab.
Myoma - 51843216
- a benign tumor originating from smooth muscle tissue.
Oophoritis - 5143548
- inflammation of the ovaries is often associated with inflammation of the
fallopian tubes (see salpingitis ).
LOWERED and falling uterus and vagina - 514832183
- most often in the elderly due to the transferred during childbirth trauma,
heavy physical work (hard work soon after giving birth), involutional
processes in the genital inherent in old age.
PARAMETERS - 5143215
- inflammation parauterine fiber.
Polyps BODY AND CERVICAL - 518999973
- abnormal proliferation of the glandular epithelium of the endometrium or
endocervix with chronic inflammatory process flowing.
Premenstrual Syndrome - 9917891
- the nervous breakdown, serdechnoso-sudistoy and endocrine systems in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
- cancer of the vulva - malignant epithelial tumor (less likely to develop from tsilindrokletochnogo epithelium).
Salpingitis - 5148914
- inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
SYNDROME SKLEROKISTOZNYH ovaries (Stein-Leventhal) - 518543248
- most often occur when the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary, adrenal hyperplasia, or primary ovarian lesion.
- is always a secondary disease, occurs when moving from the primary site of infection (lungs) by hematogenous or lymphatic vessels from the mesenteric lymph nodes and peritoneum.
Chorionepithelioma - 4854123
- a malignant tumor that develops from the chorionic elements.
- heterotopias endometrial tissues and organs, where it normally does not happen.
- inflammation of the lining of the uterus.
Endocervicitis - 4857148
- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal of uterus.
Cervical erosion - 54321459
- contribute to the emergence of eversion of the mucous membrane, rupture of the cervix in childbirth and abortion.
Brain abscesses - 1894811
- patchy accumulation of pus in the substance of the brain.
Cerebral aneurysms - 1485999
- local extension arterial trunk, often in the area of the brain arterial circle
(circle of Willis).
Arachnoiditis - 4567549
- serous inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord.
Asthenic syndrome - 1891013
- fatigue, exhaustion, weakening or loss of ability to great physical or mental stress.
Athetosis - 1454891
- slow "worm-like" tonic violent movement.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (motor neuron disease) - 5148910
- is steadily progressing spastic-atrophic paresis of limbs and bulbar disorders caused by selective destruction of both neurons kortikomuskulyarnogo way.
- an increase of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity.
Hepatolenticular disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) - 48,143,212
- an autosomal recessive disorder usually occurs between the ages of 10 to 35 years and is characterized by progressive involvement of the subcortical ganglia and liver.
Headache (tsefalgiya) - 4,818,543
- one of the most frequent symptom of various diseases.
Vertigo - 514854217
- feeling sick rotation of himself or surrounding objects, or a feeling of "falling through" the fall, the instability of the floor, leaving from under his feet.
- a group of diseases detected in newborns and emerging
neprogressiruyuschimi motor impairment.
Diencephalic (HYPOTHALAMIC) SYNDROME - 514,854,215
- a complex disorder that occurs in lesions of the hypothalamic region
STROKE BRAIN - 4818542
- acute cerebrovascular accident.
- severe circulatory problems in the spinal cord.
COMA - 1111012
- Unconsciousness due to dysfunction of the brainstem.
Meningitis - 51485431
- inflammation of the pia mater.
MYASTHENIA - 9987542
- chronic disease, the main manifestation of which is abnormal fatigue of
striated muscles.
Miele - 4891543
- inflammation of the spinal cord, usually an exciting white and gray matter, with a transverse myelitis lesion limited to a few segments.
Myelopathy - 51843219
- modular concept to refer to various chronic spinal cord lesions due to
pathological processes.
Migrainous neuralgia ("beam" headache) - 4851485
- paroxysms of severe pain in the temporo-orbital area, occurring as a series of painful attacks, repeated several times throughout the day.
Migraine (hemicrania) - 4831421
- Paroxysmal pain in one half of the head, often accompanied by nausea,
Miauton CONGENITAL TOMS - 4848514
- autosomal dominant disease characterized by a prolonged tonic muscle
spasms that occur after the initial voluntary movements.
Miauton Dystrophic KURSHMANNA Butt-Steinert - 481543244
- characterized by a combination of myotonia, muscular atrophy, and
endocrine disorders. Muscular atrophy affects mainly the face and neck.
Myotonic dystrophy, and often accompanied by cataracts, baldness, testicular atrophy, reduction in the blood of some gamma-globulins.
MONONEVROPATII (neuritis and neuralgia) - 4541421
- isolated lesions of individual nerve trunks.
Narcolepsy - 48543216
- paroxysms of irresistible sleepiness with short periods of normal sleep
regardless of the external situation.
Facial nerve neuropathy - 518999955
- otitis media, a fracture of the temporal bone, cerebellopontine angle tumor.
Trigeminal neuralgia - 5148485
- a syndrome of paroxysmal, often exacerbated by pain along the branches of the trigeminal nerve.
- Rheumatism elements of the nervous system.
Neurosyphilis - 5482148
- syphilitic affection of the nervous system.
Fainting (syncope) - 4,854,548
- a sudden loss of consciousness caused by transient cerebral ischemia. The most mild form of acute circulatory failure.
Shingles - 51454322
- viral infection of spinal ganglia, which is manifested by pains and skin
eruptions on the level of destruction.
BRAIN TUMOR - 5451214
- neoplastic processes that reduce the volume of the skull and leading to
increased intracranial pressure.
- accounted for 20% of all tumors of the CNS. Isolated extramedullary and intramedullary tumors.
- mostly neurinomas, usually occur within the neurofibromatosis
Ophthalmoplegia - 4848532
- paralysis several external eye muscles, sometimes in conjunction with
paralysis of the sphincter pupil.
Parkinson's disease (shaking palsy) - 5,481,421
- a chronic disease caused by a violation of catecholamine metabolism in
basal ganglia manifested by depletion and movements, tremors and muscle rigidity.
FAMILY PERIODIC PARALYSIS (familial paroxysmal mioplegii) -
- an inherited disease characterized by sudden attacks of the advancing
transient flaccid paralysis of the limbs.
Peroneal amyotrophy Charcot-Marie (neural amyotrophy of CharcotMarie) - 4,814,512
-a hereditary disease, which manifests itself slowly progressive atrophy
and weakness of distal leg.
POLYNEUROPATHY (polyneuritis) - 4838514
- the simultaneous failure of many peripheral nerves, manifested by
symmetrical flaccid paralysis and sensory disorders, predominantly in the
distal extremities, with lesions in some cases, and cranial nerves.
POLIRADIKULONEVROPATIYA Demyelinating Guillain-Barre - 4548128
- selective demyelination of the roots of the spinal cord, apparently
autoimmune nature.
Acute Poliomyelitis Epidemic (acute anterior poliomyelitis, Medin's
disease, childhood spinal paralysis) - 2,223,214
- an acute viral disease caused by lesion of anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and motor nuclei of cranial nerves, leading to the development of
flaccid paralysis with areflexia and muscle atrophy.
- headaches and meningism phenomena occurring after lumbar puncture.
Progressive muscular dystrophy - 85432183
- Essential progressive degeneration of muscle tissue, which arises out of any damage to the nervous system and leads to severe atrophy and weakness of certain muscle groups.
Sleep disorders - 514248538
- sleep disturbances, accompanied by hypersomnia - see narcolepsy ,
depending on the reasons for their contributing divided into two groups.
Radiculopathy Discogenic ("banal radiculitis) - 5481321
- pain, motor and autonomic disturbances caused by the defeat of roots of the spinal cord as a result of osteochondrosis.
- remitting disease of the nervous system caused by the appearance of
scattered brain and spinal cord lesions of demyelination, which will eventually either disappear or are replaced glioznymi scars (plaques).
Syringomyelia - 1777771
- a chronic disease characterized by the formation of cavities in the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, which leads to the development of extensive areas of loss of pain and temperature sensitivity.
Spinal amyotrophy - 5483312
- a group of inherited chronic disease characterized by progressive atrophic paresis caused by the defeat of the anterior horns of the spinal cord.
TREMOR - 3148567
- a series of involuntary, rhythmic movements with respect to body parts,
arising from the successive contractions of agonists and antagonist muscles.
FAKOMATOZY - 5142314
- a group of genetically determined diseases in which nerve damage is
combined with the skin or chorioretinal angiomatosis.
FUNIKULYARNY myelosis (combined sclerosis) - 518543251
- subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord lesion of posterior and
lateral cord.
CHOREA - 4831485
- hyperkinesis, characterized by scattered erratic twitching limbs (especially the upper), trunk and face.
Traumatic Brain Injury - 51843213
- mechanical trauma of the skull causes compression of the (transient or
permanent) of brain tissue.
