• Forumul vechi a fost pierdut. Nu mai putem recupera continutul vechi. Va invitam sa va inregistrati pentru a reface comunitatea noastra!

Spune ce este si mergi mai departe ........


praf de pusca? desi cam marisor :D: pare ceva granulat
Praf de pusca este.
Anuk, baga mare.

PS A derutat titlul pozei, cu musuroiul de furnici, nu? :D


Ia sa vedem :P
Daca nu ma inseala memoria, este o tentativa de perpetum mobile de prin perioada renasterii.
One of the greatest inventions of the medieval world was the mechanical clock. The difficulty in inventing a mechanical clock was to figure out a way in which a wheel no bigger than a room could turn at the same speed as the Earth, but still be turning more or less continuously. If this could be accomplished, then the wheel became a mini Earth and could tell the time.

Yi Xing, a Buddhist monk, made the first model of a mechanical clock in 725 AD. This clock operated by dripping water that powered a wheel which made one full revolution in 24 hours. An iron and bronze system of wheels and gears made the clock turn. This system caused the chiming of a bell on the hour.

Deci, pune poza .
Regula spune ca pune cine a ghicit ,deci....astept .
regula nu a fost intotdeauna respectata:P
n-am poza si nici timp sa caut.
cine are poza...si cine vrea,bineinteles,e invitata(invitatul)meu