Correlation of geomagnetic anomalies recorded at Muntele Rosu
Seismic Observatory (Romania) with earthquake occurrence
and solar magnetic storms
Iren A. Moldovan1,*, Anica Otilia Placinta1
, Angela Petruta Constantin1
, Adrian Septimiu Moldovan2
Constantin Ionescu1
National Institute for Earth Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
Azel Designing Group S.R.L., Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
Figure 3. Kp indices of January 6, 7, 1998, reveal a magnetic storm. Two days later, on January 10, 1998, a step-change of Bz and By occurred. The By component
developed a V-shaped anomaly with a duration of 4 days.
An earthquake with magnitude Mw 4.0 (h = 143 km) occurred at the end of this anomaly=D>
5. Conclusions
"The main purpose of the present study was to evaluate
the data obtained after 15 years of geomagnetic
surveillance, to obtain more robust conclusions on the
nature of various irregularities in the geomagnetic field
variations. The present study reveals some issues regarding
the interpretation of the geomagnetic activity within the
Vrancea seismic zone prior to earthquakes with Mw >3.0
[Enescu et al. 1998, 1999a,b, 2001].
Some geomagnetic
anomalies identified and presented as precursory signals are
seen to be induced either by increased solar activity (as the
Kp index demonstrates) or by dysfunction of the data
acquisition system, which produced inconsistent data with
numerous gaps. The first part of our study demonstrates
that the previously reported precursory anomalies were
insufficiently investigated, which led to some regrettable
misinterpretations. In our opinion, more careful
approaches in the future will be beneficial for these kinds of
Ceea ce era de demonstrat.