Adie syndrome - 18543211
- a special form of destruction of innervation of the pupil in the form of
unilateral mydriasis with loss of pupil response to light and pupillotoniey.
- a group of diseases characterized by inflammation of brain substance
caused by neurotropic viruses.
EPIDURIT (epidural abscess) - 888888149
- accumulation of pus in the epidural spinal cord tissue.
Alcoholism - 148543292
- a disease that develops in chronic ethanol intoxication, expressed craving for drink, the uncontrolled abuse, withdrawal (hangover) syndrome, mental disorder, somatic and neurological disorders, falling health and social decline.
Amnestic (Korsakov) SYNDROME - 4185432
- psychopathological symptom, which occupy a leading position memory
disorders to current events.
Affective syndromes - 548142182
- include polar disorder - depression and mania. Distinguished: depressive syndrome characterized by painful low mood, sadness, sometimes accompanied by a physically painful sensation of pressure in the chest, intellectual and motor retardation, manic syndrome is characterized by painful elevated mood, combined with the unfounded optimism.
Delusional syndromes - 8142351
- nonsense - it is objectively false, absolutely nekorrigiruemoe caused painful reasons for judgments arising without adequate provocation.
Hallucinatory Syndrome (hallucinosis) - 4815428
- the state is determined in a sufficiently long time, lots of hallucinations and events occur without impaired consciousness.
DEFECT Psychic - 8885512
- deficient (negative) state - a painful process due to loss of certain mental functions due to dissociation (disintegration of the integrative activity) of the CNS.
Intoxication psychosis - 1142351
- result from acute or chronic poisoning of industrial or food poisons,
chemicals used in everyday life, drugs, drugs.
Hysterical syndromes - 5154891
- most often occur in extremes or conflict situations.
Catatonic syndromes - 51843214
- proceed with the prevalence of violations of the motor sphere, include
catatonic stupor and excitement often replace each other.
Manic-depressive psychosis (MDP) (intermittent insanity, cyclophrenia) - 514,218,857
- a disease manifested by recurring manic and depressive states (phases) are usually separated by intermission.
Compulsive disorder - 8142543
- characterized by involuntary and irresistible appearance of thoughts, ideas, doubts, fears, drives, motor acts.
Addiction (Substance Abuse) - 5333353
- the diseases that develop in the substance abuse and expressed a craving for these substances, growing uncontrolled abuse, withdrawal syndrome, social decline.
NEUROSIS - 48154211
- one of the most common types of psychogenic reactions.
NEGATIVE (defective) CONDITION - 5418538
- A wide range of deficit moloobratimyh changes, manifested a weakening of mental activity, cognitive processes, depletion of emotional life.
Oligophrenia (dementia) - 1857422
- innate or early dementia, manifested in the underdevelopment of the
intellect and psyche as a whole.
Dizziness - 4518533
- psychopathological syndromes, disorders of objective consciousness and identity.
PRESENIALNYE (presenile, involutional) psychosis - 18,543,219
- a group of mental illnesses, manifested in the age of reverse development (45-60 years), occurring either in the form of depression (involutional melancholia) or a delusional paranoid psychosis or paraphrenic structure (involutional paranoid).
Paralysis - 512143223
- diffuse syphilitic meningoencephalitis, which is manifested
psychopathological and neurological disorders, and ending with a profound dementia.
Psychoorganic syndrome - 51843212
- a state of mental weakness caused by organic brain damage.
Psychopathy - 4182546
- persistent innate idiosyncrasy of personality, preventing the full adaptation to the environment.
Reactive psychosis - 0101255
- the bond of the disease to trauma to the content of the psychopathological formations traumatic factors, the disappearance of the painful phenomena after the elimination of their causes.
Overvalued IDEAS SYNDROME - 148454283
- a pathological condition characterized arising from the actual circumstances of persistent affective painted ideas, prevailing over all other representations.
Senestopathic-hypochondriasis - 1488588
- hypochondria appears excessive attention to their health concern, even a slight indisposition, or conviction of a serious illness.
Senile psychosis - 481854383
- occur in old age, they include senile dementia and other senile psychosis.
SYMPTOMATIC psychosis - 8148581
- includes mental disorders arising from internal diseases, infectious
diseases, endocrinopathy.
- diseases caused by use of various substances that cause intoxication.
- includes a range of morphological, neurological and psychiatric disorders occurring in late and late periods of cranio-cerebral trauma.
Schizophrenia - 1858541
- progressive current disease process characterized by incremental changes in personality.
EPILEPSY - 1484855
- chronic neuro-psychiatric disorder characterized by recurrent seizures and is accompanied by a variety of clinical and laboratory symptoms.
Amyloidosis - 4512345
- in most cases, a systemic disease, which is based on changes that lead to loss of tissue extracellular amyloid (a complex protein-polysaccharide complex), which causes the ultimate disruption of the bodies.
Anomalies of urinary system - 1234571
- is the most common of all congenital malformations.
Hydronephrosis - 5432154
- develops due to violations of the outflow of urine and is characterized by enlargement of pelvis-plating system, the pathological changes iterstitsialnoy kidney tissue and atrophy of its parenchyma.
Glomerulonephritis - 4812351
- Diffuse glomerulonephritis - immunoallergicheskoe disease, mainly affecting the glomerular vessels.
Acute Glomerulonephritis - 4285614.
Piel - 5432110
- inflammation of the renal pelvis.
Pyelonephritis - 58143213
- non-specific infectious disease of the kidneys, affecting the renal
parenchyma, predominantly interstitial tissue, pelvis and calyx.
Polycystic kidney disease - 5421451
- congenital condition in which both kidneys appear and gradually increase the cyst, which leads to atrophy of functioning parenchyma.
Renal colic - 4321054
- the syndrome observed at a number of diseases of the kidneys, the main manifestation of which - the sharp pain in the lumbar region.
Nephrolithiasis - 5432143
- is related to the formation in the kidney, rather in the cups and pelvis,
concretions, which causes a variety of pathological changes of kidney and urinary tract.
Renal insufficiency - 4321843
- is a syndrome that develops as a result of severe renal impairment of the processes leading to the breakdown of homeostasis, and is characterized by azotemia, violation of a water-base balance of the body.
Acute renal failure - 8,218,882.
Chronic renal failure - 5,488,821.
- infectious disease caused by microbacteria and affects the kidneys.
Acute uremia - 5421822
- see acute renal failure .
Chronic uremia - 8914381
- see chronic renal failure .
CYSTITIS - 48543211
- infectious disease caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria in the bladder.
Eclampsia Renal - 8149141
- see acute glomerulonephritis .
Agranulocytosis - 4856742
- Reduction of the number of white blood cells (less than 1000 in 1 ml) or the number of granulocytes (less than 750 in 1 ml of blood).
Anemia (anemia) - 48,543,212
- a decrease in blood total hemoglobin, which, except for acute blood loss, characterized by decreased levels of hemoglobin per unit volume of blood.
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia - 9481232
- anemia due to acute blood loss in the short term.
- (sideroahresticheskie anemia), characterized gipohromiey red blood cells, elevated serum iron, iron deposition with a picture of hemosiderosis.
Anemia of Lead poisoning - 1237819
- due to impaired synthesis of porphyrins and heme.
Megaloblastic anemia - 5481254
- a group of anemia, a common feature of which is the detection in the bone marrow of peculiar eritrokariotsitov structural cores that preserve these traits in the later stages of differentiation and are the outcome of DNA and RNA synthesis in cells called megaloblasts.
- are associated with increased destruction of red blood cells.
- caused by the influence of antibodies on red blood cells.
APLASTIC (hypoplastic) anemia - 5481541
- a group of diseases characterized by progressive decrease in the amount of formed elements in peripheral blood and bone marrow.
Sickle Cell Anemia - 7891017
- In a large group of diseases caused by disorders of amino acid composition of hemoglobin - hemoglobin disorders, the most common is sickle cell anemia.
Gaucher disease - (kerazinovy reticulosis) - 5,145,432
- a hereditary deficiency of the enzyme ß-glucocerebrosidase, leading to a breach of utilization of lipids - glyukotserebrozidov and their accumulation in macrophages of spleen, bone marrow and liver.
lymphomas (LIMFOTSITOMY) - 54321451
- Tumors of the hematopoietic cells in the initial phases does not affect the bone marrow, can be formed by blast cells (gematosarkomy) and mature lymphocytes (lymphoma or limfotsitomy).
Hemoblastosis PARAPROTEINEMICHESKIE - 8432184
- a special group of tumors of the lymphatic system, where the tumor cells (lymphocytes or plasma) is synthesized immunoglobulin (Ig).
Hemorrhagic diatheses - 5148543
- the disease, characterized by a tendency to bleeding.
