Iata un pasaj din " Recipe for a Nation " aflat la sfirsitul carti si web-site , in eseul Advanced Alien Super Specie Assay , va rog sa cititi http://recipeforanation.wordpress.com
" ... But for the subject of Alien Species all we need to realize so far is the Time Scale , the fact that the Universe is Eternal in both directions , past and future .
This has deep implications in what is possible to happened in the Universe including the famous ( quirky ) description of infinity : “ in an infinite time frame a monkey typing at random will eventually write all Shakespeare’s plays “ . Indeed , at such time scale it’s not the meaning of what the monkey types but simply the coverage of All possible letters combinations on a few pages .
Eternity also means that all possible combinations and physical location of all subparticles and atoms ( just like the letters on the pages typed by the monkey ) have already happened !
In other words Eternity allowed for all possible Events in a given place in the Universe ( like in the space occupied presently by our local galaxy ) to take place already which means that right now we live a … repeat of those possibilities , a repeat of the past .
But with one twist : only intelligent species can interfere with the natural combinations and possible arrangements of atoms/particles in a given space , to the effect that intelligence can alter the future by changing what is possible just naturally .
This also means that in any given corner of the Universe there was enough time to allow for an intelligent specie to evolve , survive and achieve what is described in the Recipe for a Nation , and much , much more , altering the ( local ) Universe and it’s future …
But how much more ? And what type of specie(s) are we talking about , ‘good’ or ‘bad’ ? That’s the real question we have to worry about !
Because a bad specie could deny for ever the rise of a good specie in the neighbourhood … with direct impact for any emerging primitive intelligent species like us in its vicinity …
So let’s use our collective imagination to try comprehending how much such a specie can achieve once it’s safe outside of its original galaxy and therefore survival is not an issue any longer , the scenario Daniel in the Recipe envisioned.
For starters , by then , they should have Perpetual life and full Nano technology . They should understand the Universe to a ‘T’ , use and control gravity , be able to spin quiescent dark mater and therefore not just generate regular mater and energy as we know it but rejuvenate their own atoms/subparticles to make them truly immortal .
They should be able to listen and send vibrations ( signals ) using the quiescent dark mater , as it is described in the Recipe , and therefore be aware of Anything and Anybody in the entire infinite Universe including your own thoughts and … dreams .
And , finally , they should become integrated with computing devices that will make them became the actual software , a feat that will bring them in the position to … not need any longer their own brains …
But wait , as they advanced step by step over millennia , what about Pleasure , Excitement , Entertainment , Love and the avoidance of being
Bored ?
Right , take a moment and ponder : you are 500,000 years old or more ( maybe five million years old ) , part of a specie that achieved God like powers through science , you have nothing to worry about , so what do you do for Pleasure and Entertainment all day long ??
At this point of our analysis is time to discern between a ‘good’ and a ‘bad’ specie yet understanding that it is the only difference , as huge as it may be , since both types enjoy equal technological powers .
What do you think , look at Earth , are we under a good or bad specie control ?
The conclusion is obvious , no ‘good’ super advanced alien specie would tolerate ‘bad’ or an evil Elite anywhere in the space , galaxies , controlled by that specie . Hence , obviously , considering our past and present misery , we can state with Confidence , unfortunately , that :
a) either there is no alien specie looking over us
b) or , for sure , there is no ‘good’ specie in the neighbourhood , therefore , maybe , …
c) a ‘bad’ specie must be present , controlling us .
Va rog sa cititi si sa Traduceci recipe for a Nation , a Romanian Affair ; Reteta pentru o Natiune , actiune , scrisa in Engleza , se petrece in Romania !!
" ... But for the subject of Alien Species all we need to realize so far is the Time Scale , the fact that the Universe is Eternal in both directions , past and future .
This has deep implications in what is possible to happened in the Universe including the famous ( quirky ) description of infinity : “ in an infinite time frame a monkey typing at random will eventually write all Shakespeare’s plays “ . Indeed , at such time scale it’s not the meaning of what the monkey types but simply the coverage of All possible letters combinations on a few pages .
Eternity also means that all possible combinations and physical location of all subparticles and atoms ( just like the letters on the pages typed by the monkey ) have already happened !
In other words Eternity allowed for all possible Events in a given place in the Universe ( like in the space occupied presently by our local galaxy ) to take place already which means that right now we live a … repeat of those possibilities , a repeat of the past .
But with one twist : only intelligent species can interfere with the natural combinations and possible arrangements of atoms/particles in a given space , to the effect that intelligence can alter the future by changing what is possible just naturally .
This also means that in any given corner of the Universe there was enough time to allow for an intelligent specie to evolve , survive and achieve what is described in the Recipe for a Nation , and much , much more , altering the ( local ) Universe and it’s future …
But how much more ? And what type of specie(s) are we talking about , ‘good’ or ‘bad’ ? That’s the real question we have to worry about !
Because a bad specie could deny for ever the rise of a good specie in the neighbourhood … with direct impact for any emerging primitive intelligent species like us in its vicinity …
So let’s use our collective imagination to try comprehending how much such a specie can achieve once it’s safe outside of its original galaxy and therefore survival is not an issue any longer , the scenario Daniel in the Recipe envisioned.
For starters , by then , they should have Perpetual life and full Nano technology . They should understand the Universe to a ‘T’ , use and control gravity , be able to spin quiescent dark mater and therefore not just generate regular mater and energy as we know it but rejuvenate their own atoms/subparticles to make them truly immortal .
They should be able to listen and send vibrations ( signals ) using the quiescent dark mater , as it is described in the Recipe , and therefore be aware of Anything and Anybody in the entire infinite Universe including your own thoughts and … dreams .
And , finally , they should become integrated with computing devices that will make them became the actual software , a feat that will bring them in the position to … not need any longer their own brains …
But wait , as they advanced step by step over millennia , what about Pleasure , Excitement , Entertainment , Love and the avoidance of being
Bored ?
Right , take a moment and ponder : you are 500,000 years old or more ( maybe five million years old ) , part of a specie that achieved God like powers through science , you have nothing to worry about , so what do you do for Pleasure and Entertainment all day long ??
At this point of our analysis is time to discern between a ‘good’ and a ‘bad’ specie yet understanding that it is the only difference , as huge as it may be , since both types enjoy equal technological powers .
What do you think , look at Earth , are we under a good or bad specie control ?
The conclusion is obvious , no ‘good’ super advanced alien specie would tolerate ‘bad’ or an evil Elite anywhere in the space , galaxies , controlled by that specie . Hence , obviously , considering our past and present misery , we can state with Confidence , unfortunately , that :
a) either there is no alien specie looking over us
b) or , for sure , there is no ‘good’ specie in the neighbourhood , therefore , maybe , …
c) a ‘bad’ specie must be present , controlling us .
Va rog sa cititi si sa Traduceci recipe for a Nation , a Romanian Affair ; Reteta pentru o Natiune , actiune , scrisa in Engleza , se petrece in Romania !!