GEMOPPAGICHESKIE diatheses caused by vascular pathology -
- Illness Pandyu-Oslepa (hereditary telangiectasia, hemo ppagichesky
- gemoppagicheskie diathesis due to deficiency of factors determining
ppotpombinovogo complex (hereditary and acquired).
LEYKEMOIDHYE reactions of - 5814321
- changes in blood and organs of hematopoiesis resembling leukemia and other tumors of the hematopoietic system, but always having a reactive and can not be transformed into that tumor, which they resemble.
LEUKEMIA - 5481347
- a term that combines multiple tumors of the hematopoietic system, arising from hematopoietic cells and affecting the bone marrow.
Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714
- lymph node cells with the presence of Berezovsky - Sternberg. The etiology is unknown.
Radiation sickness. Acute radiation sickness - 481543294
- an independent disease, developing as a result of the death of dividing cells mostly influenced by short-term (up to several days) effects of ionizing radiation on large areas of the body.
MIELEMIYA - 5142357
- the presence of blood cells in bone marrow - myelocytes,
epitpokapiotsitov, fewer nuclei megakapiotsitov.
HEREDITARY elliptocytosis (elliptotsitoz) - 51454323
- a dominantly inherited abnormality of red blood cells form, sometimes
complicating the increased hemolysis.
- dominantly inherited abnormality of red blood cells form, which is sometimes complicated by intracellular hemolysis.
- a group of rare inherited disease with almost complete absence of blood neutrophils detected constantly (permanent neutropenia) or at regular intervals (periodic neutropenia).
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (APG) - 5,481,455
- (Markyafavy Michele disease, paroxysmal nocturnal gemolobinuriya
constant gemosiderinuriey, disease-Shtryubinga Markyafavy) - a kind of
acquired hemolytic anemia, which flows with a constant intravascular
hemolysis, gemosiderinuriey, inhibition of granulocytes and trombotsitopoeza.
Thalassemia - 7765437
- a group of hereditary hemolytic anemia characterized by marked
gipohromiey erythrocytes with normal or elevated levels of iron in the blood serum.
- diseases which are based on innate (often hereditary) or acquired
qualitative platelet deficiency.
Thrombophilia Hematogenous - 4814543
- state, characterized by a tendency to develop recurrent thrombosis of blood vessels (mainly veins) in different locations due to violations of the
composition and properties of blood.
FAVIZM - 54321457
- Development of an acute hemolytic syndrome in some individuals with
deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-FDG) in response to food intake with fava beans, or entering the lungs of the pollen of this plant.
Chronic radiation sickness - 4812453
- is a disease caused by repeated irradiation of the body in small doses, for a total exceeding 100 rads.
Cytostatic DISEASE - 4812813
- a kind of polisindromnoe disease arising from exposure to the organism of cytotoxic factors and the resulting loss is mainly dividing cells in the first place - the bone marrow, epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, the frequent expression of cytostatic disease - liver disease.
Acromegaly - 1854321
- the disease caused by excessive production of growth hormone and
characterized by a disproportionate growth of bones, soft tissues and internal organs.
Inborn errors of sexual differentiation - 5451432
- disease, defined by chromosomal abnormalities.
- a manifestation of female secondary male sexual characteristics, due to
higher content in a woman's male sex hormones.
Hyperinsulinism (hypoglycemia disease) - 48454322
- a disease characterized by episodes of hypoglycemia caused by increased secretion of insulin beta cells in the pancreas due to hormonally-active tumors of the islets of Langerhans (islet adenoma) or diffuse hyperplasia of these cells.
Hyperparathyroidism - 5481412
- (generalized fibrous osteodystrophy, Recklinghausen's disease) disease of unknown etiology, characterized by hyperfunction of parathyroid glands.
Hyperprolactinaemia - 4812454
- galaktoreiamenorei syndrome in women and hypogonadism in men.
Hypogonadism (male) - 48143121
- a pathological condition caused by insufficient secretion of androgens in the body.
Hypoparathyroidism (tetany) - 4,514,321
- a disease characterized by reduced functional activity of the parathyroid
glands, increased neuromuscular excitability and convulsive syndrome.
Hypothyroidism (myxedema) - 4,812,415
- a disease characterized by low thyroid function.
PITUITARY dwarfism (dwarfism) - 4,141,414
- a disease characterized by growth retardation and physical disabilities.
Diabetes insipidus - 4818888
- the disease caused the defeat gipotalamogi-pofizarnoy system and
characterized by polydipsia and polyuria.
DIABETES - 8819977
- the disease caused by absolute or relative deficiency of insulin in the body and is characterized by gross violations of carbohydrate metabolism, with hyperglycemia and glucosuria (sugar urine "), as well as other metabolic disorders.
- dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system to increase the secretion of growth hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion and a violation of thyrotropin and gonadotropins.
SCA diffuse toxic (Grevs-Basedow disease) - 5,143,218
- a disease characterized by hyperplasia and hyperfunction of the thyroid
- the disease residents of certain geographic areas, characterized by
enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Itsenko-Cushing DISEASE - 54321458
- is characterized by impaired function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and symptoms of increased production of corticosteroids.
Mezhutochno-PITUITARY DEFICIENCY (panhypopituitarism,
diencephalic, hypophyseal cachexia, panhypopituitarism) - 48143214
- a disease characterized by prolapse or decline in function of the
hypothalamic-pituitary system with secondary hypofunction of the peripheral endocrine glands.
Myxedema - 4812415
- See hypothyroidism .
Adrenal insufficiency - 4812314
- a syndrome caused by a primary violation of the adrenal cortex (Addison's disease) or secondary changes as a result of its reduction of ACTH secretion.
OBESITY - 4812412
- overweight due to the accumulation of fatty tissue.
CANCER - 4541548
- endocrine disease tumor nature, see acromegaly, virilny syndrome,
hyperinsulinism, hyperparathyroidism, pheochromocytoma .
Advanced sexual development - 4814312
- the premature maturation of sex organs in girls up to 8 years and boys
under 10 years.
- inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland. Inflammation diffusely enlarged thyroid gland called strumitom.
Pheochromocytoma - 4818145
- the disease caused by benign or malignant tumor of the adrenal chromaffin tissue or extraadrenal localization.
- diseases caused by irritant toxic substances.
OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES DUE influence of physical factors (vibration
disease) - 4514541
- vibration disease caused by long-term (at least 3-5 years) exposure to
vibration in a production environment.
organs and systems - 4814542
- diseases caused by chronic functional overvoltage mikrotravmatizatsiey, performing the same type of fast movements.
- see Sec. 14 Infectious diseases .
Acute poisoning
llness caused by the arrival of endogenous and exogenous substances in e body through the mouth ( oral toxicity ) - 5142154, through the respiratory ract (inhalation toxicity ) - 4548142, through unprotected skin ( Percutaneous poisoning ) - 4,814,823, after injections of toxic doses of drugs ( inject poison ) or the introduction of toxic substances in various body cavities (rectum, vagina, ear canal, etc.) - 4818142.
Neuropsychiatric disorders - 9977881
disorders caused by acute poisoning, comprising the totality of mental,
eurological and somatovegetative symptoms due to a combination of direct effects on different structures of the central and peripheral nervous
system (exogenous toxicosis), and evolved as a result of intoxication of other organs and systems, particularly all liver and kidney (the endogenous
renal disease (toxic nephropathy) - 5412123
poisoning occurs when nephrotoxic poisons (antifreeze, corrosive sublimate, chloroethane, carbon tetrohlorid, etc.).
Lever damage (toxic hepatopathy) - 48145428
develops acute poisoning liver poisons (dichloroethane, carbon
trachloride), certain plant poisons and drugs (quinacrine).
Ekzotoksicheskogo SHOCK - 4185421
mpaired function of the cardiovascular system in the toxigenic phase of
ACUTE POISONING BY snake bites and poisonous ARTHROPODS -
Snake bites - 4114111
cause acute poisoning caused by the specific action of snake venom – snake venom glands of the product.
Stinging Scorpio - 4188888
causes severe excruciating pain in the area of the inoculation of venom,
ten radiating along the nerve trunks.
BITES Karakurt - 8181818
do not cause any severe local reaction to the venom, but are accompanied by a significant and original general intoxication.
Stinging wasps and bees - 9189189
- accompanied by severe local pain reaction, the appearance in the affected area of moderate hyperemia and edema.
Amebiasis (amebic dysentery) - 1289145
- protozoal disease characterized by ulcerative lesions of the colon, and in some cases complicating abscess of the liver, pulmonary and other organs.
Balantidiasis - 1543218
- protozoal disease characterized by ulcerative lesions of the colon and
Rabies (hydrophobia) - 4,812,543
- an acute viral disease that occurs after exposure to damaged skin saliva of infected animals.
Cat scratch disease (regionarny nonbacterial lymphadenitis) -
- an acute disease that arises through contact with infected cats - for bites, scratches, oslyunenii.
- see viral hepatitis .
Brill DISEASE (repeat typhus, relapsing typhus) - 514854299
- recurrence of epidemic typhus, caused to the ill with them in many years.
Botulism - 5481252
- botulinum toxin poisoning, built-in food.
Brucellosis - 4122222
- zoonotic infectious-allergic disease caused by different types of Brucella.
Vaccinella - 4848148
- a mild form of smallpox (see natural smallpox ).
Viral hepatitis A and B (Botkin's disease) - 5,412,514
- Total infectious diseases of viral nature, manifested intoxication, mainly
affecting the liver and in some cases jaundice.
Helminthiasis - 5124548
- diseases caused by lodged in the human parasitic worms - worms and their larvae.
Alveococcosis - 5481454
- Exciter - larval stage alveococcus.
Ankilostomidoze - 4815454
- helminthiases caused by hookworms, parasites in the human small
intestine, most often in the duodenum.
Ascariasis - 4814812 - Exciter
- ascarid parasite in the adult stage in the small intestine.
Hymenolepiasis - 54812548
- Pathogen - dwarf tapeworm.
Bothriocephaliasis - 4812354
- Exciter - tapeworm wide.
Clonorchiasis - 5412348
- helminthiasis caused by fluke - Chinese fluke.
METAGONIMOZ - 54812541
- helminthiasis caused by small fluke. Pathogen - metagonimus, a parasite in the small intestine of man, dogs, cats, pigs.
Opisthorchiasis - 5124542
- Exciter - fluke cat, or Siberian, which is a parasite in the bile ducts of the liver, gallbladder and pancreatic ducts man, cats, dogs, etc.
Strongyloidiasis - 54812527
- Exciter - ugritsa intestinal, parasite in the intestinal wall (mainly
gastrointestinal), sometimes in the ducts of the liver and pancreas during
migration - in the bronchi and lung tissue.
- Exciter - bovine tapeworm.
Teni asi s - 4855555
- Exciter - pork tapeworm, which can parasitize humans, not only in mature, but in the larval stage, causing the disease - cysticercosis.
TRICHINELLOSIS (trichinosis) - 7777778
- Exciter - fleshworm.
- agents - small worms from the family trichostrongylids.
Trichuriasis - 4125432
- Exciter - whipworm, parasitizing in human colon.
Fascism - 4812542
- agents - liver fluke and giant.
Cysticercosis - 4512824
- develops as a result of contact with tapeworm eggs, pork stomach
(contaminated food, dirty hands, throwing the mature segments of the
intestine into the stomach, such as vomiting in patients infected with the
mature form of the pork tapeworm). Pathogen - pork tapeworm larval stage (cysticercus).
Schistosomiasis (bilharzia) - 48125428
- helminthiasis with lesions of the urogenital system, intestine, liver, spleen and sometimes the lungs and nervous system, which is observed in tropical and subtropical climates.
Enterobiasis - 5123542
- Exciter - pinworm, parasitizing in the lower small intestine and colon.
Echinococcosis - 5481235
- Exciter - larval stage of echinococcus parasite in the liver, lungs and other organs.
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, or hemorrhagic nefrozonefrit - 5124567
- acute viral natural focal disease, which flows from intoxication, fever, original renal syndrome and hemorrhagic manifestations.
Herpetic infections - 2312489
- diseases caused by herpes simplex virus, characterized by skin, mucous membranes, in some cases can cause severe eye damage, nervous system and internal organs.
FLU - 4814212
- an acute viral infectious disease; anthroponosis is transmitted by airborne droplets.
DYSENTERY - 4812148
- infectious disease with a fecal-oral mechanism of transmission caused by different types of Shigella.
Diphtheria - 5556679
- an acute infectious disease with the airborne transmission, characterized mainly toxic lesion of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the local inflammatory process with the formation of fibrous plaque.
Yersiniosis - 5123851
- an acute infectious disease related to zoonoses.
Campylobacteriosis (vibroz) - 4,815,421
- an acute infectious disease of zoonotic nature.
Whooping cough - 4812548
- an acute infectious disease related to air-drop anthroponosis, characterized by bouts of spasmodic cough.
MEASLES - 4214825
- an acute viral infectious disease with the airborne transmission, primarily affecting children and characterized by fever, intoxication, catarrh of the respiratory tract and a maculopapular rash.
RUBELLA - 4218547
- an acute viral infectious disease with the airborne transmission,
characterized by transient fever, rash and swelling korepodobnoy
zadnesheynyh and occipital lymph nodes.
Legionellosis (Legionnaires' disease, Pittsburgh pneumonia, Pontiac fever, legionellainfektsiya) - 5,142,122
- an acute infectious disease caused by various Legionella species,
characterized by fever, severe general intoxication, severe, pulmonary,
central nervous system, digestive organs.
- parasitic disease caused by a protozoan genus Leishmania .
Leptospirosis - 5128432
- the acute infectious disease caused by different serotypes of Leptospira.
- an infectious disease of the groups of zoonosis, which is characterized by polymorphism of clinical manifestations.
Q fever - 5148542
- acute rickettsial disease characterized by fever, symptoms of intoxication, and frequent lung disease.
Marburg fever (hemorrhagic fever Maridi, Ebola) - 5,184,599
- an acute viral illness characterized by severe, highly lethal, hemorrhagic syndrome, liver, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system.
Giardiasis - 5189148
- infestation of Giardia, which flows in the form of bowel dysfunction or
asymptomatic parazitonositelstvo.
MALARIA - 5189999
- acute protozoal disease characterized by cyclical recurrent course with the change of febrile seizures and interictal periods, anemia, enlargement of the liver and spleen.
Meningococcal disease - 5891423
- caused by meningococcal disease occurring in the form of acute
nasopharyngitis, purulent meningitis and meningococcemia.
Mycoplasmosis - 5481111
- an acute infectious disease caused by mycoplasma.
INFECTIOUS mononucleosis - 5142548
- viral infectious disease characterized by lymphocyte blast transformation, the emergence of these peculiar cells in the peripheral blood and reactive lymphadenitis, enlarged lymph nodes and spleen.
Psittacosis - 5812435
- an acute infectious disease caused by chlamydia, with fever, general
intoxication, pulmonary, nervous system, increased liver and spleen.
Smallpox WIND - 48154215
- an acute viral disease with the airborne transmission occurs predominantly in childhood and is characterized by fever, rash, papules, vezikuleznoy, benign course.
Smallpox NATURAL - 4848148
- acute viral disease vysokokontagioznaya nature, characterized by severe, fever and pustular rash.
Acute respiratory infections (ARI, acute catarrh of upper respiratory
tract, acute respiratory infection) - 48145488
- common, characterized by the general intoxication and primary lesion of the respiratory tract.
- an acute infectious disease caused by parakoklyushnoy wand ( Bordetella parapertussis ); has similarities with milder forms of pertussis.
Mumps EPIDEMICHEKY (pig) - 3,218,421
- an acute viral infectious disease that affects mostly children under 15 years, characterized by inflammation of the salivary glands and other glandular organs, and often the development of serous meningitis.
Pediculosis (lice) - 48148121
- parasite on human small blood-sucking insects - head lice.
Food Poisoning Bacterial toxins - 5184231
- diseases that occur after eating foods, contamination by various
microorganisms and containing bacterial toxins.
Pseudotuberculosis - 514854212
- an acute infectious disease of the groups zoonosis characterized by fever, general intoxication, lesions of the small intestine, liver, often
skarlatinopodobnoy rash.
GIVE BIRTH - 4123548
- acute strep disease characterized by skin lesions with the formation of
sharply limited inflammatory foci, as well as fever and symptoms of
intoxication, frequent relapses.
Rotavirus disease - 5148567
- an acute viral disease with predominant disease of children.
- an acute infectious disease caused by salmonella transmitted by the
ANTHRAX - 9998991
- a disease which in humans occurs in the form of skin, lung, intestinal and septicemic forms.
Scarlet fever - 5142485
- acute inhalation anthroponosis primarily affecting children under 10 years is characterized by fever, general intoxication, sore throat and rash
Tetanus - 5671454
- an acute infectious disease characterized by severe toxic damage to the nervous system tonic and clonic convulsions, impaired thermoregulation.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) - 5148555
- highly dangerous viral disease characterized by a long incubation period, the suppression of cellular immunity, the development of secondary infections (viral, bacterial, protozoal) and neoplastic lesions, which usually lead patients to death.
TIFO-paratyphoid diseases (typhoid, paratyphoid A and B) - 1,411,111
- a group of acute infectious diseases with fecal-oral mechanism of
transmission caused by Salmonella and similar clinical manifestations.
TIF Duster (typhus louse, lousy) - 1,444,444
- an acute rickettsial disease characterized by fever, general intoxication,
damage to blood vessels and nervous system.
TIF Duster TICK - 5189499
- an acute infectious disease characterized by fever, general intoxication, the appearance of primary affect and maculopapular rash.
- parasitic disease characterized by chronic, damage to the nervous system, lymphadenopathy, enlarged liver and spleen, frequent myocardial damage, muscle and eyes.
Tul aremi a - 4819489
- an acute infectious disease of the groups of zoonoses.
CHOLERA - 4891491
- an acute infectious disease with a fecal-oral mechanism of transmission, caused by V. cholerae.
SWINE - 8998888
- an acute infectious natural focal disease caused by the wand of plague.
Enterovirus Disease - 8123456
acute infectious disease caused by enteroviruses: often occur with CNS,
muscles and skin.
- neyrovirusnaya acute infection characterized by lesions of gray matter of the brain and spinal cord.
- diseases caused by different strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.
- an acute viral disease characterized by fever, general intoxication, aphthous lesions of the oral mucosa, skin lesions of hands
Vitamin A deficiency (avitaminosis - 5451234, hypovitaminosis -
- a group of diseases that develop when insufficient flow in the body of one or more vitamins or complete lack of food.
Vitamin A deficiency (retinol) - 4154812
- occurs when a lack of vitamin A and carotene in the diet, the violation of his absorption in the intestine and the synthesis of vitamin A from carotene in the body.
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 1 (thiamine) - 1234578
- hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis B 1 (beri-beri, kakke) occur with a
deficiency of this vitamin in the diet (mainly polished rice diet devoid of
vitamin B- 1 , in East and Southeast Asia) , violation of its intestinal absorption and assimilation (in severe intestinal lesions, persistent vomiting, prolonged diarrhea, etc.).
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 2 (Riboflavin) - 1485421
- occurs when a lack of vitamin B 2 in food or violation of its intestinal
absorption and assimilation (phosphorylation) or increased destruction in the organism.
Failure nicotinic acid (vitamin PP, vitamin B 3 ) - 1,842,157
- is due to insufficient intake of this vitamin with food (mostly corn meal), it insufficient suction in the intestine (in various diseases of the stomach and small intestine), high insolation and high demand for this vitamin (pregnancy, heavy physical work, etc.).
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 6 (pyridoxine) - 9785621.
In adults, there is only the endogenous form: the suppression of bacterial
flora in the intestine (synthesize pyridoxine in sufficient quantities for the
body), long-term antibiotics, sulfonamides and anti-TB drugs, especially while increasing demand for this vitamin (great exercise, pregnancy, etc.) .
DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid deficiency, avitaminosis C,scurvy, scurvy) - 4141255.
Most important is vitamin D 2 (ergocalciferol) and D 3 (cholecalciferol).
- adults is rare, is associated with the termination of income in the intestine of
bile needed for suction phyquinone (with obstruction and compression of the bile ducts), and chronic bowel diseases (see suction failure syndrome ).
- occur much more frequently than an isolated deficiency of one of the
XVI Pt 1 - CHILDREN'S ILLNESS - 18543218
Adrenogenital syndrome - 45143213
- a group of inherited autosomal recessive disease caused by deficiency of enzymes synthesis of steroid hormones of the adrenal cortex.
Respiratory allergies - 45143212
- a group of diseases with allergic respiratory tract lesions.
Allergic rhinitis and Sinus - 5814325
- the most common in children 2-4 years old, are rarely isolated, combined with the defeat of the larynx, pharynx, sometimes ear tubes, middle ear.
ALLERGIC Laryngitis - 58143214
- is more common in young children. Flow can make recurrent character,
periodically there is a rough "barking" cough, hoarseness.
ALLERGIC trachea - 514854218
- manifested by repeated episodes of persistent cough, usually at night,
causing a painful, disturbing sleeping baby.
Allergic bronchitis - 5481432
- is characterized by frequent (several times a month) recurrent, persistent, intrusive, often paroxysmal cough, mostly at night, in the lungs, along with dry moist rales auscultated variegated, with expiratory wheezing is not pronounced.
- are the most often diagnosed forms of allergic respiratory diseases.
Fetal alcohol syndrome (alcohol embriofetopatiya, fetal alcoholism) - 4845421
- combines a variety of both in combination, and the degree of severity of
abnormalities in the psycho-physical development of children, whether due to abuse of the woman alcohol before and during pregnancy.
antitrypsin deficiency - 1,454,545
- number of inherited diseases, which are based on lack of a 1 -antitrypsin - aglycoprotein synthesized in the liver, which leads to increased accumulation of proteolytic enzymes and subsequent tissue damage.
ANEMIA - 48543212
- see Sec. 10 Diseases of the blood system .
Development ZHELEZODEFETSITNYH Anemia - 1458421
- promotes a number of factors: limited supply of iron in infants and low – in premature, insufficient intake of iron from food, violations of intestinal
absorption of iron.
TOXIC hemolytic anemia - 45481424
- due to accidental poisoning (phenacetin, nitrofurans, sulfonamides, aniline dyes, derivatives of nitrobenzene, naphthalene).
Aspiration of foreign bodies - 4821543
- aspiration of organic and inorganic foreign bodies.
Bronchial asthma - 58145428
- an allergic disease, manifested by periodic attacks of breathlessness
caused by disturbance of bronchial patency due to spasm, mucosal edema and increased secretions.
Acute bronchitis - 5482145
- inflammatory disease of the bronchi of different etiologies.
Vasculitis Hemorrhagic (KAPILLYAROTOKSIKOZ, Henoch's disease) - 5,128,421
- an allergic disease with melkotochechnymi hemorrhages on the skin, and sometimes abdominal pain, headaches and swollen joints.
Galactosemia - 48125421
- a hereditary disease, which is based on the metabolic block in the way of conversion of galactose into glucose.
Hemolytic disease of newborn - 5125432
- hemolytic jaundice of newborn due to immunological conflict between
mother and fetus because of the incompatibility of erythrocyte antigens.
Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn - 5128543
- a group of syndromes caused by a transient failure in the early neonatal
period, certain blood clotting factors.
Hemophilia - 548214514
- a hereditary disease, transmitted by recessive manner: is linked to the X chromosome.
HEPATITIS - see Ch. Diseases of the digestive system .
- is observed in the intrahepatic (as a result of cirrhosis of the liver) and
extrahepatic (thrombophlebitis of the splenic vein) unit, often in children who suffered in the neonatal period umbilical sepsis, with congenital pathology of the portal vein.
Glycosuria, renal (kidney glyukodiabet) - 5,142,585
- is due to a hereditary defect in renal tubular enzyme systems that provide the reabsorption of glucose.
Hypervitaminosis D - 5148547
- there is an overdose of vitamin D or increased individual sensitivity to it.
Hypothyroidism - 4512333
- the disease caused a decrease in thyroid function.
Histiocytosis X - 5484321
- a group of diseases with a common pathogenesis, which is based on the reactive proliferation of histiocytes with the accumulation of these metabolic products.
Glomerulonephritis DIFFUSE - 5145488
- the infectious-allergic disease of the kidneys.
Diabetes mellitus - 4851421
- the disease caused by absolute or relative insulin deficiency and
characterized by a flagrant violation of carbohydrate metabolism with
hyperglycemia and glucosuria, and other metabolic disorders.
Diabetes insipidus LEAF - 5121111
- a hereditary disease where the kidneys are not able to produce urine with higher osmolar concentration, osmolarity than the glomerular ultrafiltrate of plasma.
- violated tubular mechanisms for reabsorption of sodium because of the low sensitivity of the epithelium to aldosterone, often due to pyelonephritis.
ALLERGIC eczema - 0195451
- a genetic predisposition to allergic diseases of the body.
Hemorrhagic eczema - 0480421
- see hemorrhagic vasculitis , thrombocytopenic purpura , gemofeliya .
LYMPHATIC eczema (according to the old terminology – limfatikohypoplastic diathesis) LYMPHATIC eczema (according to the old terminology – limfatikohypoplastic diathesis) - 5148548
-the inherited deficiency of lymphatic system associated with impaired
function of the thymus as the primary body to control the maturation of
- acute indigestion, caused by violation of the regime-feeding, overfeeding, the introduction of food, inadequate functionality of the gastrointestinal tract (eg, rapid transfer to artificial feeding), weaning in the summer, overheating.
- is related to foci of infection outside the gastrointestinal tract (respiratory infection, otitis media, urinary tract infection).
DYSPEPSIA Toxic - 514218821
- Severe acute indigestion, which proceeds with profound metabolic
DYSTONIA vegetovascular - 514218838
- often observed in prepubertal and pubertal periods. Contribute to the
emergence of chronic intoxication, fatigue, prolonged and significant
violations of the regime, lack of exercise, emotional stress. Of great
importance is genetic predisposition.
RESPIRATORY distress syndrome in neonates (respiratory distress
syndrome) - 5148284
- noninfectious disease processes in the lungs (pneumopathy), formed in the prenatal and early neonatal periods of child development and manifesting respiratory failure.
Neonatal jaundice - 4815457
- see also hemolytic disease of the newborn .
Croup FALSE - 5148523
- see constrictive laryngitis .
LEUKEMIA - 5481347
- see disease of the blood system .
Malabsorption syndrome - 4518999
- the syndrome of disturbed intestinal absorption through the mucous
membrane of the small intestine of one or more nutrients.
Cystic fibrosis - 9154321
- a serious hereditary disease, which is based on the defeat of exocrine
glands and elevated viscosity of the secrets that lead to the defeat of the
lung, pancreas and intestine, at least - of the liver and kidneys characterized by a significant increase in the concentration of chlorine and sodium in sweat of patients.
Jade HEREDITARY - 5854312
- etiology, pathogenesis is not understood. Suggest that the disease is
associated with a mutation of the gene controlling the synthesis of structural proteins of kidney tissue, as well as other organs.
Pyloric stenosis - 5154321
- see surgical diseases in childhood .
Pilorospazme - 5141482
- is characterized by the appearance of vomiting since birth, which is not
Small focal pneumonia - 4814489
- See Ch. Diseases of the respiratory system .
Pneumonia NEWBORN - 5151421
- inflammation in the lung tissue.
Chronic Pneumonia - 51421543
- chronic inflammation, which was formed in children based on congenital bronchopulmonary system and the inherited disease.
Polyarthritis chronic nonspecific (infektartrit) - 8,914,201
- see Rheumatoid Arthritis in Ch. Rheumatic disease .
- etiology is not known, and for the entire group of congenital malformations. Believe that a 3-8-week intrauterine any impacts with sufficient force factor (endogenous and exogenous) may cause disturbance in organogenesis of the heart. In this respect, the importance attached to the virus, particularly the causal organism of mumps and rubella. In some cases we establish the role of hereditary predisposition.
Rickets (hypovitaminosis D) - 5,481,232
- deficiency of vitamin D exogenous or endogenous origin. Pathogenesis see vitamin deficiency in Sec. Diseases of the digestive system .
VOMITING - 1454215
- particularly in children occurs frequently and appears more often than theless a child. In infants it is often due to overfeeding (habitual vomiting,
regurgitation). The most frequently vomiting accompanies febrile illness in children as young age and older (at least) of age. However, in the hectic period of vomiting may be caused not by illness, and inappropriate diet,medications (including antipyretics, sulfonamides, etc.).
Rheumatism - 5481543
- see rheumatism in ch. Rheumatic disease .
Neonatal sepsis - 4514821
- a serious disease caused by continuous or periodic flows of microorganisms in the blood of the foci of inflammation that is characterized by severe discrepancy between common disorders to local changes, and often the formation of new foci of inflammation
In various organs and tissues.
Spazmofilii - 5148999
- the disease in infants, characterized by a tendency to the tonic and klonikotonic convulsions due to hypocalcemia.
Staphylococcal infections - 5189542
- a group of acute and chronic infectious processes caused by staphylococci.
Stenosing laryngitis (croup syndrome) - 1,489,542
- an acute inflammation of the larynx, often breathtaking Troch and bronchi.
Subfebrilitet CHILDREN - 5128514
- poly etiology syndrome, as foci of chronic infection (chronic tonsillitis,
adenoids, etc.), and a number of chronically occurring diseases (tuberculosis intoxication, lymphoma, etc.).
Cramps - 51245424
- involuntary muscle contractions, sudden and different in intensity, duration and prevalence.
SUBSEPSIS ALLERGIC Wissler, Franconi - 5421238
- disease specific form of rheumatoid arthritis.
TOXIC SYNDROME (toxaemia with exsicosis) - 5148256
- severe general nonspecific response of the body a young child to hit him in the microbial toxins, viruses, poor-quality food.
Injured Intracranial LABOR - 518999981
- brain damage the child in childbirth, which is based on rupture of blood
vessels and intracranial hemorrhage.
- the total infectious disease caused by acid-fast bacilli, and the lungs,
intestines, bones, joints, skin, eyes, etc.
EARLY tuberculous intoxication - 1284345
- distinguish syndrome, which is characteristic for all types of tuberculosis, and as an independent form of the disease in children.
Phenylketonuria - 5148321
- a serious hereditary disease characterized primarily damage to the nervous system.
Phosphate-diabetes - 5148432
- dominant X-linked disease with a profound violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which can not eliminate the usual doses of vitamin D ("rickets resistant to vitamin D" - the name is not exact).
De Toni-Fanconi syndrome, Debra - 4514848
- the syndrome is also characterized by osteopathy rahitopodobnogo type, but unlike phosphate diabetes appears more severe general symptoms - malnutrition, reduced resistance to infection.
Celiac disease - 4154548
- is characterized by impaired intestinal absorption, sub-or atrophy of the
mucous membrane of jejunum.
Exudative enteropathy - 4548123
- heterogeneous group of diseases and pathological conditions characterized by increased loss of plasma proteins through the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms of malabsorption, hypoproteinemia, edema, delayed physical development.
This section provides the minimum information about the most important and dangerous surgical diseases of childhood.
Angioma - 4812599
- benign vascular tumor. Congenital malformation of blood vessels.
Appendicitis - 9999911
- the children has a more rapid increase in symptoms and a tendency towards the development of peritonitis.
Biliary atresia - 9191918
- congenital obstruction of the biliary tract.
Atresia of small intestine - 9188888
- complete obstruction of the small intestine of congenital nature.
Atresia and stenosis of duodenum - 5557777
- full or partial mechanical obstruction of the duodenum.
Atresia of anus and rectum - 6555557
- congenital absence of the anus and rectum.
Esophageal atresia - 8194321
- congenital obstruction of the esophagus.
Hernia umbilical cord FETAL - 5143248
- the defect of the anterior abdominal wall with protrusion of viscera into the stretched membrane at the base of the umbilical cord.
Diaphragmatic hernia - 5189412
- defect in the diaphragm, accompanied by the movement of bodies from the abdomen into the chest.
Meckel diverticulum - 4815475
- blind diverticulum wall of the small intestine, is the remnants of the vitelline duct, cleft of the intestine.
Intussusception - 5148231
- bowel obstruction caused by the introduction of one site in the intestine next, the most common form of intestinal obstruction in children.
Cephalhematoma - 48543214
- subperiosteal hematoma of the parietal bone of newborn children in the first months of life due to birth trauma.
- the source of bleeding can be a mucous membrane (diapedetic bleeding), erosions, ulcers, etc.
Cleft palate - 5151515
- congenital cleft palate.
- Damage to esophageal acid or alkali.
Osteomyelitis of the epiphyseal - 12345895
- osteomyelitis with the localization of purulent in the epiphysis.
Pyloric stenosis - 5154321
- pyloric obstruction, observed in children during the first months of life.
Sacrococcygeal teratoma REGION - 481543238
- a tumor that has a complex structure.
- sort of a purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue with a very rapid spread, melting fat, detachment and subsequent necrosis of the skin.
Anomalies of patrimonial activity - 14891543
- to their main species are the weakness of labor, excessively strong labor and diskoordinirovannuyu labor.
Asphyxia NEWBORN - 4812348
- is due to a decrease or cessation of oxygen intake to the accumulation in the blood of unoxidized products of metabolism.
- normal pregnancy lasts 280 days, ie 40 weeks. or 10 obstetric months,
counting from the first day of last menstrual period.
Ectopic Pregnancy (to restore health with ectopic pregnancy with
preservation of the fruit) - 4812311
- Implantation and development of the ovum occurs outside the uterus -
usually in the fallopian tube (99%).
Pregnancy and childbirth, the timing (for a normal pregnancy in normal terms) - 1888711.
To establish gestational age and date of birth using information about the time of the last menstrual period, date of the first fetal movements and the data of objective inspection pregnant.
Multiple pregnancy (simultaneous development of two or more fetuses) -123457854.
Pregnancy, Prolonged - 5142148
- the continuation of pregnancy 41-42 weeks.
BREAST DISEASES (hypogalactition) - 48123147
- insufficient production of milk.
Bleeding (OBSTETRIC) - 4814821
- bleeding in the postpartum period, and bleeding in the early postpartum
Polyhydramnios - 5123481
- excessive accumulation of amniotic cavity amniotic fluid (more than 2 liters). Reasons not been adequately studied.
физиопсихопрофилактическая preparation for childbirth pregnant - a
system of measures aimed at eliminating negative emotions, upbringing
positive conditioned reflex connections, removal of the pregnant fear of
childbirth and generic pain, involving them to actively participate in the act of giving birth.
The umbilical cord NEWBORN - 0123455
- umbilical wound is often a gateway infection. Development of infection may result in sepsis. When handling a newborn umbilical especially strictly monitor the implementation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
Postnatal NORMAL (continued 6-8 weeks.) - 12891451.
Postnatal PATHOLOGICAL - 41854218
- Delay postpartum discharge (lohiometra) arises in the bend of the uterus posteriorly (with prolonged bed rest) and slow its decline.
Praevia and fall CORD - 1485432
- occur in the absence of the contact zone (lateral position of the fetus,
breech it, narrow pelvis).
Placenta praevia - 1481855
- the location of its front presenting part of the fetus.
Abruptio placenta - 1111155.
Causes: disease of the mother (severe forms of late toxicosis, hypertension, nephritis, etc.), inflammatory and degenerative changes in the uterus, placenta degenerative changes (prolongation of pregnancy, hypovitaminosis), overdistension of the uterus (polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, large fruit).
Premature birth - 1284321.
Preterm birth occur between 28 th and 39 th weeks of pregnancy.
Hydatidiform mole - 4121543
- a kind of change in the chorion, reflected in a sharp increase in the size of the villi, which are formed during puzyrkoobraznye expansion.
Breaks of GENITAL - 148543291
- breaks the external genitalia of the labia minora, the external opening of the mucous membrane of urethra and clitoris, the latter often associated with significant bleeding.
Toxi cosi s pregnant - 1848542
- toxicosis (vomiting, drooling, dermatitis, asthma, jaundice, pregnancy,
hydrocephalus, etc.) occur during pregnancy and usually stop after
Narrow pelvis - 2148543
- distinguish anatomically narrow pelvis and clinical (functional), narrow
ANATOMICAL narrow pelvis - 4812312
- at least one of the dimensions of the pelvis is reduced by 2 cm
CLINICALLY narrow pelvis - 4858543
- maybe with an anatomically narrow pelvis, as well as the normal size of the pelvis, but with a large fetus, abnormal insertion of the head and cephalic presentation (rear asynclitism, brow presentation, etc.).
EMBOLISM amniotic fluid - 5123412
- develops due to penetration into the bloodstream of mother amniotic fluid.
Adnexitis - 5143548
- see oophoritis , salpingitis .
Adrenogenital syndrome - 148542121
- is characterized by hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex and elevated levels of androgens in the body, causing virilization phenomena.
- painful menstruation.
Amenorrhea - 514354832
- absence of menses for 6 months. and more.
Anovulatory cycle - 4813542
- the menstrual cycle without ovulation and corpus luteum development, while maintaining regular bleeding.
Ovarian apoplexy - 1238543
- bleeding into the ovary, accompanied by its rupture and bleeding into the abdominal cavity.
Bartolini - 58143215
- inflammation of the large gland vestibule.
Beli - 5128999
- one of the most common symptoms of gynecologic diseases associated with quantitative or qualitative change in the genital secretions.
- the absence of the past 2 years or more pregnancies in women who are regularly sexually active without contraception.
Vaginitis (coleitis) - 5148533
- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina.
Vulva - 5185432
- inflammation of the vulva, often associated with vaginitis (see
vulvovaginitis ).
Vulvovaginitis - 5814513
- inflammation of the vagina and vulva.
Gonorrhea in Females - 5148314
- a venereal disease caused gonokkom.
Itching Vulva - 5414845
- refers to a precancerous disease vulva.
Ovarian Cyst - 5148538
- retention education arising from the accumulation of secretions in the preexisting ovarian cavity.
Cystoma OVARIAN - 58432143
- proliferating epithelial benign tumor.
Menopause. Climacteric neurosis - 4851548
- Menopause is caused by age-adjustment of the female body.
Coleitis - 5148533
- see vaginitis .
Kraurosis - 58143218
- precancerous vulvar expressed in dystrophic, atrophic and sclerotic skin changes.
UTERINE BLEEDING Dysfunctional - 4853541
- resulting from a violation of ovarian production of sex hormones.
Leukoplakia of the vulva, cervix - 5185321
- refers to a precancerous condition with a characteristic phenomenon of
hyper-and parakeratosis, with subsequent development of sclerotic process, the appearance on the external genitals and vaginal part of cervix whitish spots not removed with a cotton swab.
Myoma - 51843216
- a benign tumor originating from smooth muscle tissue.
Oophoritis - 5143548
- inflammation of the ovaries is often associated with inflammation of the
fallopian tubes (see salpingitis ).
LOWERED and falling uterus and vagina - 514832183
- most often in the elderly due to the transferred during childbirth trauma,
heavy physical work (hard work soon after giving birth), involutional
processes in the genital inherent in old age.
PARAMETERS - 5143215
- inflammation parauterine fiber.
Polyps BODY AND CERVICAL - 518999973
- abnormal proliferation of the glandular epithelium of the endometrium or
endocervix with chronic inflammatory process flowing.
Premenstrual Syndrome - 9917891
- the nervous breakdown, serdechnoso-sudistoy and endocrine systems in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
- cancer of the vulva - malignant epithelial tumor (less likely to develop from tsilindrokletochnogo epithelium).
Salpingitis - 5148914
- inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
SYNDROME SKLEROKISTOZNYH ovaries (Stein-Leventhal) - 518543248
- most often occur when the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary, adrenal hyperplasia, or primary ovarian lesion.
- is always a secondary disease, occurs when moving from the primary site of infection (lungs) by hematogenous or lymphatic vessels from the mesenteric lymph nodes and peritoneum.
Chorionepithelioma - 4854123
- a malignant tumor that develops from the chorionic elements.
- heterotopias endometrial tissues and organs, where it normally does not happen.
- inflammation of the lining of the uterus.
Endocervicitis - 4857148
- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal of uterus.
Cervical erosion - 54321459
- contribute to the emergence of eversion of the mucous membrane, rupture of the cervix in childbirth and abortion.
Brain abscesses - 1894811
- patchy accumulation of pus in the substance of the brain.
Cerebral aneurysms - 1485999
- local extension arterial trunk, often in the area of the brain arterial circle
(circle of Willis).
Arachnoiditis - 4567549
- serous inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord.
Asthenic syndrome - 1891013
- fatigue, exhaustion, weakening or loss of ability to great physical or mental stress.
Athetosis - 1454891
- slow "worm-like" tonic violent movement.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (motor neuron disease) - 5148910
- is steadily progressing spastic-atrophic paresis of limbs and bulbar disorders caused by selective destruction of both neurons kortikomuskulyarnogo way.
- an increase of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity.
Hepatolenticular disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) - 48,143,212
- an autosomal recessive disorder usually occurs between the ages of 10 to 35 years and is characterized by progressive involvement of the subcortical ganglia and liver.
Headache (tsefalgiya) - 4,818,543
- one of the most frequent symptom of various diseases.
Vertigo - 514854217
- feeling sick rotation of himself or surrounding objects, or a feeling of "falling through" the fall, the instability of the floor, leaving from under his feet.
- a group of diseases detected in newborns and emerging
neprogressiruyuschimi motor impairment.
Diencephalic (HYPOTHALAMIC) SYNDROME - 514,854,215
- a complex disorder that occurs in lesions of the hypothalamic region
STROKE BRAIN - 4818542
- acute cerebrovascular accident.
- severe circulatory problems in the spinal cord.
COMA - 1111012
- Unconsciousness due to dysfunction of the brainstem.
Meningitis - 51485431
- inflammation of the pia mater.
MYASTHENIA - 9987542
- chronic disease, the main manifestation of which is abnormal fatigue of
striated muscles.
Miele - 4891543
- inflammation of the spinal cord, usually an exciting white and gray matter, with a transverse myelitis lesion limited to a few segments.
Myelopathy - 51843219
- modular concept to refer to various chronic spinal cord lesions due to
pathological processes.
Migrainous neuralgia ("beam" headache) - 4851485
- paroxysms of severe pain in the temporo-orbital area, occurring as a series of painful attacks, repeated several times throughout the day.
Migraine (hemicrania) - 4831421
- Paroxysmal pain in one half of the head, often accompanied by nausea,
Miauton CONGENITAL TOMS - 4848514
- autosomal dominant disease characterized by a prolonged tonic muscle
spasms that occur after the initial voluntary movements.
Miauton Dystrophic KURSHMANNA Butt-Steinert - 481543244
- characterized by a combination of myotonia, muscular atrophy, and
endocrine disorders. Muscular atrophy affects mainly the face and neck.
Myotonic dystrophy, and often accompanied by cataracts, baldness, testicular atrophy, reduction in the blood of some gamma-globulins.
MONONEVROPATII (neuritis and neuralgia) - 4541421
- isolated lesions of individual nerve trunks.
Narcolepsy - 48543216
- paroxysms of irresistible sleepiness with short periods of normal sleep
regardless of the external situation.
Facial nerve neuropathy - 518999955
- otitis media, a fracture of the temporal bone, cerebellopontine angle tumor.
Trigeminal neuralgia - 5148485
- a syndrome of paroxysmal, often exacerbated by pain along the branches of the trigeminal nerve.
- Rheumatism elements of the nervous system.
Neurosyphilis - 5482148
- syphilitic affection of the nervous system.
Fainting (syncope) - 4,854,548
- a sudden loss of consciousness caused by transient cerebral ischemia. The most mild form of acute circulatory failure.
Shingles - 51454322
- viral infection of spinal ganglia, which is manifested by pains and skin
eruptions on the level of destruction.
BRAIN TUMOR - 5451214
- neoplastic processes that reduce the volume of the skull and leading to
increased intracranial pressure.
- accounted for 20% of all tumors of the CNS. Isolated extramedullary and intramedullary tumors.
- mostly neurinomas, usually occur within the neurofibromatosis
Ophthalmoplegia - 4848532
- paralysis several external eye muscles, sometimes in conjunction with
paralysis of the sphincter pupil.
Parkinson's disease (shaking palsy) - 5,481,421
- a chronic disease caused by a violation of catecholamine metabolism in
basal ganglia manifested by depletion and movements, tremors and muscle rigidity.
FAMILY PERIODIC PARALYSIS (familial paroxysmal mioplegii) -
- an inherited disease characterized by sudden attacks of the advancing
transient flaccid paralysis of the limbs.
Peroneal amyotrophy Charcot-Marie (neural amyotrophy of CharcotMarie) - 4,814,512
-a hereditary disease, which manifests itself slowly progressive atrophy
and weakness of distal leg.
POLYNEUROPATHY (polyneuritis) - 4838514
- the simultaneous failure of many peripheral nerves, manifested by
symmetrical flaccid paralysis and sensory disorders, predominantly in the
distal extremities, with lesions in some cases, and cranial nerves.
POLIRADIKULONEVROPATIYA Demyelinating Guillain-Barre - 4548128
- selective demyelination of the roots of the spinal cord, apparently
autoimmune nature.
Acute Poliomyelitis Epidemic (acute anterior poliomyelitis, Medin's
disease, childhood spinal paralysis) - 2,223,214
- an acute viral disease caused by lesion of anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and motor nuclei of cranial nerves, leading to the development of
flaccid paralysis with areflexia and muscle atrophy.
- headaches and meningism phenomena occurring after lumbar puncture.
Progressive muscular dystrophy - 85432183
- Essential progressive degeneration of muscle tissue, which arises out of any damage to the nervous system and leads to severe atrophy and weakness of certain muscle groups.
Sleep disorders - 514248538
- sleep disturbances, accompanied by hypersomnia - see narcolepsy ,
depending on the reasons for their contributing divided into two groups.
Radiculopathy Discogenic ("banal radiculitis) - 5481321
- pain, motor and autonomic disturbances caused by the defeat of roots of the spinal cord as a result of osteochondrosis.
- remitting disease of the nervous system caused by the appearance of
scattered brain and spinal cord lesions of demyelination, which will eventually either disappear or are replaced glioznymi scars (plaques).
Syringomyelia - 1777771
- a chronic disease characterized by the formation of cavities in the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, which leads to the development of extensive areas of loss of pain and temperature sensitivity.
Spinal amyotrophy - 5483312
- a group of inherited chronic disease characterized by progressive atrophic paresis caused by the defeat of the anterior horns of the spinal cord.
TREMOR - 3148567
- a series of involuntary, rhythmic movements with respect to body parts,
arising from the successive contractions of agonists and antagonist muscles.
FAKOMATOZY - 5142314
- a group of genetically determined diseases in which nerve damage is
combined with the skin or chorioretinal angiomatosis.
FUNIKULYARNY myelosis (combined sclerosis) - 518543251
- subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord lesion of posterior and
lateral cord.
CHOREA - 4831485
- hyperkinesis, characterized by scattered erratic twitching limbs (especially the upper), trunk and face.
Traumatic Brain Injury - 51843213
- mechanical trauma of the skull causes compression of the (transient or
permanent) of brain tissue.
Adie syndrome - 18543211
- a special form of destruction of innervation of the pupil in the form of
unilateral mydriasis with loss of pupil response to light and pupillotoniey.
- a group of diseases characterized by inflammation of brain substance
caused by neurotropic viruses.
EPIDURIT (epidural abscess) - 888888149
- accumulation of pus in the epidural spinal cord tissue.
Alcoholism - 148543292
- a disease that develops in chronic ethanol intoxication, expressed craving for drink, the uncontrolled abuse, withdrawal (hangover) syndrome, mental disorder, somatic and neurological disorders, falling health and social decline.
Amnestic (Korsakov) SYNDROME - 4185432
- psychopathological symptom, which occupy a leading position memory
disorders to current events.
Affective syndromes - 548142182
- include polar disorder - depression and mania. Distinguished: depressive syndrome characterized by painful low mood, sadness, sometimes accompanied by a physically painful sensation of pressure in the chest, intellectual and motor retardation, manic syndrome is characterized by painful elevated mood, combined with the unfounded optimism.
Delusional syndromes - 8142351
- nonsense - it is objectively false, absolutely nekorrigiruemoe caused painful reasons for judgments arising without adequate provocation.
Hallucinatory Syndrome (hallucinosis) - 4815428
- the state is determined in a sufficiently long time, lots of hallucinations and events occur without impaired consciousness.
DEFECT Psychic - 8885512
- deficient (negative) state - a painful process due to loss of certain mental functions due to dissociation (disintegration of the integrative activity) of the CNS.
Intoxication psychosis - 1142351
- result from acute or chronic poisoning of industrial or food poisons,
chemicals used in everyday life, drugs, drugs.
Hysterical syndromes - 5154891
- most often occur in extremes or conflict situations.
Catatonic syndromes - 51843214
- proceed with the prevalence of violations of the motor sphere, include
catatonic stupor and excitement often replace each other.
Manic-depressive psychosis (MDP) (intermittent insanity, cyclophrenia) - 514,218,857
- a disease manifested by recurring manic and depressive states (phases) are usually separated by intermission.
Compulsive disorder - 8142543
- characterized by involuntary and irresistible appearance of thoughts, ideas, doubts, fears, drives, motor acts.
Addiction (Substance Abuse) - 5333353
- the diseases that develop in the substance abuse and expressed a craving for these substances, growing uncontrolled abuse, withdrawal syndrome, social decline.
NEUROSIS - 48154211
- one of the most common types of psychogenic reactions.
NEGATIVE (defective) CONDITION - 5418538
- A wide range of deficit moloobratimyh changes, manifested a weakening of mental activity, cognitive processes, depletion of emotional life.
Oligophrenia (dementia) - 1857422
- innate or early dementia, manifested in the underdevelopment of the
intellect and psyche as a whole.
Dizziness - 4518533
- psychopathological syndromes, disorders of objective consciousness and identity.
PRESENIALNYE (presenile, involutional) psychosis - 18,543,219
- a group of mental illnesses, manifested in the age of reverse development (45-60 years), occurring either in the form of depression (involutional melancholia) or a delusional paranoid psychosis or paraphrenic structure (involutional paranoid).
Paralysis - 512143223
- diffuse syphilitic meningoencephalitis, which is manifested
psychopathological and neurological disorders, and ending with a profound dementia.
Psychoorganic syndrome - 51843212
- a state of mental weakness caused by organic brain damage.
Psychopathy - 4182546
- persistent innate idiosyncrasy of personality, preventing the full adaptation to the environment.
Reactive psychosis - 0101255
- the bond of the disease to trauma to the content of the psychopathological formations traumatic factors, the disappearance of the painful phenomena after the elimination of their causes.
Overvalued IDEAS SYNDROME - 148454283
- a pathological condition characterized arising from the actual circumstances of persistent affective painted ideas, prevailing over all other representations.
Senestopathic-hypochondriasis - 1488588
- hypochondria appears excessive attention to their health concern, even a slight indisposition, or conviction of a serious illness.
Senile psychosis - 481854383
- occur in old age, they include senile dementia and other senile psychosis.
SYMPTOMATIC psychosis - 8148581
- includes mental disorders arising from internal diseases, infectious
diseases, endocrinopathy.
- diseases caused by use of various substances that cause intoxication.
- includes a range of morphological, neurological and psychiatric disorders occurring in late and late periods of cranio-cerebral trauma.
Schizophrenia - 1858541
- progressive current disease process characterized by incremental changes in personality.
EPILEPSY - 1484855
- chronic neuro-psychiatric disorder characterized by recurrent seizures and is accompanied by a variety of clinical and laboratory symptoms.